When God created man, He had wanted man to reign on earth. When God created man, He had wanted man to rule over all His creations. When God created man, He had wanted man to enjoy all that God had created. When God created man, God had wanted to fellowship with man and wanted man to live forever!
Unfortunately, man believed in the satan's lie and forfeited the glory of God. With that one act, man had given up what was rightfully his. Man was cut of from God for there was sin in man.
God knew man would succumb to satan's lie and He had a masterplan to redeem all of mankind. God proclaimed that there will come a Seed of Eve that will crush the head of satan and restore man to the place as if he had not fallen.
Since then, satan was afraid of this Seed that will crush his head and destroy him completely. He was not aware of who the true Seed will be. As a result, he caused the elder son of Adam to kill the younger son of Adam for he thought that the younger of Adam was the Seed. He continued his plan of destruction to mankind especially to women for it will be a Seed of Eve that will crush him completely. He mastered the plan to completely corrupt mankind by sending fallen angels to cohabit with women and to produce giants so that the Seed will also be corrupted, i.e. the Seed's blood was to be tainted with sin.
God already knew the devil's plan and to preserve mankind, He caused the flood to come over all the earth and preserve the lives of Noah and his wife and his three sons and his three daughter-in-laws for they were the only ones that were fully human. When the flood had completely subsided, God proclaimed that He will never flood the earth again.
The devil heard the proclamation and continued his plan of corrupting mankind. He continued his plan of destruction for he knew not who the Seed was.
Then one day, God proclaimed that Abraham's Seed will destroy satan. As a result of that, satan tried to get other men to sleep with Sarah. However, satan's plan was once again destroyed by God for God foreknew all satan's plans and God is always ahead of the devil. God raised a group of people to destroy all the that the devil had created and this group of people was later known as Israelis.
However, the Israelis didn't and couldn't completely destroy all that the devil had created. Finally come the time for the Seed to be born.
More than two thousand years ago, a baby boy was born from a virgin Mary. He was born to die for all mankind for He is the kinsmen Redeemer. On that night, Jesus was born, the Saviour of the world. He was born to redeem mankind from all his sins. He was born to completely destroy all that the devil had created, pain, diseases, sorrows, and death. That day that Jesus was born is now known as Christmas day.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
The Christmas Story
Posted by
Caleb Teo
9:47 AM
Labels: Abraham, Christmas, God, Israelis, Jesus, kinsmen Redeemer, Seed
Monday, December 1, 2008
Jesus had done it all
What exactly did Jesus do when He was crucified at the cross?
Because of our sins, Jesus had willingly taken our place at the cross to take all of God's punishment. He had taken all God's wrath at the cross on our behalf. He had divinely exchanged His position of righteousness for our position of sin. He had qualified us to be seated at the right hand of God. He had given us the victory ground.
Jesus had borne our mental suffering at the garden of Gethsemane. He sweat blood so that we will have His peace of mind. So that we will have clarity of thought. So that we shall not be stressed for He had borne the stress of the mind on our behalf. When the crown of thorns was pressed unto His head, Jesus had redeemed us from painful thought.
Jesus was striped 39 times on our behalf. At the cross, He was burnt by God's wrath. And He was pierced on His side. All these were done so that we can be the healed of the Lord. All these were done so that no weapon formed against us shall prosper. All these were done so that we can have robust health.
At the cross, Jesus was devoided of all material possession. Even His robe of righteousness was gambled at the foot of the cross. By His grace, though He was rich yet He was made poor at the cross so that we through His poverty shall be made rich. So that we can enjoy all material blessings. So that we lack nothing in our life time.
His precious blood was shed to establish a new covenant: a covenant where God is our God and our lawless and sinful deeds He shall remember no more. With this new covenant, we are drafted into the Kingdom of God. We are sons and daughters of the most high God. We can have every blessing that God had bestowed upon us. We shall be blessed, favoured and loved by Abba Father.
Jesus had redeemed us from the curse of the law by hanging on calvary tree. He had taken away all curses that we rightfully deserved. We are no longer under the curse and therefore we can be free. We can enjoy all the blessings that God has for us. We can live lives victoriously for what Jesus had accomplished. We can reign in life because of Jesus' finished work at the cross. Hallelujah!
Posted by
Caleb Teo
11:31 PM
Labels: blessings, cross, God, health, Jesus, Lord, peace, righteousness
Friday, November 28, 2008
The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not be in want.
Jesus is the all providing Shepherd. He had already provisioned all things that we need in our lives. At the cross, He had borne all our sins so that we can be made righteous before God. He was striped, pierced, and burnt on our behalf so that we can have robust health. At the cross, He was stripped of all material possessions so that we are made rich in all things.
The bible also says that the Lamb was slain before the foundation of the earth. Jesus knew He was going to be the sacrificial Lamb on the cross, for cursed is anyone who is hanged by a tree. Christ was resurrected on the third day after His crucifixion. Together with Christ, Christians are also resurrected in the spirit. The resurrected life of Christ now dwells in every Christian.
The resurrected life of Christ gives us His shalom peace. It gives us joy in the Holy Spirit. Christian can rejoice for the good that Christ had done. Long before we face a challenge, Jesus had already implemented a way for us to be victorious. He will always make a way of escape in our trials for He had completely completed the work at the cross.
The word of Christ says that He will prepare a table for us in the battle field. During the olden days in the old testament, a blood covenant was cut between two persons. When one is in trouble, the other one will step in to rescue the one in trouble. When Jesus lays a table for a Christian in a battle field, He is telling the enemies to flee as He is the other covenant party in the blood covenant.
Jesus will always lead us to victory. He will never put a Christian, whose trust is in Him, to shame. He will never play a Christian out. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is the all providing Shepherd. In Him, I shall not lack. Hallelujah.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Blessings out of your wrong doings
When we do right, we usually have no issue believing God for blessings. However, we find it hard to believe God for His blessings when we do something wrong. This is not the God of the bible. Abba Father loves us regardless of our actions. Don't get me wrong here that we should just go about doing wrong things and not behaving the way we should. When we believe right, we will live right.
God's love for us is based on Jesus' finished work at the cross. His work is so completely complete that He had taken all the punishments for our sins. He had exchanged His righteous position for our sinful nature. At the cross, all our sins had been forgiven and the bible says that God shall remember our sins no more. This should give us the confidence to go to the throne of grace in time of need. The more of grace we see in Jesus, the more we will not want to sin.
There are many stories in the bible that tells us how God blesses a person even out of his or her wrong doings. For example, Abraham lied about his wife Sarah been his sister twice and yet God blessed Abraham with plenty of sheep and oxen and servants. Sarah commanded Abraham to sleep with her maid Haggai and a son was born. Years later, Isaac was born to Sarah and Abraham. Jacob lied to his father Isaac to obtain the firstborn blessing though he was the second son. God blessed Jacob with all things and even changed his name to Israel. Job was blessed doubled for all the troubles he went through. He was too proud to recognise his own sins in the first.
As beloved of the most high God, we can expect blessings from God out of our troubles even though they were our own doings. If we had lost money because of greed, God can still load us with his financial blessings. If we are suffering from some forms of illness because we had abused our bodies, God can and will heal us completely of that illness. If we had neglected our loved ones while we were young, God wants to mend that relationship.
God is a good God. We don't have to beg him for blessings for He had displayed His love for us at the cross so that we will lack nothing in our lives while on earth. He wants to bless us so much that we can be a blessing every where we go. Trust in His love for us. Believe in Jesus' finished work. Hallelujah.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
God's lavish love
God is love. For God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus, to die for the world at the cross.
God loves us so much that mere words will never be enough to describe this marvelous love. The bible says God is love. He loves us more than we love ourselves. He is more than willing to come into our very dire situation to turn thing around for our good. He will continue to bless us inspite of our behaviour for it is Jesus' obedience that had completely satisfied God. He will bless us even if we were the ones that got ourselves into a pit.
In the story of the prodigal son, the father is constantly waiting for his second son to come home. The moment he saw his second son from afar, he immediately ran toward this son of his and hugged him and kissed him. Before the son can complete his rehearsed speech, the father commanded his servant to bring forth the best robe and put it on this son. He also commanded that a ring be put onto the son's finger and that sandals be put on the son's feets. He also commanded that a fatted calf be killed for the "homecoming" party.
The father didn't reprimand his second son for what he had done but was full of joy now that the son had come home. Our daddy God is also full of joy when a sinner is saved. The bible says that heaven rejoices over one sinner saved. Daddy God is always looking forward to the homecoming of sinners into His kingdom when they accept Jesus as Lord. Never doubt God's love in our lives for He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Hallelujah.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Many a times we will "faith" for a certain manifestation in certain area of our lives. Be it in the area of financial breakthrough. Or be it in the area of health. Or be it in the area of relationship.
However, the bible says that we are to have faith for one thing only: faith for righteousness. We are to believe by Jesus' finished work at the cross, we are made the righteousness of God in Christ. We can go to the throne of grace anytime when we want to. We can talk to Abba Father anytime of the day, for He loves to commune with us all day long.
The devil will take advantage of every situation to accuse us. For instance he will accuse us for spending too much time at the office and thereby neglecting our loved ones at home. He will accuse us for not taking good care of our health, if and when we fell sick. He will accuse us, if and when we fail to deliver our project on time. He will set fire under us everytime he has the opportunity to. He will try to deceive us of our right standing with God. He will try to convince us to focus on legit issues instead of focusing on God's provision.
Be steadfast in God's love. Be conscious of our right standing with Him. Believe that God has already given us His solution long before we experience any challenging situation. Trust in Jesus' finished work at the cross. Hallelujah.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Jesus is my all in all
When God sent His only begotten Son, Jesus to die on the cross, He had sent the One who is the most precious in God's eyes. The bible says that we are in Christ and Christ is in us, sinners who were saved by Jesus. We are seated at the right of God for we are in Christ. Hallelujah! If you we can fully comprehend what it means to be in Christ and Christ in me.
God had given Jesus to us to die on the cross. With Him, God had given all the provisions that we need. Jesus had bore all our diseases and illnesses so that we, sons and daughters of God, will and "having" divine health. We can proclaim wholeness into our lives for our speech has power. The bible says that death and life are in the power of the tongue. The more we proclaim health and wholeness into our lives, the more we will see health and wholeness in our lives. Proclaim good and we will see good.
Jesus was made poor at the cross so that we through His poverty will be made rich. If we are going through some dire situations in the area of finances, trust Jesus for His provision in that area. He is already working behind the scene to turn things around for our own good. He had already provided everything from the foundation of the earth. He is the answer. Our job is to believe Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith.
Trust in our loving Abba Father. Believe in the willing Son. Allow the Holy Spirit to work mightily in us. To lead us, always, into victorious situations. To guide us in our path of righteousness. To quicken our mortal bodies so that our youth is been renewed like the eagle's. Hallelujah.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
2:35 PM
Labels: Christ, conscious. cross, Holy Spirit, Jesus, righteousness, Son
Monday, October 27, 2008
Family relationship with God
God wants to have a family relationship with us. That's probably the relationship He treasures the most in the new covenant for we are called sons and daughters the moment we believe in Jesus and His finished work at the cross and His resurrection on the third day.
In the natural, we treasure family relationship the most. Have we hear of a dying man at his bed lamenting on his missed opportunities at work? Have we hear a man at his final hour on earth talking about the top prize toto which he should have bought? How often do we hear of people longing to see certain son or daughter because he or she is overseas? How often do we hear of a patriarch figure wishing to mend his relationship with his prodigal son at his death bed?
Abba Father wants us, sons and daughters of the most high God, to have an intimate family relationship with Him. He is so rich that He wants to lavish His love and riches on His sons and daughters. He is more than able to meet all our needs and much more. He is more than willing to come to our level of faith to see us through our challenging situation. He is El Shaddai! He wants all His sons and daughters to be abundantly provided for.
Trust in His fatherly love towards us. He had given us Jesus, what more will He, with Jesus, not give us? Lean on His love for us. Hallelujah!
Posted by
Caleb Teo
10:06 PM
Labels: Abba Father, El Shaddai, God, Jesus, love, resurrection
Only Jesus had died for me
Some 2000 years ago, a lone solitary figure was crucified on the cross. He was there because of my sins. He was there to take my place of punishment so that I could take His place of righteousness. His name is Jesus.
Only Jesus' sacrifice was needed and the only sacrifice that was completely complete. No other sacrifices can make it: God is not satisfied with those sacrifices. In the old testament, children of Israel will sacrifice bulls and sheeps to atone for their sins yearly. Jesus' one sacrifice is all that is needed. His one sacrifice fully satisfied God.
His death at the cross had made me righteous. His death had made me rich and healthy. He had bequeathed His Shalom peace to me when He ascended to Heaven. His words tell me not to worry about what to eat and drink and what to put on. The bible tells me not to worry about tomorrow but to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.
Trust in His finished work at the cross. Believe in His unfailing love for me. Do not doubt His word. Give praise to Him and worship Him every moment that I am conscious of His presense. Give thanks to Him for the completed work.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Jesus is our all in all
Greater is He who is in me than he who is of the world. The Holy Spirit dwells within me as a proof of Jesus' finished work at the cross. With that ONE sacrificial act some 2000 years ago, all my sins are been forgiven. I have been made righteousness of God in Christ.
When God sent His only begotten Son, Jesus to die on the cross, He had sent the One who is the most precious in God's eyes. The bible says that we are in Christ and Christ is in us, sinners who were saved by Jesus. We are seated at the right of God for we are in Christ. Hallelujah! If you we can fully comprehend what it means to be in Christ and Christ in me.
God had given Jesus to us to die on the cross. With Him, God had given all the provisions that we need. Jesus had bore all our diseases and illnesses so that we, sons and daughters of God, will have divine health. We can proclaim wholeness into our lives for our speech has power. The bible says that death and life are in the power of the tongue.
Are we lacking in our finances? Jesus was made poor at the cross so that we through His poverty will be made rich. As beloveds of God, we are already abundantly supplied in Christ. Look to Jesus for our material providence. He will & is turning our situations for our good. He is blessing us richly all things to enjoy!
Whatever we need, Jesus is the answer. He is our very present help in times of need. Trust in His unfailing love for us.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
2:16 PM
Labels: Christ, cross, God, hallelujah, health, Jesus, Son, wholeness
Remember Jesus
The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not be in want.
The night before the children of Israel left Egypt they partook the roasted lamb that was slain earlier. They are to burn every part of it. They shall eat the whole lamb & burnt whatever that was left. That was the Passover feast.
The Passover feast signified the death of Jesus at the cross. Jesus bore the wrath of God at the cross so that He can divinely exchange His position of righteousness for our position of sin.
The bible says that when the children of Israel Eygpt, there were none feeble & none sick. They were all healthy & whole, both young & old. They were very rich as well because of the favour of God. But why did the children of Israel had to bring along their staffs?
It is a picture for us to remember Jesus at the cross. A reminder of Jesus' finished work at the cross. As beloveds of the most high God, we remember the finished work of Jesus at the cross by partaking the Holy Communion. Be conscious of Jesus' finished work at the cross constantly & see the working miracles of God. Hallelujah!
Monday, October 13, 2008
God counts the number of your hair on your head
God is always looking out for His children and His people. He showed His love for the world by sending His only begotten Son, Jesus, to be crucified at the cross. Through that ONE sacrifice, all our sins are forgiven and whoever accepts the gift of salvation is made righteous. Whoever accepts the Son can go to the Father directly in his/her prayer. He/she can talk to Abba Father directly.
There were many instances in the bible where God's love was manifested in the natural. After God created Adam and Eve, He didn't just leave them and let them be. He came, daily, in the evening to commune with them. God came to talk to them like a caring Father would do.
When Joshua took over the reign from Moses, he was apprehensive about undertaking the leadership position to lead the children into the promised land. Before they came to the wall of Jericho, God appeared as an Angel with a sword in His right hand to assure Joshua that God was with him and His people.
When Jesus was walking on earth, He set a man who was demons possessed free where no man dare come near the man. Jesus touched the leper who was probably devoid of human touch when He healed him. He even raised Jairus' daughter who was dead and commanded that food be given to the girl. Jesus went about healing and doing good.
Whatever we are facing today, knows that God is with us and He is doing mighty things behind the scene for our own good. Just trust in His love for us for He loves us more than we can love ourselves. Hallelujah.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
1:25 PM
Labels: Abba Father, Adam, Angel, commune, Eve, God, Jairus, Jericho, Joshua, leadership, Moses
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
God is awesome to be praised
In everything, give thanks to the Lord. Praise Him & worship Him for He is good
In the beginning, God created Adam & Eve & blessed them to have dominion over the earth. However, Adam committed high trisome & forfeited the glory of God through the trickery of satan. This didn't catch God by surprise for He already had a masteplan of redemption by the sacrificial work of Jesus at the cross. God is always ahead of what satan is trying to do.
When God asked Abraham to sacrifice his only begotten son Isaac, God had already provided the lamb for the sacrifice on the opposite of the mountain. God was taking the opportunity to tell the world He was going to sacrifice His only begotten Son, Jesus.
On the mountain, Isaac was spared. But at Golgotha, Jesus took all our punishment & died for our sins. Jesus was crucified on the cross to divinely exchange His position of righteousness for our position of sin. With that one act at the cross, Jesus had overpaid God for all our sins.
As beloved children of the most high God, be conscious of His providence in our lives. Whatever we need, it had been provided at the cross. If we dealing with some forms of disease or illness, just know that by Jesus' stripe, we are already the healed. If we are facing financial lack, be aware that Jesus was made poor at the cross that we, through His poverty, had already been made rich. Praised the Lord for He is good & His mercy endures forever. Hallelujah.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Give praise with a thankful heart
In everything, give thanks to the Lord.
I remembered a testimony shared by Pastor Mark. He was, at that time, going through the worst season of his life. He was having a $16 million debt. He was dealing with health issues such as obesity. He was feeling helpless & possibly hopeless as well.
Then one day while "complaining" to God, God spoke to him. God asked Pastor Mark, then deacon Mark, to look up at the ceiling & asked him what did he see. Pastor Mark told God that he saw the ceiling fan. God reminded Pastor Mark that there were some who didn't have electricity at home just because they didn't pay their utilities bill.
God then asked Pastor Mark to look out of his house window. He reminded Pastor Mark that his car was still there. God told Pastor Mark that He was taking care of all the issues that Pastor Mark was facing then. He reminded Pastor Mark to give thanks in everything & to praise Him for His goodness.
In five years, God delivered Pastor Mark of his debt & healed all the illnesses that he was suffering from. There is deliverance when we give thanks to God. There is power when we praise & worship God. Hallelujah!
Posted by
Caleb Teo
5:09 PM
Labels: deliverance, God, hallelujah, helpless, hopeless, obesity, Pastor Mark, praise, worship
The steadfast love of God
The bible says that God is love. His love for His people & His children will never change.
As I was heading towards my office this morning, I felt the heat from the weather. As I didn't want to perspire too much by walking to my office from the MRT station I decided to take a bus, for there is a bus stop very near my office building. I waited at the bus stop for about twenty five minutes & seeing that the bus I wanted to board had't arrive, I decided to walk to my office instead.
Just after lunch, it started to rain & rained quite heavily. I was thinking how fast the weather had changed. It was bright & sunny one moment & dark & stormy the next. It resembles some of our situations that we may be going through.
Sometimes we experience all kinds of breakthrough in a season. And then we go through valleys of our lives. Circumstances may change, but the love of God will never change. Give praise & worship God when the going is strong. Give thanks to God when the going is tough.
God displayed His love for the human race at the cross. Jesus was crucified at the cross to divinely exchange His position of righteousness for our position of sin. There is no greater love than this for Jesus died for us while we were sinners. God loves us while we were still sinners. What more now that we are His beloved children.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
8:02 AM
Labels: beloved, breakthrough, conscious. cross, God, Jesus, praise, righteousness, sin, worship
Thursday, September 25, 2008
It is finished!
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
Christians are basically sinners who accepted the gift of salvation. It is a gift and not something that a sinner can work for. It is the master plan of God to save and redeem. At the cross, Jesus said with a loud voice: It is finished!
Some Christians are still working for their salvation. They think they have a part to play in the redemptive work. They are woking very hard for their blessings. They are exercising regularly to maintain their health. They are working overtime or taking on multiple jobs to provide for they family.
There is nothing wrong in exercising to keep fit, to feel good after the adrenaline rush. There is nothing wrong in working overtime to earn the extra cash to give one and the family some extra luxuries. However, when a Christian does these things with the knowledge he/she is the one to achieve all good things in his/her life and not the almighty God who is more than willing to supply, the Christian just subjects himself/herself under the law.
God is willing to give us Jesus, what more will He withdraw from us? Trust in the finished work at the cross for the blessing of the Lord makes one rich and He adds no sorrow to it.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
12:30 PM
Labels: Christians, God, health, Jesus, redemptive, salvation, trust, willing
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
The Lord is with me
The bible has many instances where an individual is blessed when the Lord is with him/her. The bible says that when the Lord is with Joseph, he prospers in all that he puts his hands into. The bible also says that Isaac prospered in the land where there was a famine when the Lord was with him. When the Lord was with Joshua, he prospered in all his ways.
No one was sick when he/she allowed Jesus to heal him/her. No one remained poor when he/she had been touched by the grace of Jesus. When one saw the grace of Jesus, he/she experienced the peace of God in his/her life. That's what the bible says.
When the Lord is with us, He will prospered us in all that we do. He will light the path of righteousness and lead us through it. He will make our paths straight. He will see to it that whatever is not right with us will be make right eventually. Cultivate the presence of the Lord in our lives. When we are so conscious of the Lord's presence in our lives, things will happen our way.
Praise the Lord for His goodness and mercy. Jesus says He will never leave us nor forsake us. Jesus is the personification of love. Trust in His unending love for us. Hallelujah.
Monday, September 15, 2008
God's weather
The group had decided much earlier on to start the ride at around 10
am. From past experiences, the weather can be quite hot after around 11
am in the morning. I was a bit concerned about the weather as I didn't want to have sunburn on my arms and legs.
However, when I woke up on Saturday morning, it was raining cats and dogs! I was questioning God why the unfavourable weather. For heavy rain usually implies lots of puddle of water along the bicycle track and lots of dirt to go with it. It is something I personally don't like as I will have to spend a longer time cleaning my bicycle after the ride.
God is able to answer exceeding abundantly above all things we ask or think of. Little did I know that when we started to ride, the weather was cool. Cool enough for a leisurely ride towards Changi Village. Cool enough not to get sunburn early in the morning. Cool enough not to feel any heat from the sun. Praised the Lord for the wonderful weather on last Saturday morning.
We did eventually get a little bit of tan on our arms and legs while riding back from Changi Village after a full lunch at around 1:30 pm. Hallelujah. It was only a slight tan and not a sunburn which most of us would have experienced had the weather was "normal". Can't help but to praise God for His love and goodness on me throughout the whole ride. Sometimes God doesn't answer our prayers the way we envision it to be for He has a better plan for us. If only we don't doubt His loving heart towards us.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
8:43 PM
Labels: Changi Village, church, cycling, hallelujah, Lord, prayers, ride, weather
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Divine protection
This is something that happened to me this morning while I was cycling along Pasir Ris Park. I believe God is divinely protecting me from harm.
It has been quite a while since I last cycled early in the morning. Decided to just bring my bicycle for a leisure ride toward Pasir Ris Park, my usual cycling route. Things were good this morning. The weather was wonderful. The traffic along the main roads were light and smooth. My legs felt good even after a prolong period of rest from cycling. My lungs felt good, not having to breath hard.
All was well till I reached a junction where I had to cut into another track. There was a tiled pathway between the track I was on and the track I was to cut into. I decided to go on the tiled pathway instead of just cutting across the grass patch between two tracks.
While on the tiled pathway, my front tyre got caught between two cement tiles. I was immediately flung to the right ride of the tiled pathway. This is the amazing part: my right clip on my right cycling shoe dislodged itself from the right paddle and I happened to land on a patch of grass that was soft and slided for a very short distant! Amazing! I always dislodge my left clip first when I want to dismount from my bicycle. To dislodge my right clip from the right paddle takes a little effort. Beside getting a bit dirty on my right thigh and arm, there was no scratch or cut on my body. Hallelujah!
It must have been angels working to uphold me and cushion my fall. There was a man sitting under a hut that was beside the tiled pathway. I think he saw the whole incident unfolding right in front of his eyes. Hahaha. :-)
All glory to Lord Jesus! Hallelujah!
Posted by
Caleb Teo
9:38 AM
Labels: cycling, divine, park, protection, rest
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
What happen to Peter?
Peter and the rest of the disciples fled to escape the capture of the Roman soldiers. Wasn't it interesting that it was the Roman soldiers that came to arrest Jesus and not the scribes and Pharisees? Weren't the scribes and Pharisees the ones who plotted to arrest Jesus and to put Him away? Anyway, they were probably too coward to confront Jesus face to face.
Peter ran away but always kept a distance far enough to be able to see Jesus. While following Jesus at a distance, he denied Jesus three times till the cock crowed. He was very saddened. He was probably feeling guilty and self-condemning cause he had swore that he will not leave Jesus, regardless. He cried, for Jesus had turned to look at him with an assuring and non-condemning eyes showing he was forgiven.
Peter was trusting his own effort to follow Jesus. But when heat came, he was not able to fulfill his promise to he Lord. This is what will happen to any one of us when we depend on our own efforts to do good, to provide for ourselves and to get healing for ourselves instead of trusting the Lord to fulfill all these things that we seek.
When Jesus had risen, He was at a beach along the sea of Galilee and was asking His disciples was there any food. The disciples replied that they had not have any catch. Jesus told them to cast their nets to the right of their boat and they were able to catch 153 fishes. Peter immediately recognised that it was the Lord that was talking to them. He jumped into the water and swam towards Jesus on the beach.
Jesus asked Peter three times whether he loved Him. Peter answered "Yes" three times and after the third time Peter answered, he cried. Jesus was able to assured Peter that he was forgiven and restored and empowered Peter to feed His flock.
It is the grace of God that saves us and it will be the grace of God to see us through our lives. When we depend and trust His grace upon our lives, things will happen for good to us. Just believe.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
In the midst of a storm
When the disciples were trembling and possibly horrified by a storm while crossing the sea of Galilee, Jesus was sleeping peacefully at the back of the boat. The wind was howling and the waves were hitting the boat that they were on till a point they feared for their lives and woke Jesus up by shouting, "Master, don't you care that we are perishing?".
Jesus did something that was absoluteyl cool and awesome subsequently. He woke up. (just kidding) Jesus woke up and with a outstretched arm He calmed the storm by proclaiming, "Peace, be still.". And immediately, there storm ceased! There was perfect calm and the disciples didn't have to perish.
Some of us could be facing a storm that seems to have the power to totally destroy our lives. Beloved of the Lord, take heart for Jesus is with us. He'll never leave us nor forsake us. Look to Him for the answer to the storm and cease from all fears for He is willing and able to calm the storm in our lives. A stoke of His favour can transform our lives completely.
Regardless of the magnitude or severity of the storm we may be facing, behold Jesus and His finished work at the cross. For there lies our answer to our storm.
What's in God's heart?
Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.
That is possibly what God is thinking all the time. He wants us to prosper, and to be in robust health as our souls prosper. He wants us to be so filled of Jesus and His finished work at the cross that we will know Jesus will take care of us in every aspect of our lives, that He is vitally involved in our daily activities.
God is not a God who is far far away in Heaven that we have to be really good in order to be right with Him. He wants to be so close to us that He sent His Holy Spirit to dwell in us. He wants us to filled of the Holy Spirit so that our every word and action is guided and directed by the Holy Spirit. He has His word for us in the bible to know more of Jesus, to have a fresh revelation of Jesus daily.
God only has good thoughts toward us. He wants us to come to Him boldly. He wants to commune with us every moment. He loves us so much as to send His only begotten Son to divinely exchange His position with us at the cross.
Be bold to go to Abba Father for even the smallest thing that bothers us, for He cares. Nothing is too small or too big for our God. Put our trust in Him and He will see us through. Hallelujah!
Posted by
Caleb Teo
12:42 PM
Labels: Abba Father, Almighty God, cares, conscious. cross, finished work, health, heaven, Jesus, prosper, trust
Friday, September 5, 2008
The greatest love of all
That's the kind of lavish love my God has for me. He doesn't want to see me suffer in any shape and form. He doesn't want me to suffer eternally in hades. He longs for my sonship. He wants to be close to me and provide for my every need.
He is always ahead of me to prepare my path. He wants the best for me. He wants me to remain in peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. He wants me to know that I am the righteousness of God in Christ. His plans for me are plans of a bright future and to prosper me. For the bible says, God will freely, with Christ, all things to enjoy.
We can now love one another because we first receive the love from Him. For we can do nothing without Christ. Jesus has come into our lives. The Holy Spirit indwells in me. He is the seal to the time of the second coming of Lord Jesus.
As fellow human being, our love for each other is limited. There is a limit to the love we have for each other. However, when we love each other with the love of Christ, there will be no limit to this Godly love. Regardless of how we are treated by others, we can always look to God for His un-ending love. The greatest love of all. Hallelujah!
Posted by
Caleb Teo
10:13 PM
Labels: abba, Almighty God, Christ, Father, Holy Spirit, Jesus, love
God of more than enough
My God lavish His love upon His children. He doesn't know what is enough. He always blesses with more than enough. He always do it in style. That's the God whom I come to know, El Shaddai! My God is tripartite: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
In the story of the feeding of five thousand men, Jesus was able to multiple five loaves and two fishes to feed five thousand men, not counting the women and children. When they were all filled, there were 12 baskets full of food left for the disciples. El Shaddai was able to bless with more than enough. There was none hungry on that day.
In the story of the cleansing of leprosy, the leper asked Jesus if He was willing to cleanse him of leprosy. Jesus was not just willing but touched the leper who was probably devoid of all human touch for the longest time. Jesus went beyond than what was needed. He made the leper whole and gave him the human touch which he would have longed for.
In the story of the healing of a woman with the issue of blood, the woman was healed of her issue of blood flow when she touched the hem of Jesus' garment. Jesus turned around to look at her to assured her of her healing and give her the shalom peace. The woman, beside having received healing for her blood issue, received shalom peace into her life.
My God is the same yesterday, today and forever. My God is ever willing and ready to jump into my situation to turn it around for my good. He is keeping me whole and healthy divinely. He is prospering me with every spiritual blessing. He is protecting my whole family from harm and from every weapon that had formed against me. He is El Shaddai. With Him, I will never lack. Through Him, I can do all things. By Him, my life will never be the same for I can only expect good things to happen in my life. Hallelujah!
Posted by
Caleb Teo
10:00 PM
Labels: El Shaddai, God, Holy Spirit, Jesus, lavish, love
Friday, August 29, 2008
Why do Christians go to church?
Didn't really thought about the question: why do Christians go to church?
With the little that I know, we go to church because we want to know more of our Lord Jesus. We want to know our heavenly inheritance through the finished at the cross. We want to be intimate with Jesus, our God and our High Priest. We want to see more of Jesus, to have a fresh revelation of Jesus and His finished work at the cross.
With the advancement of modern technology like portable MP3 and CD players, we can now listen to sermons anywhere and almost anytime. Nowadays, almost every phone has built-in music player and that enables us to hear sermons on the go. There are sermons which are streamed through the internet as well. Simply put, we can listen to the word of Christ anywhere and anytime.
Why then do Christians still attend church regularly? Christians go to church to take advantage of the corporate anointing that is only present in the multitude of counselors. A christian go to church to fellowship with other christian. He or she is there to share the joy and peace in the Lord. Also, Christians go to church to encourage each other in his or her walk with Christ.
It is a privilege and honour to be able to attend church. In times past, Christians had to congregate secretly from house to house to read the bible, which was rare to be found, for fear of been found out by the local authorities and subsequently prosecuted by them.
Take advantage of every opportunity to attend church. You will never know when your life is completely transformed when the grace of God touches your heart. Thank God for all His anointed preachers and teachers in the church. Hallelujah!
Posted by
Caleb Teo
9:21 AM
Labels: Christians, church, God, hallelujah, Jesus, sermons
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Rest in the Lord
The Lord wants us to come to Him for our every need and be at rest within for He is able and willing to take care of our every need. Jesus is all that we need. He has our interests on His heart. It saddens Him to see us striving on our own efforts to go about meeting our needs. For He is more than willing to make sure we are well taken care of in this world.
Jesus is the Alpha and Omega, He is the Author and Finisher of our faith. He always has the last word in our situation. Trust in Him and everything will be alright. Rest in His finished work at the cross. For worthy is the Lamb who was slain on my behalf. I do not have anything to contribute at the cross for my sins to be forgiven and to be right with God. Only Jesus and His precious blood is able to take away our sins.
The work at the cross is completely complete. Nothing is left undone for our forgiveness of sins. Every rightful punishment that is due to us for all our sins has been met by Jesus at the cross. Our own selves have been crucified at the cross with Jesus. Lord Jesus was resurrected on the third day and I, through His resurrection, also have a resurrected Spirit. I am a new creation.
Rest in the Lord. Rest in the knowledge of the finished work. Shalom.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
6:14 PM
Labels: crucified, Jesus, Lord, resurrected
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Casting all your cares upon Him for He cares
Cast all your cares upon Jesus for He cares.
The bible says that we ought to cast ALL our cares upon Jesus for He is willing, and able to resolve all our problems. The bible also says that the accuser of the brethen goes about devouring those who he can devour. Who are those which he can devour? It is those who still, trusting their own effort to solve their issues, hold on to the cares of their hearts.
Sometimes, we think that we should only "bother" God with only the big issues that we have no resolution. We feel that we are more than capable to tackle the "simple" cares of our lives. We should cast ALL our cares upon Jesus for He is able. We honour the finished work at by Jesus when we cast all our cares upon him.
Maybe some of us are going through a challenging time dealing with marital issues. Maybe some of us are experiencing lack in our finances. Perhaps some of us are feeling the symptoms of a dreaded disease. Or it is something as simple as choosing where to eat for lunch. Whatever big or small the issue may be, we are to leave it at the feet of Jesus and allow Him to work miracle in that situation.
Nothing is impossible for God. He loves us so much that He wants us to have a Christ-filled life. Trust in the Lord who loves dearly.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Unbelieving believer
Many a times, we just know the truth that will set us free. However, there are many who know the truth that can set them free yet they find it so hard to believe.
It is like the word of God is too good too be true. The word of God is the truth. There is no falsehood in. When interpreted in its right context, we will have a deeper knowing of Jesus and His finished work at the cross. It is this knowing that will ultimalely set us free from fear and anxiety. It is this knowing that will set our hearts at rest cause we know Jesus is working miracle behind the difficult situations that we are facing.
However, some of us find it challenging to believe the word of God. The bible says we are made rich because Jesus was made poor at the cross that we through His poverty will be made rich. Yet some of us just can't believe this truth. Why is this so? We simply focus on our situations more than the finished work at the cross. We expect "instant noodles" solution most of the time and when we don't get what we had prayed for, we get dishearted and distrust the word of God.
The bible also says that Jesus had borne our diseases and illnesses and pain and by His stripe, we have been made whole and healthy. The instance we feel pain in our body, we focus on the pain straight away and magnify it in our body. And when the healing doesn't take place immediately, we don't believe the word of God. Isn't it interesting to know that we choose to believe our challenging situations, which can be changed, more than the truth of God.
God will make things perfect in our lives in His perfect time, not our perfect time. His desire for us is to prosper and be in health as our souls prosper. He has our interest at heart. Trust in Him. Those who trust in Him will never be put to shame. Hallelujah.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Believing believer
These are the two indictment facing the modern churches. We are unaware of our inheritance in Christ and, even if we do, are slow to believe. We simply do not believe that God is good to us even though He is.
All the promises in the bible are ours to proclaim. Health and wholeness is our entitlement for Christ had finished the sacrificial work at the cross. Before Jesus was crucified, he had bequeathed His shalom peace to us. We are made rich through the act at the cross for you know, by the grace of God, though Jesus was rich, He was made poor at the cross that we through His poverty shall be made rich.
Yet, some of us Christians believe we should be poor to be "Holy". Some of us believe that we need to live a life of that is completely deprived of material possessions. The bible says God freely gives us all things to enjoy. For example, if we need a bigger house because of the expanding family, He will want to bless us will a bigger house. If we need to move around with ease because of young children in the family, it is okay for us to have a car to move around conveniently.
It is funny to hear Christians saying that they are suffering from a certain disease or illness because God is teaching them a lesson. If that is the case, why are they going to the doctors to get well? They are just disobeying God's instruction for them! By His stripe, we have been made whole. Jesus wants us to have robust health. Free from pain and illness.
We are the beloved in Christ. Believe His finished work at the cross. Believe in His love for us. Have a good opinion of God. Believe right and you will live right. Hallelujah.
Your new identity in Christ
When one receives Jesus as Lord and Saviour, he/she has become a New Creation. All old things had passed away and all things are new. It is a new beginning in Christ. A born again Christian, for the old self had been crucified with Jesus at the cross.
At the cross, Jesus borne all our diseases, illnesses, curses, pains, sorrows, and our worrisome old self. He had conquered the grave and resurrected. He is now SEATED at the right hand of Abba Father. He is our tithe to God. Jesus had sent the Holy Spirit to dwell inside of all Christians as the other comforter till the second coming of Christ.
Greater is He who is in me than he who is of the world. The bible says that Christ in me, the hope of glory. Jesus had, technically, given everyone a new lease of life. However, only those who accept the gift of salvation are forgiven of all sins and to be reconciled with God.
Enjoy the new identity in Christ for His glory. Live life worthy of the high calling in Christ for He has a master plan for everyone of us. Hallelujah!
Posted by
Caleb Teo
3:16 PM
Labels: Christ, Christian, God, hallelujah, Jesus, Lord, New Creation, salvation, Saviour
Friday, August 8, 2008
Good things happen when you behold Jesus
There are many testimonies on how married couple just don't bother about trying to have a child and just enjoy each other's presence and the next thing you know the wife is pregnant with a child.
There are people who don't think about their diseases and just behold Jesus having all their diseases completely removed from their bodies. There are many testimonies on people who got healed of terminal illness.
There are also many testimonies where Jesus just take away a person's huge debt. Some of them are just simple miraculous. That's how Jesus will work in our lives.
Whatever difficult challenges that we are facing, behold Jesus. For He is Alpha and Omega, the Author and Finisher of our faith. He always has the last word in our lives and He is always having good thoughts towards us. The bible says He will never leave us nor forsake us.
Jesus is ever ready to take care of our cares, if only we will place those cares upon Him. Trust Him and good things will happen to us.
Friday, August 1, 2008
God has given us power, love and a sound mind
When we are griped with fear or depression, take heart, for they didn't come from God. We can be comforted that God has given us a spirit of power, love and a sound mind.
God has already given us the spirit of power. Use that power to believe unto Jesus and His finished work at the cross. When we meditate on the truth of the His word, there will be power rising up from within and strength to deal with the challenges of life.
God has already given us the spirit of love. When we focus on the finished work at the cross, we will experience the love of God for us. We can love for God first love us. He sent Jesus to be the sacrificial lamb of our behalf so that we are plentifully provided for.
God has already given us the spirit of sound mind. Jesus had bequeathed His peace to us. This is not worldly peace but the peace that come from the understanding that God is in control. There is nothing that He will not do for a Christian to turn his/her into a masterpiece which reflects the glory of Jesus.
Be at rest when the devil "roar" at you. He had been de-toothed. He goes around seeking whom he can devour. He can't devour a Christian who is restful within.
Use the spirit of power, love and a sound mind in all our situations. Relax and see the wonderful working miracles of God. Hallelujah!
Posted by
Caleb Teo
8:22 AM
Labels: Christian, God, hallelujah, Jesus, love, masterpiece, miracles, peace, power, sound mind, spirit, strength
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
2000 years ago, a lone solitary figure was crucified with 2 thiefs at His right and left. His name is Jesus.
Jesus was crucified on my behalf so that I can take His place of righteousness before God. His precious blood was shed for the forgiveness of all my sins. He had established a new covenant where I can have a relationship with Him and God and the wonderful Holy Spirit who dwells in me.
Only His blood sacrifice can set me right before God. No other sacrifice is needed or can cut it. Jesus is God and Man. He came to Earth to become Man so that He has every right to redeem men of their sins.
Oh, how precious is the blood of Jesus. The sinless blood was shed for me to inherit and enjoy every blessing that God has for me. Hallelujah.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
10:21 AM
Labels: blessing, blood, Holy Spirit, Jesus, righteousness
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
My chains are gone, I've been set free
"My chains are gone, I've been set free. My God, my Saviour, had ransomed me." - Christ Tomlin.
I was so touch my this song, Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone), when I heard it just a few weeks ago. It reminded me of the freedom I have when Jesus had redeemed me some 2000 years ago.
I am no longer under any bondage or law for Jesus had fulfilled the law on my behalf. I'm the redeemed of the Lord. I am to believe in the finished work by Jesus at the cross and to be at rest.
The things of old have passed away. I am a new creation in Christ. I belong to the new covenant where all my sins have been forgiven because of Jesus' finished work. I can boldly go to Abba Father and commune with Him directly.
Praise the Lord that my old self had been crucified with Christ some 2000 years ago. Whom the Lord had set free, he is free indeed. Hallelujah!
See it in your heart first
Whatever things that God wants to see it done, all He does is speak and the thing shall be done. He sees the things in His heart first and then proclaim them with His mouth. That's the way God works. He works by speaking the things He wants to see. Manifestation just follows after He spoke.
We are created in the likeness of God. If we want to see things happening in our lives, we need to speak them out. We need to proclaim. But most importantly, we need to see it in our hearts first.
When we see it in our hearts and do not doubt it. Manifestation will take place after we proclaim it. If we believe God wants us to be whole and completely healed of all form of diseases or illnesses, we just need to proclaim by His stripe that we are healed. At that moment, healing will have taken place. Sometimes instantly, sometimes 30-fold first follows by 60-fold then 100-fold.
If we believe God wants us to be plentifully provided for and to be able to enjoy all things that He has given freely to us, we need to declare that by the grace of God Jesus was made poor at the cross that we through His poverty shall be made rich. If we do not doubt it, we will see our lives blessed with financial blessings.
Whatever we want, if we are able to conceive it our hearts and do not doubt it and to speak forth those things in our hearts, we shall see the manifestation! Sometimes the manifestation comes instantly, sometimes it comes later on in our lives. Whatever His timing, we just have to believe that the manifestation shall come. For He makes all things beautiful in His time.
Friday, July 25, 2008
I Am that I Am
When the children of Israel was suffering at the hands of the Egyptians, God appeared as a burning fire in a burning bush. He identified Himself with His people for His people were suffering as slaves. He heard His children every groan.
When the children of Israel was wandering and wondering in the wilderness and dwelling in tents, God was dwelling in the tabernacle. In the heat of the day, He appeared as a pillar of cloud to keep His children cool. In the cold of the night, He appeared as a pillar of fire to keep His children warm.
When Joshua took over the helm of leading God's people into the promised land and was facing Jericho, God appeared as a warring Angel. He told Joshua to circle around Jericho and shout His praise on the seven day and the wall of Jericho came tumbling down.
My God is the I Am God. When we are suffering from illness or diseases, He is our healing. When we are suffering from lack, He is our provision. When we are suffering from relationship breakdown, He is the glue that keep us together.
He is always ready to jump into our situation and turn the situation into our favour. He is always ready to take care of our cares once we cast them into His hand. Be bold to go to the mercy seat in times of need for God is always there for us. Just trust in Him. Hallelujah.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
11:49 PM
Labels: Angel, cares, favour, God, hallelujah, healing, I Am, Jericho, Joshua, provisions
The prodigal son
When I first read the story of the prodigal son, I quickly jumped to the conclusion that the father shouldn't have taken in his second son so easily and willingly without any condition imposed on the second son to behave himself in the future. I felt the second son is undeserving of the lavish love the father had shown towards him.
As the Lord opens my eyes to the story through the teaching of Pastor Prince over the years, I begins to see more than what I had understood when I first read the story.
As a matter of fact, all of us are the "prodigal son" before we accept the Lord into our lives. We were doing all kinds of thing to be right with God. We were ignorant of the perfect love of God. For God so loved us that He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus, to die for us at the cross so that we can live lives more abundantly.
Oh, how lavish is God's love! He loves us even when we were sinners. The moment we accept Jesus as Lord in our lives, He pours forth His love into our lives. He made us sons and daughters of the most high God and not servants. He called us into His kingdom which He had prepared for us. Everything had been completed for us Christians to live a plentiful live. Hallelujah!
Posted by
Caleb Teo
6:07 PM
Labels: Bible, conscious. cross, God, Jesus, lavish, Lord, love, Pastor Prince, plentiful, prodigal, teaching
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Greater is He who is in me
The bible says greater is He who is in me than he who is of the world.
Who is He who is IN me? He is Jesus, for Christ is in me. Some of us may want to refer to Him as the Holy Spirit.
Why is He greater than he who is of the world? Because He is God. He who is of the world is not God.
Jesus can calm the storm with His word. Jesus can made the blind see with His hand. Jesus can raise the dead with His power! There is nothing that my Jesus can't do to make our lives the way He had originally designed.
There is no one sick in His presence. There is no dead in His presence. And no one shall be poor or remain poor in His presence. He cares for us more than we care for ourselves! Cast all our cares upon Him for He cares.
He who take our place at the cross will see to it all things are well with His children. He who has all the power in the universe wants to be so close to us that He dwells within us for those who believe that He is God and He had risen from the grave on the third day. Trust in the One who is in me! Hallelujah!
Posted by
Caleb Teo
10:08 AM
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Hope against all hope
There were many stories in the bible where the situation seemed to be completely hopeless. Yet the end result were always good.
Look at Abraham. He was old and childless even though he know he was righteous. Sarah was old and barren. Yet God have him a son, Isaac, when he was 100 years old and while Sarah was 90 years old. When it seemed that Abraham would have no one to success him, God is faithful and renewed their youth to produce Isaac.
Look at Joseph, the eleventh son of Jacob. Joseph had visions of great achievements. However he was despised by his brothers for he was favoured by his father Jacob. He saw sold as a slave by his brothers and later thrown into a prison by his master. Things just didn't seem to be good in Joseph's life. Yet, Joseph was full of the Lord's presence and he was later promoted to be the second man in command in all of Egypt.
Look at the children of Israel when they were leaving Egypt. They were promised that a deliverer would bring them out of Egypt. But they were despaired when they faced the Red Sea in front of them and the Egyptian's army behind them. Either way was death for them. Yet God was able to stop the Egyptian's army and open the Red Sea to allow them to cross and later drown the Egyptian's army so that the children of Israel could go and picked up the spoiled left my the Egyptian's army.
Whatever dire straits we may be facing, know that God is working miracles behind them. He is more than able to turn things around for our good. Just believe all things will turn out for our good and have faith. For faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Rest on Sunday only?
The challenge comes when it is Monday. We forget about the precious word of God that has been preached. We quickly forget that Jesus is doing mighty work in our lives. We focus on our natural senses and see our challenges bigger than Jesus.
Then comes Tuesday, Wednesday, and all the way to Saturday. We use our natural resources to deal with our situations. There is no God's involvement in all the things that we do. We feel we have to get things done if not nobody will turn things around. We live lives like there is no God. It is like we just continue to swim across the pool all over again. We don't stop to rest cause we can't rest at the deep end of the pool.
God wants us to be at rest. Jesus had bequeathed His peace into our lives. Guard your heart against all guardings for out of it springs forth the issues of life. Keep your heart at rest and peace. When we are restful, God works "overtime" to turn our situations for our good. Praise be to God, for He is good. His mercy endures forever.
Stay firm on your course for Jesus
Some of us may be fighting against some forms of terminal diseases. Some of us may be facing lack in our finances and trying our best to make ends meet. Some of us may be dealing with a difficult family issue like potential divorce.
Fret not! For there is hope in Christ!
What is not right in our lives, as long we choose to believe in Jesus' finished work at the cross, will be made right. The moment we have a heart knowledge of how wonderful the finished work at the cross is, miracles happen.
Take the woman with the issue of blood in the bible. She was suffering from that disease for twelve years. Yet the moment she touched the hem of Jesus' garment, she was immediately healed of that disease. By the way, Jesus was making His way to save Jairus' daughter who happened to die before Jesus could reach her. However, Jesus didn't stop there. He told Jairus not to be afraid and continued his journey to Jairus' house and brought his daughter back to life!
Jesus was able to bring a situation from dead to life. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is still turning our bad situations to good. Just believe in Him. For greater is He who is in me than he who is of the world. Hallelujah.
Monday, July 7, 2008
A blog dedicated to gadgets
Currently there is nothing on that blog but it will be populated soon.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
5:36 PM
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
A good report
The report that came in was a natural report yet my friend and I took it so literally as if the event in that report had come to pass. What set me thinking about the complete work at the cross is the fact that we trusted the natural report as if it is the truth and doubted the word of God even though it is the truth. It also set me thinking how easily and fast we believe in a good natural report and how difficult and slow when it comes to God's word.
The word is the truth. It is the written word of God. In it, the nuggets of God's thoughts and blessings are been revealed. In it, we will find rest. In it, we can re-discover our peace in Christ. In it, we can find joy. In it, God's secrets are been revealed. In it, we will find our true identity in Christ.
The more we dwell in the word of God, the more we will enjoy His presence and the more we will experience His love for us. There is power in God's word and it will accomplish what God had set it to do. The word of God can transform our lives! Believe God's word. Don't doubt it.
Shadow versus substance
Praise be to God that many of my doubts were cleared when I know more about Jesus. Before Christ came, children of Israel had to offer sacrifices to atone for their sins. This was done at the tabernacle of Moses. At the outer court, there was lots of blood shed from the killing of the sacrificial animals. At the holy place, there were three items: the altar of incense, the table of showbread and the candlesticks.
Till today, many religions are still practicing the ritual of sacrificing animals to have a prosperous year. Isn't it strange to see all these rituals so similar with the animal sacrifice during the old covenant days. Probably someone just copied the process but didn't get the true meaning of these rituals.
At the cross, Jesus, the true Lamb of God had completed the animal sacrifice to God, once and for all. The Lion of Judah had finished a finished work at the cross. It is completed complete! The true substance had come! All those sacrificial rituals are just a shadow, they are just representation of the true substance.
So, today, we just need to behold Jesus and His finished work and proclaim our blessings in Him. For Jesus is the true substance.
Friday, June 27, 2008
A video of NDP rehearsal by Black Knights
Posted by
Caleb Teo
3:48 PM
Labels: Black Knights, National Day Parade, NDP
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
This is my beloved Son, hear Him.
Peter, in his usual impulsive self, spoke to build three tabernacles for Jesus, Moses and Elijah. All of sudden, a voice came from heaven saying, "This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased, hear Him." Peter was afraid. So were James and John. They were probably terrified by the voice.
However, when Jesus came to them and touched them, He spoke, "Arise, and do not be afraid." What comfort did those words bring to the three disciples. Those words were not just words of comfort but also words of encouragement, assurance, and authority.
Today, whatever challenges that we are facing, when we hear Jesus, He is still speaking, "Arise, and do not be afraid." Jesus is saying that we can rely on Him to deliver us out of our predicaments. Jesus is encouraging us to be strong in Him. He is giving us His assurance that all things will work together for our good and He is speaking all these words with the authority that's vested in Him.
Hear Jesus today. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Hallelujah!
Posted by
Caleb Teo
5:27 PM
Labels: build, deliverance, encouraging, good, hearing, heaven, Jesus, light, pleased, transfigured, well
What are we conscious of when we wake up in the morning?
We are more concerned over work issues, financial issues, health issues, family issues and etc. We may be swarmed by all these legit demand that we forget there is One who is more than able to help us to cope with all the legit demands in our lives.
When we are Christ conscious, the favour of God will fill us and overtake us in all that we do or touch. When we are Christ conscious, the wisdom of God will guide us in our every endeavour. His mighty hand will be involved in everything that we do. And we will experience length of days. Somehow, we accomplished more things than we normally do.
Be Christ conscious all day long and enjoy His love and His presence. Be aware of Christ in us, the hope of glory.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Lord, help!
Previously when I read this portion of the scriptures, I only saw that the disciples were afraid of the storm because it is a perfect storm. Some of them were seasoned fishermen and yet they had never experienced any storm like the one they were experiencing. They probably felt their lives were threatened. They probably felt hopeless in that situation as well.
When we depend on our might to achieve things, we will come to a point where even the strongest among us will find the going tough. We may even fill that the world has come to an end for us in those challenging times.
Then, in the fourth watch of the night, they were terrified when they saw Jesus walking on water towards them for they thought they had seen a ghost. However, Peter shouted to the Lord to bid him to come to Him and Jesus said that He is the Lord and answered to Peter to come to Him. Peter walked on water towards Jesus.
In our darkness hour, Jesus is always there to help us. He is always there to comfort to us. He is always there to deliver us. When we behold Jesus, we will walk on storm. When we behold Jesus, we will triumph over our difficult situations, we will always be victorious, though we are more than conquerors in Christ.
The next moment, the scriptures say that Peter began to look at the storm and he began to sink. The moment we take our eyes off Jesus, we begin to depend on our natural senses and natural might and we will begin to "sink" in our challenges.
Then Peter cried, "Lord, help!". Immediately, Jesus extended his hand to catch Peter and together they walked back to the boat. That's the loveliness of our Lord Jesus. He will immediately save us from serious harm. Jesus will never leave us nor forsake us.
Here's the interesting part where I have a fresh revelation of Jesus. I had always read this portion of the scriptures and thought that the disciples continued their journey with Jesus on board through the storm. However, the scriptures say that when Jesus and Peter were on the boat, the wind ceased. Hallelujah! When Jesus is with us, the "storm" in our lives will ceased. Regardless of how "perfect" the storm in our lives may be, it will immediately cease!
When the Lord is with us, no evil shall befall us nor shall any plague come near our dwellings. No weapon formed shall prosper against us. Just believe in the Lord and His mighty hand to save us.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
11:28 PM
Labels: disciples, hopeless, Jesus, journey, Lord, loveliness, perfect, revelation, scriptures, verses, water, wind
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Friday, June 13, 2008
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Jesus, our lovely shepherd
A good shepherd will always lead his flock into green pastures. He will always bring them beside still waters. He will path a way when there seems to be no way. He will carry the lost lamp on his shoulder and he will protect his flock with his stuff against attacking animals.
Jesus is the good Shepherd. He will always lead His people into good happenings. He will always brings His people into rest. He will make a way for His beloved where there seems to be no way. He will carry the weary Christian on His strong shoulder and He will protect his people against all forms of attack.
Why Shepherd? Because sheep is very dependent on the shepherd. They depend on the shepherd to lead them to green pastures. They depend on the shepherd to bring them to still waters. They depend on the shepherd to defend them, to keep them safe from all harms. They are totally dependent on their shepherd.
He who promised is able to answer exceedingly what we can ask or think of. Trust Jesus, our lovely Shepherd.
Focus on the finished work at the cross
Jesus is the only Son born to die. After He was born, He was wrapped up in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger. Swaddling clothes were used to wrap up dead people and manger is basically crib for holding hay or food of animals. It is the same shape as a coffin.
Jesus came specifically to give His life in exchange for ours. He came to bring us back to Abba Father. He came to give us righteousness and to take away our sin. He came to give us prosperity and to take away poverty from us. He came to give us health and to take away pain and diseases. He came to give us a family and to take away our loneliness.
At the cross, the divine exchange took place. Jesus took our condemnation so we can have His righteousness. So we can be right with God. So we can come boldly to the throne of grace. He took away our old selves so that we have everything new. A new person who is born again in Christ. With the new person, all old things have passed away. Behold, all things are new! Hallelujah!
Posted by
Caleb Teo
1:58 PM
Labels: abba, believes, Christ, condemnation, deseases, die, everlasting, Father, God, hallelujah, health, life, loved, manger, pain, perish, righteousness, Son, world
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Commit your work to the Lord
In our personal dealings, commit our works to the Lord. We will experience supernatural favour with people whom we knew just recently. As we spend time with the Lord, we will find ourselves having more time to accomplish personal stuffs that we set out to do. Many a times, we find ourselves achieving our personal goals at a much shorter time. The Lord is a debtor to no one! He will return, with many times over, whatever time is given to him. Time spent with the Lord is never wasted.
In our professional dealings, commit our works to the Lord. We will experience supernatural favour with our colleagues and with business contacts. We will see the working relationship take on a different level. A level where all efforts are synergised to achieve greater result. For business owners, they will have business deals that will make their businesses great. For the Lord is good. He will prosper our way when we commit our professional endeavours in His hand.
Trust in the Lord and He will make sure we are prospered financially, in the family, in the work place and be in good health.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
4:11 PM
Labels: commit, favour, goals, Lord, personal, professional, prosper, supernatural
Monday, June 2, 2008
Mistaken identity
Who are we in Christ? Do we really know who we are in Christ?
If only we truly know in our hearts who we really are in Christ, we will reign in life. We will be talking things befitting of our heavenly royalty. We will be doing things deserving of kings and priests. We will be behaving like a king priest.
Knowing we are king priests, what we say shall come to pass, if we do not doubt it. Whatever good that we proclaim in our lives shall come to pass for there is authority in the speech of king priest.
How do we know who we are in Christ? The answer: look to the cross. Jesus was crucified at the cross on our behalf so that we can take His place at the right hand of God. He was rich yet was made poor at the cross that we through His poverty shall be made rich. His body took all our diseases and infirmities at the cross that through His broken body, we are made whole. His blood was shed for our sins at the cross so we can be made righteous before God.
Make no mistake regarding our true identity. We are kings, and we are priest. Live lives worthy of our royal priesthood.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Do not fear
How often do we think of the worst case scenario straight away when we received these news? We don't usually think that things will work out well in spite of what had happened. We were so quick to always expect the worst when something bad had happened that we forgot that sometimes things weren't as bad as the initial report presented to be.
Maybe that's why there are 365 verses in the bible that tell us do not fear or do not be afraid. One verse for each day of our lives. If something bad happens, for Christians, we can expect that it will work out for our good. Perhaps some of us had lost our jobs and we are thinking naturally how we are going to get a job , especially, if some of us are advanced in age. Perhaps a loved one is suffering from terminal cancer and we think there is no nope.
Do not be afraid when bad things happen. For we can look to Jesus for deliverance out of that bad happening. Jesus can turn things around for our good. Just remains at rest and God will take care of all our cares.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
3:43 PM
Labels: afraid, deliverance, fear, health, Jesus, jobs, terminal, verses
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Beware of the accuser!
The thief comes to steal the word of God from Christians. If he is able to steal the word of God from us, he will be able to steal anything from us. He will be able to steal our shalom from our hearts. Our hearts will not be at rest for the word of God no longer resides in our hearts.
The murderer comes to kill the joy of the Lord in our lives. He comes to wreck havoc in our lives. He goes around seeking those he can "gum" to death for he had been de-fanged by Christ Jesus.
The destroyer comes to destroy our lives. He doesn't want Christians to be victorious in their lives. For he knows that should Christians come to the realization that we are victorious in Christ, he stranglehold on Christians will be gone.
Most importantly, the devil is called the accuser of the brethren. He uses the law to accuse us. If we are doing something wrong, he will accuse us of that wrong doings. If we are doing something right, he will accuse us of not doing enough. He will always try to bring us to a state of condemnation. A state of self-condemnation. For he knows, there can be no punishment for someone who is not guilty. As long we are conscious of the condemnation and guilt Jesus had borne at the cross, there shall be no punishment on our lives. There shall be no guilt feeling in our lives.
The moment we feel condemned, we are no longer conscious of the finished work of Christ at the cross. We will look within ourselves to provide for our needs. We will look within ourselves to right what's wrong that had taken place. We will depend on our self-effort to achieve what we want in our lives.
Remember the devil has only one weapon in his arsenal: accusation! Give no weight to his accusation and be conscious of Jesus' finished work at the cross all day long and we will experience the life that Christ had come to give. A Zoe life that Christ had accomplished at the cross for us. Experience that Zoe life and reign in life.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
11:10 AM
Labels: accomplished, accuser, conscious, destroyer, devil, God, guilt, Jesus, steal, thief, victorious, word, Zoe
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Look to Jesus for all your needs
We can change all the thoughts about having a bad day by focusing on Jesus. For He is all that we need. He is the answer to our challenging issues. He who calmed the storm will certainly bring peace into our hearts and provide solutions to our problems.
Even if we are lying sick on our backs, we can still look to Jesus for He is our healing. He will restore to us our health and renew our youth like the eagle. With long good days He will satisfy us. He had paid the price for our healing at the cross.
At the cross, He was made poor that we through His poverty shall be made rich. He will bless us with more than enough to be a blessing. With Jesus, God will freely give us all things to enjoy. No good thing will God withhold from us. He will see to it that all our needs are met.
Look to Jesus for all our needs. He will never leave us nor forsake us. He will always bring us out of difficult situations. He who promises is faithful. Hallelujah.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
1:57 PM
Labels: blessing, challenging, extremely, faithful, hallelujah, healing, Jesus, peace, problems, proverty, provide, solutions
Monday, May 26, 2008
What are we speaking to our lives?
Many a times we will speak bad regarding difficult situations. Sometimes we speak bad of people whom we don't really like. Sometimes we will even criticize other people of their wrong doings. How often do we speak bad into these things and not the good things that we want to see? Do we want to see good happening or bad to manifest?
More often than not, we want to see good things happening in our lives. Yet we are quick to speak bad things in our lives. I am not saying that by proclaiming good things to happen means there will be no bad happenings. I am saying that the more good stuffs that we proclaim in our lives and believe they will happen, things will turn out to be good for us.
If we want to have robust health, start to speak great health into our lives. If we want to have more in our finances, start to speak prosperity into our lives. If we want to have a good career, start to speak greatest of achievement into our lives. Believe in what we speak into our lives and we will start to see good things happening in our lives. We will start to experience good happenings.
There is power in our speaking. Speak good things into our lives and experience God's goodness happening in our lives.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
5:24 PM
Labels: death, God, live, proclaiming, speak
How to live a worry-free Christian life?
How then do Christians live a worry-free life? The answer is pretty simple: look to Jesus and cast all your cares upon Him. How do Christians look to Jesus and cast their cares upon Him? Christians look to Jesus by beholding Jesus. By the inward knowing that Jesus had finished a complete work at the cross some two thousand years ago.
Christians can look to Jesus in the word of God in the bible. By looking into the bible, Christians will be able to see Jesus as who He really is. Jesus heals the sick, comforts the afflicted, provides for the needy, proclaims the good news to everyone and goes about doing good. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is always working while Christians are sleeping and turning everything for the good of Christians. He has provided for all our needs and is still providing. He is everything that we need.
When Christians cast their cares upon Jesus, their are putting their trust in Jesus that He is the Lord of their lives and He will take care of their cares. They are no longer striving to turn things around by their own efforts. They can come to the point whereby they are at rest inwardly. For the bible says, the devil goes about seeking those that he can devour. Therefore, if a Christian is not restful inwardly, he is subjective to the devouring of the devil.
Be at rest and cast all your cares upon Jesus. Do not be afraid. Let go and let God. That way, we will be able to live a worry-free Christian life.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
9:31 AM
Labels: anxious, cares, Christians, God, good news, Jesus, rest, restful, trust, worry-free
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Friday, May 2, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Time for communion
It is so easy to take our love ones for granted! For we always think that they will always be there for us. But this is not always true. Even when our love ones are always beside us, do we actually spend time to commune with them. Or we just want to speak out our mind and ignore what they have to say.
Blessed is the man whose God is Abba Father. For the Heavenly Father is always with us. He will never leave us nor forsake. He is always taking time to commune with us. He is busy yet He will always have time for His children. Be at rest and listen to Abba Father's heart. For His heart speaks of love, courage, strength, power, and reconciliation.
Spend time to commune with Abba Father, for He delights in our communion with Him. He loves to hear our every joy, happiness, and concern. He always has time to listen us. Talk with Him. Cast all your cares upon Him and lay all your burdens at His feet for He cares. Spend time with Him. No harm can come near you when you're in His presence. Hallelujah.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
9:10 AM
Labels: abba, blessed, commune, delights, Father, God, hallelujah, love, power, strengthen
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
Where do we really draw strength from?
For a child of God, where do we really draw strength from? Do we look to Jesus for courage or do we look at men for strength? If we would just trust Jesus, He will bestow us the wisdom, He will strengthen us from within, and He will provide us with the resources to deal with the difficult issues. Such is the promise of God: He will never leave me nor forsake me.
Draw from Jesus and we will have the wisdom and courage to face our "mountains" of difficulty. Look to Jesus for our needs, for He cares for us more than we care for ourselves. He is THE infinite source of strength and wisdom. Draw your strength from Jesus for He never fails.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
12:34 PM
Labels: challenges, Jesus, strength, wisdom
Friday, April 11, 2008
Thursday, April 10, 2008
What are you conscious of today?
When we wake up today, what are we conscious of? Are we conscious of the difficult challenges that lie ahead? Are we conscious of the pain and symptom of our bodies? Are we conscious of the meagre balance in our bank account?
What are we really conscious of each day when we wake up? Or, Who are we conscious of when we wake up each day? The bible tells us to be Christ conscious. When we are Christ conscious, the challenges shall be resolved. When we see Jesus at the cross and realised that we're the healed of the Lord, the pain and symptom will be no more. When we know that the Almighty God was made poor that we through His poverty might be made rich, we shall be poor no more.
At the cross, Jesus died to take our place of sin so we might take His place of righteousness. At the cross, he took all our sicknesses and diseases that we might be whole and well. At the cross, He had nothing that we will have all things to enjoy, today.
The more we are conscious of Christ in me, the more we will experience the life of Christ in me. Be at rest for He had bequeathed His shalom to us. Be Christ conscious today, for He is the author and finisher of our faith.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
11:05 AM
Labels: Christ, conscious. cross, pain, poor, rich, righteousness, shalom, symptom, well, whole
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
You can't out give God
The bible says that men cannot serve mammon and God at the same time. You can only be faithful to one and not the other.
For those who have revelation of the lavish love of God, they will give cheerfully and willingly to the Lord. They will tithe faithfully to the Lord as well. For they know they just cannot out give God. For they know the loving God will provide all their needs according to the riches and glory in Christ Jesus.
The Lord is the Shepherd to those who trust in Him and they shall not lack. For the Lord loves to bless us with more than enough to be a blesser. He loves to see His children abundantly provided for. Hallelujah.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
10:07 AM
Labels: bless, cheerfully, God, loving, mammon, Shepherd, tithe
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
But faith in the bible is usually a verb and not a noun. It is "faithing". We are to believe and continue to believe that God is love and He is always good to us, regardless of our circumstances. We are to have faith in God.
God wants us to turn to Him for every need in our lives on a daily basis. He wants to communicate with us every moment. He wants us to cast all our cares upon Him. He has a master plan for everyone of us, and his master plan for us is always good for us.
God's manna is only fresh for the day only. We can't live on yesterday's manna. That's why we should look to God to provide us our daily bread, our daily provisions. Do not worry about tomorrow.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Walk in the light
Beloved, we are called to be sons of God. We are called to walk in the light for we are the light of the world.
When we are walking in the light, no darkness will be able to comprehend us. No darkness will be able to overtake us. There may be darkness in our lives. The moment we are conscious of the light in Jesus, all darkness must flee!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Be Conscious Of Christ In You
When we are conscious of the glory of God within us, all our challenges and trails will have to align themselves to the will of God. In the midst of a storm, be aware of Christ in us. For He is the answer to all our problems. He is the provider to all our needs. He is the ultimate healer. And He wants us to prosper and be in health as our souls prosper.
When we are Christ conscious, we give weight to His word and we give light to the things of the world. When God's word is weighty in our hearts, He shall cause us to overcome all the challenges and problems in our lives. Our only job is to REST in Him. When we guard our hearts against all guardings, we will see miracles happening in our lives.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Faith must be exercised!
Faith has to be exercised as well. How we exercise faith is to look to Jesus for every need that we have. By hearing and hearing the word of Christ, faith comes. The more we hear and see Jesus in the word, the more faith will be built up.
Faith is not about our faith in God. Faith is looking at God. Faith is casting our cares in God's hand. Faith is trusting God to deliver us in every situation. Faith is like seeing the manifestation long before it materializes. Faith is enjoying God's goodness on a daily basis. Faith is having a good opinion of God.
My God is FAITHFUL. His promises will also come true. Those who put their trust in Him will not be put to shame.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Our thought lives
How important, then, to have the right belief that God is a good God and that He cares for us more than we care for ourselves? He already knows all our cares and just waiting for us to cast them into His mighty hands. When we are conscious of how good God is to us, our action will follow suit. We will live lives that of king-priests, for we are born of the royal priesthood.
When we give glory to God, we will see good things happening in our lives. All outward circumstances will align themselves with our inward thoughts for they are aligned with God's will in our lives.
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Posted by
Caleb Teo
8:40 AM
Labels: belief, cares, God, king-priest, minds, priesthood, royal
Friday, February 8, 2008
At Daiso
Posted by
Caleb Teo
6:46 PM