Saturday, December 24, 2011

What are you hearing?

So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. - Romans 10:17

What you hear about God will affect how you receive from God. God is a gracious and loving God. He only has good thoughts toward His people. In the new testament, God says He will be a God to His people and their sins and lawless deeds He shall remember no more.

At the cross some two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ died at the cross so that He can divinely exchanged His position of righteousness for our sin. At the cross, Jesus Christ has finished the completely complete work of redemption. He has reconciled us to the Heavenly Father! There is no separation between the Almighty God and us.

As Christ is, so are we in this world. Whatever Jesus has, we have also. We have His peace, joy, compassion and prosperity. We shall lack nothing in this world. We are abundantly provided in all things. Be it in the area of our health or in the area of our prosperity, Jesus has already provided for them at the cross. He has instituted the Holy Communion for us to remember Him and His finished work at the cross.

Yet some of us may be hearing a very different God Jesus has come to reveal. We may have heard of a angry God who is quick to punish His people for their sins. We may have heard of a God who would send disease and illness to punish His children for their sins. We may have heard of God making His people poor so that they may learn humility. We may have heard of God healing only those whose actions are right and whose behaviors are perfect. We may have heard of God taking away the precious lives of our loved ones. All these are definitely not the true and they are not the truth as well!

The bible says God has cut a covenant with Noah that He will not be angry with the people of the world and that He will never flood the earth again. At the cross, Christ bore all our diseases and pains on His own body so that we today can enjoy robust health and strong bodies. At the cross, all our sins are forgiven so God will never ever punish a believer for his sins. At the cross, Christ was made poor so that we through His poverty shall be made rich!

While we may not have all the answers to all that happen around us, it is definitely not God's will to take away someone's life prematurely. Our actions and behaviors will never be perfect, yet God doesn't see us in our actions and deeds but He sees Christ in us. he sees Christ, His precious Son!

We are in Christ as much as Christ is in us! We are so one with Christ that Jesus said in the bible we are one with God also. We are made so cleaned inside that the Holy Spirit now indwells in us forever or till the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

See a loving Heavenly Father always caring for us, always preparing our paths and making them straight for us. See a God working behind the scene to make sure all things turn out for our good. See a God who WILL leave us nor forsake us. In the darkest hour of our lives, God is still there with us. The Holy Spirit is still there to guide and lead us.

Keep taking from God for He is so rich that even if everyone on earth were to take from Him He will still have plenty left over to bless everyone with so much more! Hallelujah!

Friday, December 9, 2011

True Heart Transformation

When push comes to shove, what do we really believe in our hearts? When we don't see the light at the end of the tunnel, do we still trust God? When all things that surround us seem so bleak, do we still dare hold tightly to the Word? Are we truly being transformed within or are we just plain "lip service" our faith?

True transformation doesn't come from our doings or workings. We do and work because there is an inward desire to perform well, to do good, because our hearts have been transformed by the Lord. It has been touched by the grace of God! It is through the hearing of the gospel that we are being transformed!

When we grow in the Lord, we will want to dwell more in His word. For when fresh revelation of Jesus and His finished work at the cross comes, we WILL want to find out more about Jesus! And the more we hear or read the word, the more we will be conscious of Jesus' presence in our lives. And the more we will want to dwell in His word! It is an upward spiral in His goodness.

The law insists that we do good. Yet we are not able to do good, in and of ourselves, under the law for the law demands and does not impart strength to us to perform. That is the basis of the law: demand. Yet when we were under the law, there was no way to fulfill the law for everyone of us has sinned and fall short of the glory of God!

However, Jesus has fully fulfilled the demands of God at the cross some two thousand years ago. Today we are no longer under law but under grace! The basis of grace is this: supply! Jesus has borne all our punishments for our sins and transgressions at the cross and through His finished work at the cross, the divine exchange has taken place. We are made right with God because of Jesus' finished work.

It is His grace that will transform us from within. The bible says we are to prosper outwardly as our souls prosper. We are being prospered by God everyday of our lives. Sometimes it may seem that God is slow in answering our prayer, but His timing is always perfect. If the manifestation of a request has not come to pass, it is because it is not the right time yet. We just simply have to trust in God's grace for us for only His grace will see us through!

When we first see the answer in our hearts, we shall see the outward manifestation in our lives. It is His delight to answer our prayer. And God never fails! He has a master plan for every child of His and He is still carrying out that plan which He has originally. It is the goodness of God that transforms us and not our own works.

The bible tells us how Peter fell at Jesus' when he and his partners caught a net-breaking, boat-sinking load of fishes. He believed AFTER he saw God's goodness. We believe because in one point of our lives, we heard about Jesus and we believed Him and accepted His gift of salvation.

Keep hearing the word of God. For it is God's will that through the foolishness of preaching that we are been sozoed, made whole in every aspect of our lives. When God is so Big in our hearts, all the outward circumstances shall fall in line with His word. All things will turn out to be good for those in Christ. To quote Pastor Prince: When you see Him in His grace, He sees you in your faith! Hallelujah!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Praying in tongues

1 Corinthians 14:4
4 He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself, but he who prophesies edifies the church.

There is so much controversies regarding speaking in tongues. The devil is extremely afraid when a beloved of the Lord speaks in tongues. And because of his fear for this weapon of God, he has insinuated many preachers to come against this weapon of God. He has suggested to many Christians that speaking in tongues is work and not of God. Praise be to God, that number is dwindling as the revelation of speaking in tongues spread like wildfire in the kingdom of God! Speaking in tongues is rest! It is not a laborious work as the devil suggests.

The bible says when one speaks in tongues, he edifies himself. The word edify here means to build, to solidify, to strengthen oneself. I believe, when one speaks in tongues, he is been built up by God. He is been made whole through the perfect prayer via the Holy Spirit. God quickens His body and soul.

The bible tells us of the story of Jesus cursing the fig tree. Between the time when Jesus proclaimed no man shall see the fruit of the fig tree to the time when Jesus and His disciples came to the withered tree, the temple of God was "cleansed". Jesus drove out all the money changers for He wanted the temple of praise to remain as that and not den of thieves! Our bodies are the temples of God.

That cleansing comes in the form of speaking in tongues. When we speak in tongues, we are praying the perfect prayer. We may be speaking our future in existence. We may be praying for another child of God somewhere in another part of the world. We may be praying for the safety of our loved ones or even a complete Christian. To expound this slightly further, we may be praying for the salvation of someone in the world, be it someone we know or a complete stranger.

1 Corinthians 12:7-11
7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: 8 for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, 9 to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit, 10 to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. 11 But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills.

The gifts of the holy spirits are activated by the gift of speaking in tongues. When we speak in tongues, we are flaming into flame the other gift of the Holy Spirit! When we speak in tongues, we will experience shalom peace within.

Philippians 4:6-7
6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

The prayer mentions here is praying in the perfect prayer: speaking in tongues. The effective fervent of the righteous avails much. And God answer readily the prayer of the righteous. In the book of Daniel, the archangel Gabriel told Daniel that his prayer was already answered in the spiritual realm but the worldly manifestation would come later because of the hindrance placed by the devil. Keep on praying in the Holy Spirit.

In the new Pentecost, the bible tells us of the Holy Spirit rushing as a mighty wind to fill our spirits. This is only possible because Jesus had completed the complete work at the cross! We are so cleaned that the Holy Spirit is able to indwell in us, forever, till the coming of Christ for us.

Beloved of the Lord, lets press on with this gift of God. For it is refreshing and full of live in speaking in tongues. Hallelujah!

The passover feast

Exodus 12:7-9
7 "Then they shall take some of the blood and put it on the two doorposts and the lintel of the houses in which they eat it. 8 They shall eat the flesh that night, roasted on the fire; with unleavened bread and bitter herbs they shall eat it. 9 Do not eat any of it raw or boiled in water, but roasted, its head with its legs and its inner parts.

A young lamb was sacrificed for the Passover feast before the children of Israel were to come out of Egypt. The lamb had to be killed at the threshold of the door of a house so that the family was able to roast it over fire. These speak of the body of Jesus Christ which was burnt, scourged and striped for our healing! Jesus Christ bore the full blunt of God's wrath and punishment. The blood that was placed on the doorposts and the lintel and the blood on the threshold signified the precious blood of Jesus shed on the cross. It speaks of the forgiveness of our sins at the cross!

Luke 22:19-20
19 And He took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, " This is My body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of Me."
20 Likewise He also took the cup after supper, saying, " This cup is the new covenant in My blood, which is shed for you.

This passage in the new testament tells the same thing regarding the Passover feast. Now, instead of a young lamb, Jesus said that His body and His blood are to consumed for our wholeness and right standing with God. In another portion of the bible it says partake of the Passover feast as often as we want in remembrance of Jesus Christ and His finished work at the cross. We keep partaking of the Passover feast to remember that Jesus has bore all our diseases and pains on His body so that we, today, can enjoy robust health.

Also, Jesus wants us to remember His precious blood has been shed for our righteousness! All our sins are forgiven and at the cross Jesus divinely exchanged His state of righteousness for our state of sin! We can come to the throne of God, aka throne of grace, boldly in times of need to cry out Abba, Father. It is His delight to hear our prayers and it is His joy to answer our prayers.

Hey, wait! God doesn't answer our prayers. He will answer exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us! That's the grace of God! He is so BIG that He cannot contain His richness of blessings but to bless His children with much more! Wow! See the love of Abba. See His heart yearning for us to take and take from Him. It is His pleasure to supply to us, all the times.

Proverbs 9:1-2
1 Wisdom has built her house, She has hewn out her seven pillars; 2 She has slaughtered her meat, She has mixed her wine, She has also furnished her table.

I believe Proverbs 9 speaks of wisdom been imparted to us when we partake of the Passover feast, aka Holy Communion. So, when we want more of God's wisdom to flow into our lives, partake of the Holy Communion more often. How difficult it is for us to just eat and drink of Jesus' body and His precious blood? Jesus has taken the impossible part on our behalf so that we can "feast" in His finished work! Hallelujah!

Don't partake of the Holy Communion unworthily. Do not despise the simple things of God. It costs God His only begotten Son to died at the cross so that we can just enjoy our salvation now. Give thanks to God! Hallelujah!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Don't let the devil gum you to death!

Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. - 1 Peter 5:6-8

The bible says we are to cast all our care upon Jesus for He cares dearly for us. He loves us more than we love ourselves. The bible also says those who are heavy burden are to turn to Jesus and be at rest for His yoke is easy and His burden is light. When things are directed by the Holy Spirit, the work shall be effortless. The result shall be perfect for it is of the Lord's doing.

When we cast our care upon Jesus, we can live the let go life knowing Jesus will turn every defeat into victory, every cry into joy, every sorrow into happiness, every disease into pink of health! We are more than a conqueror for Jesus is our Conqueror! We sit back and watch what Jesus does. That's not to say we simply don't work and just laze our time at home. It just means that we are working with the rest from within. We shall work stress-free. There will be challenges and obstacles in our paths but Jesus already has the answer to these challenges and obstacles!

Look for His wisdom in those difficult times. It may seems like walking in the shadow of the valley of death but we are definitely going to walk through it through Christ who strengthens us from within. All things are possible to God.

The bible says we are to be aware, be sober and be vigilant for the devil goes about looking for those he may devour. The bible also says the devil goes about LIKE a roaring lion. The bible says like and this means that he is trying to imitate God to scare us out of our rest. To shake our foundation of truth and righteousness. He is trying to bring fear and condemnation into our lives. As long he can't succeed in his only tactic, there is no way he can make inroad into our lives to destroy every other aspect of our lives.

When are declare we are the righteousness of God in Christ, we are cementing his defect by Christ Jesus at the cross. For Christ was risen three days after crucifixion to show the world He has conquer death and the devil has lost his power over the people on earth. He has no more right to present himself in front of God to accuse us of our wrongdoings for Jesus has sprinkled His precious on the mercy seat!

We are now children of God. We are the righteousness of God in Christ. Don't allow the devil to deceive us into believing we can be out of fellowship with God when we sin. Jesus Christ has taken our place of sin at the cross some two thousand years ago and divinely gave us His state of righteousness. We can come to Abba Father any time and anywhere. There is no such thing as the appointed time with God and the moment we miss that appointed time, we will have to wait for another appointed time. That is utter nonsense!

We can be conscious of the presence of Jesus in our lives every minute and every second. We can fellowship with God any time of the day. For some of us, it may be the time on the way to work, be it in a car or any other form of transport. For some of us, it may be the time when we are seated on our "great white throne". Whatever and whenever, come to God boldly for Jesus has paid for our redemption with His blood.

Fix your eyes upon Jesus. Be at rest for out of it springs the issues of life. Hallelujah!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Lets believe and trust in Abba Father

Abba Father is a wonderful loving Father. There is no earthly father who can compare with Him. He so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to die for the world that the world, through the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, shall be saved.

This is no humanly love. It is a love that is never ending. It is a love that is forever patient. It is a love that is long suffering. It is love in its purest form. No word can ever fully describe this heavenly Father's love. No earthly father can fully understand and comprehend His love as well. All we can do is enjoy His love for us.

Abba Father always has good thoughts toward us. He always has thoughts to prosper us and to rest us from within. The bible says in Jeremiah 29:11: For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Bible hope is very different from human hope. Bible hope is defined as confident expectation of good happenings! So, we can, and should, expect good things to happen to us, those who are in Christ. We can expect to see a future which is bright and glorious. A future where God has already gone ahead to prepare for us. He has already been to our future and He says it is good!

We can hope for the redemptive work has been accomplished by Jesus Christ at the cross some two thousand years ago. That one completely complete work by Jesus Christ at the cross has made those who accept His salvation to have right standing with God, to be reconciled with God! Beloved of the Lord can now come to the throne of grace in times of need to cry out Abba, Father!

Believe God is doing mighty things behind the scene to prosper us and to things around or our good. It is His desire to see His people having soul, body and financial prosperity. For we are called to reign over the earth. We are joint heir with Christ Jesus. As Christ is, so are we in this world. We are in the world but not of the world. We are to be the light of the world!

Lets trust in Abba Father's love for us. It is when we are loved and know we are the beloved of the Lord, we can love one another. Jesus has yet to perform a single miracle when He came out of Jordan river. Yet Abba Father declared openly He is THE beloved Son whom Abba Father is well pleased! We have the same standing as Jesus is with God. Be conscious of our righteousness of God in Christ.

Know that God is for us and not against us. He is always looking for ways to bless us, to prosper us, to do us good. Simply believe and trust in Abba Father. Hallelujah!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Let's get into the word!

Have you find yourself always not able to make time to read or even listen to the word of God? You are not alone.

The devil wants you to focus on other stuffs which seem to be more important and possibly more urgent. The bible says the devil comes to steal, kill and destroy. What does he want to steal in the first place? It is the word of God from your life! If he is able to make inroad in this area, he will be able to destroy other areas of your life! Don't even let him have the slimmest chance to steal the word of God from you!

Make time to hear or read the word. It may be just five minutes or a few tens of minute. Whatever it is, just spend the time of the day to hear or read the word. For in the word lies the power to transform your life from losing to winning! It has the power to bring you from glory to glory. It has the power to transform you from within!

There are nuggets of revelation which will help us in our daily endeavors. Not just in our walk with Christ but in our every affair. Be it our work life or social life or personal life. Whatever the challenge may be in any area of our life, somewhere in the bible lies the answer to that challenge. The Lord will give an answer through His word to the overwhelming issue that we may be facing right now.

There are so many testimonies shared by Christians, who submitted their testimonies to the church which I attend, how their lives are being transformed by simply listening to the word preached by the pastor. It is God's way that we, through the foolishness of preaching, should be sozoed in every area of our lives. It is total healing in every aspect of our lives! When you spend time in the word, the zoe life will flow within.

We start to be able to do things which we were not able to previously. We starts to see things way before any other person sees it. We have the strength to see through the day and much more left over for our families. We have the mind of Christ to be able to do things effectively and efficiently, both at work and at home. Somehow, we seem to have more time to do the things we want to do. That's because the Lord prolongs the days of the righteous.

Lets get into the word by tithing our time for it. God is a rewarder of time as well. When we tithe our time to hear or read His word, He will multiply it many folds back to us. That's God way of doing things. He will always multiple many times back what we commit to the Lord! Even in the midst of fierce battle in our professional lives, spend time in the word and suddenly, you see how God fights the battle for you. See how He turns things around for your good!

Lets do the one thing which Mary did: sitting at Jesus' feet and listening to His word. From this one thing, and through Christ who strengthens us, we will be able to do many things at the right time and be found at the right place as well. Hallelujah!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Keep taking from God

God is a lavish giver! He can bless all other people in the world with plenty and still bless you with more than enough. We can never out-take God for His blessings are never ending. He is so full and He is always waiting for His beloveds to take from Him.

One way we take from Him is to draw from Him by sitting at His feet to listen to His word. That's the one thing that Mary did and Jesus took noticed of it and this event was recorded in the bible for our learning. Though Mary seemed to be doing nothing yet Jesus praised her for taking from Him and rebuked Martha for been too careful and worried about many things.

Now, Jesus didn't rebuked Martha for preparing the meal for Him and His disciples, but for been not restful within. God cares about our shalom peace more than anything else for out of a tranquil heart, comes mighty exploits of the Lord. When we are so restful within, God will be able to guide us in all our endeavors as we will be sensitized to His prompting and leading within or without. The chiefest thing Jesus wanted His disciples to have was to have His shalom peace.

The bible says Jesus bequeathed His peace to His disciples. This is the peace which the world cannot understanding and comprehend. Jesus is always restful and never hurried. Even when a "demand" was placed on Him in the case of the death of Lazarus, Jesus was able to look to Abba Father for His miraculous working power to raise Lazarus from the dead! When the five thousand men, not counting women and children, were hungry, Jesus simply took the five loaves and two fishes of a boy and blessed it and fed all the people there with twelve baskets full left for His disciples! That's our rich God!

Be conscious of the presence of Jesus in our lives for greater is He who lives in us than he who is of the world. Be conscious of the constant supply from God. All that we ever needed are been supplied by God. There is sufficient grace for today. Don't worry about tomorrow for there is only grace for today and when tomorrow becomes today, God's grace will be there to see us through! It is like the manna principal in the old testament. The manna was always supplied in the morning and it was always fresh.

The children of Israel never lack anything when they were wondering and wandering in the wilderness when they were under the unmerited, undeserved and unearned favor of God. God provided for their clothing so much that even their shoes were never worn out. These are just pictures of the grace of God before the crucifixion of Jesus Christ at the cross. What more we who are under the new covenant where we are the righteousness of God in Christ through the sacrificial work of Jesus at the cross.

Expect good things to happen to us for this is what the bible says: the path of the righteous shall shine brighter and brighter unto the perfect day. Also, the bible says all things will work out for good for those in Christ. Not all things pleasant, pleasurable, or even good, BUT God will cause all things to work out for our good! Hallelujah!

Friday, November 11, 2011

God knows what you are going through

The bible says God even counts the number of hair on your head. He cares for the very minute details of your life. He cares for you more than you care for yourself.

Rest assure God is doing mighty things behind the scene for our own good. For the bible says all things will turn out for good for those in Christ. The bible says so and so be it. For it is the written word of God.

Whatever challenge or trial we may be facing now and it seems there is no light at the end of the tunnel, praise and worship God knowing He is doing something about it. Be it a terminal disease one is fighting against or a huge debt one is trying to clear, knows that God has the answer to all of them: and the Answer is Jesus!

The bible tells us when the disciples and Jesus were crossing the sea of Galilee and the disciples were fearful of the "mega" storm that has brewed, Jesus simply calmed the storm and also calmed their fearful hearts. It was their fears that Jesus was more interested to address rather than the outward storm. For Jesus cared for His disciples and wanted them to be restful in spite of the raging sea they were seeing. That boat will never sink for Jesus was onboard!

In the story of Lazarus, Jesus knew what the sisters were feeling when He arrived at the tomb, where Lazarus was buried, some four days later. He came to raise Lazarus from the dead and also to comfort the two sisters, Martha and Mary. He came to bring life into a dead situation. What can be worse than having someone already dead for a few days?

If it is a financial lack that one is in, knows that Jesus is working behind the scene to bring one out of that financial lack and to bless that person with more than enough to be a blessing to those around that person. Jesus' parents on earth weren't rich when Jesus was born. But because Jesus was with them, wise men from the east came to offer their worship to Jesus and present their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Joseph and Mary were made rich because of Jesus.

Even in dire situation such as the one where the children of Israel was about to cross the Red Sea with the Egyptian army hot on their heels to kill them, God made a way for them to cross the Red Sea by parting the Red Sea and drowned every Egyptian soldier who tried to cross it. God will always make a way where there seems to be no way. That's our God! He so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son to die for the world that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Be conscious of God's love in your life for God is love. The moment God ceases to love, He ceases to be God. And because God loves His beloveds, He will make sure they are well taken care of. That is Fatherly love that human father cannot give and understand fully. Be at rest for the battle belongs to the Lord. Cast all your cares upon Jesus and see Him performing the miracle that you want! Enjoy Jesus' love for you and be at rest inwardly. Hallelujah!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Keep hearing the good news!

"The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed; To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord." - Luke 4:18 - 19

Gospel is literally good news! What then is the good news? The good news is the blind see and the lame walk; the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear; the dead are raised up and the poor will be poor no more! More importantly, sinners can be made the righteousness of God in Christ through the one complete sacrificial work at the cross. All our sins are forgiven through the shed blood of Jesus Christ.

The gift of salvation has to be received in order for the redemptive power to be effective in our lives. Once we have accepted Christ Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we are grafted into the kingdom of God, we are sons and daughters of the most high God! As Christ is so are we in this world!

Jesus was never sick. Jesus was never in lack. Jesus was never hurried. Jesus was never angry towards the sinners. Even His "chiding" was to encourage His disciples to take more from Him! We always see a perfect Jesus! We see His healing virtue manifested in a mighty way when He healed all who come to Him for healing. We see How he touched the lepers and the leprosy left them. Wow, what a personal and thoughtful act! Jesus knew the lepers were missing human touch and He just fulfilled that very lack.

Distance is never an issue where healing is concerned. Jesus can heal from where He is now at the right hand of God. The bible says Jesus healed a centurion's servant from afar when He heard the request for healing that servant. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Jesus is still healing today!

When Jesus was on earth, He was never in lack. The bible says wise men from the east came to worship Him and presented to Him gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Riches and honor follow after Jesus. When we pursue Jesus, riches and honor follow us! So stop striving to pursue the richness of the earth through our own effort. Pursue Jesus and allow the Holy Spirit to lead us into all blessings. Surely, the blessings of the Lord make one rich and no sorrowful toil can make up to it.

Jesus knows our every need. When the fishermen in the bible caught nothing the night before, Jesus gave them a net breaking and boat sinking harvest of fishes! When the Samaritan woman needed love, Jesus provided the ultimate love the woman had always wanted. The bible tells us that even when Lazarus was dead for four days, Jesus was able and willing to raise him from the dead.

Keep hearing the gospel. For out of it comes the answer to our every need. For out it we see the beauty and perfection of Jesus Christ. And when we behold Jesus Christ, we are been transformed from glory to glory in His image! Hallelujah!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The covenant keeping God

Covenant is more than a lawful agreement between two or more parties. In the old testament, people will usually have an incision on their wrists and be joined together at the wrist to signify they are now in covenant. Whatever one party has, the other has also. There is no longer an distinction between whose assets they belong to. Both parties now have all their assets combined.

When God cuts a covenant with man, God can keep His part but man can't and God knows it all along from the beginning. That's why when God cut a covenant with Abraham, God put Abraham to sleep and in his place, a pillar of fire goes through the cut pieces of the animals and God, represented by a pillar of cloud, goes through them in the opposite direction. In that instance, God the Father cuts a covenant with God the Son! That's why Jesus has to die at the cross for man's transgressions and his sins!

For by one man's offense, all are made sinners. And through that One Man's sacrifice at the cross, whosoever accepts Him and His salvation is made the righteousness of God! What Jesus has accomplished at the cross is so much more than what Adam has committed in the beginning. For the precious blood of Jesus is able to cleanse us of our sin and sins forever and for everyone who had lived and the very last man who will ever live! Whoever accepts the gift of righteousness are being grafted into the kingdom of God and can come to the throne of grace in times of need to cry out Abba, Father!

Adam was originally given the key to govern the earth and to have dominion over it. Yet he gave up his right to the devil when he sinned against God in the garden of Eden. It will not be righteous for God to just take the key away from the devil "forcefully" as it will be an injustice for God to do so. God is a just God. He has the master plan to send Jesus to die at the cross and to rise from the grave three days later to show the world He has conquered death and the devil has no right to the key and no right to stand before God to accuse Christians of any sin.

For Jesus has come to earth that He created to be a Man so that He can righteously redeem man from his sin! It takes a kinsman redeemer to redeem man from his state of sin and to cleanse him of all his sins. God cannot just forgive all the sins that men had committed or are committing or will commit by sweeping them under the carpet. He has to judicially judge man for his sins and He did it through the sacrificial work of Jesus at the cross. Through that one complete sacrifice at the cross by Christ Jesus, whosoever believes in Him is made the righteousness of God in Christ!

God has kept His part of the covenant and Jesus has, on behalf of men, kept the other part of the covenant! Now! We have what Jesus has! We inherit what Jesus inherits! We have His shalom peace which He bequeathed to us! We are made prosperous for Jesus has no lack. We are made whole in our bodies for Jesus is full of health and energy and power!

Thank you Abba Father for Your faithfulness in keeping Your part of the covenant You cut with man. And thank you Jesus for keeping man's part of the covenant. And thank you Holy Spirit for indwelling in us forever for those who have accepted the gift of salvation. We are to reign in life through the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness. Hallelujah!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I am the beloved of the Lord

Jesus loves me this I know. For the bible tells me so. That's part of a Christian song. I will sing this song to me son regularly. There is another part of the song that says Jesus is strong.

For God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son to die for the world that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. The moment a sinner accepts Jesus Christ as His savior and Lord, that sinner is transformed from a state of sin to a state of right standing with God. He/she is made the righteousness of God in Christ. All his/her sins are forgiven forever!

God cannot punish a Christian for his/her sins for the punishment has been vetted on Jesus Christ and it will be an injustice for God to punish Christians for their sins. That is not to say Christians should live a lifestyle of sin. How shall it be where Christians are dead to sin and alive to righteousness! How can it be where Christians see the grace and loveliness of Lord Jesus Christ. When we fall in love with Christ Jesus, we shall fall out of love with sin. For sin shall not have dominion over us for we are not under law but under grace!

It is fine to know that Christians are saved from eternal damnation. More importantly, be conscious that we are the beloved of the Lord. Beloved means to be deeply loved, very close to the heart, according to one dictionary. That means we are deeply loved by Father God and we are very closed to His heart. For as Christ is, so are we in this world. The heart of Father God is full of Jesus and we are in Him. So we are His darlings. He only has good thoughts toward us.

As the beloved of the Lord, we get to enjoy whatever Jesus is! Jesus is full of love. We can to enjoy His love and because He first loves us, we can love one and another. Out of the abundance of grace we can extend favor to another. Jesus is wisdom personified. We have the mind of Christ and His wisdom shall manifest greatly in our lives. Jesus is full of shalom life! This shalom life flows mightily in our lives. Jesus is shalom. The bible says Jesus has bequeathed His shalom to us. We have the peace which surpasses all understandings of the world.

As the beloved of the Lord, we are joint heir with Christ! Whatever He has, we have. Behold the Lord Christ Jesus and see our lives been transformed by Lord Christ Jesus. We see Jesus in the word. We see His loveliness and abundance of grace through His word. We are been transformed effortlessly by beholding Jesus.

All our needs are supplied. There shall be no lack in our lives for Christ has given His life, His very person for our every need. There IS fresh manna for today. Take no thought for tomorrow. Live today.There is sufficient grace for today. Be constantly mindful of the truth we are the beloveds of the Lord. Hallelujah!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Keep hearing the word of Christ

So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. - Romans 10:17

The bible says faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God. The word God here refers to Christos - Christ. We are to keep hearing and hearing the word of Christ. Not just those words in red but the word concerning Christ Jesus and His finished work at the cross.

When we hear the word of Christ in the bible, faith rises from deep within and there is an inward knowing everything is going to be alright. For the bible says all things will turn out for good for those in Christ! We just have to believe the word. For there is power in hearing the word of Christ for it is one way God talks to His people.

You can hear your way out of every challenging situation. Be it an addiction or an evil thought, all can be replaced by the merely beholding Jesus in the hearing of His word! There is power in His word to transform and to sozo us. The word sozo means to make whole in every aspect of our lives. Jesus wants to make right what's not right in our lives. He came to give us life and life more abundantly!

That's the master plan of God to have His only begotten Son to take our place of sin at the cross so that we can take His place of righteousness at the right hand of God! This is the perfect redemption plan God has in mind all along. He wants His creation to enjoy Him to the fullest and not dwell in the pitiful state of sin all the days of our lives. Believe God always has good thoughts toward us. He has thought of grandeur for us. He wants us to be the head and not the tail!

Keep hearing the good news. For the gospel is the GOOD news. It is about Christ and His finished work at the cross. At the cross, Jesus finished a completely complete work of redeeming us from a life of sin. He has paid the price for our punishment and we are to receive His blessings upon our lives. It is not our works to be right with God but Jesus' work that makes us right with God!

We can also hear our fear out of our minds. We don't have to understand how it is done. That's God's part. We just avail ourselves to hearing His word and the word has the power to transform our lives! Keep hearing Jesus' word and see the wondrous powers of God working mightily in and through our lives. Hallelujah!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Jesus Is The Savior

Rejoice! For your Salvation is here. His name is Jesus.

For God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son to die for the world that through His Son's sacrifice, the world can be saved. Whosoever accepts Jesus as his/her Lord and Savior shall be saved. His whole household shall be saved as well! We may not know how our loved ones shall be saved but God surely knows and leave the how to to God. Our job is to believe.

What did Jesus come to save us from? First and foremost, Jesus came to give us His righteousness. He came to give us His peace. Whosoever believes in Jesus shall be saved from eternal damnation. He shall be grafted into the kingdom of God. He shall be son of God. He is a Christian! He is set apart from commonness.

Jesus came to take our place of sin so that we can take His place of righteousness. Through Adam's sin, all human race are made to be sinners. Through the one complete sacrifice of Jesus Christ at the cross, all who believe shall be made the righteousness of God in Christ.

With this new Sonship comes peace. With this new Sonship comes joy. With this new Sonship comes health. With this new Sonship come prosperity. With this new Sonships come blessings which cannot be untold.

However, some of us may be experiencing things which are contrary to our inheritance in Christ. Some of us may be feeling the pain of certain terminal disease. The symptom may be so overwhelming that we think there is no way of healing. The negative reports may have come fast and furious. BUT, Jesus is the final answer! He is still the healer today.

While He was on earth, He healed everyone who came to him. Even when someone is dead, Jesus was still able to call forth the dead into life. Jarius' daughter was dead by the time Jesus came to his house. Yet, Jesus simply breathed life into the little girl and she was resurrected! Lazarus was dead for more than four days by the time Jesus came to his tomb. With one loud proclamation, Lazarus was raised from the dead!

Jesus is more than willing to heal us of all diseases and illnesses. There is no disease that Jesus cannot eradicate from our bodies. Believe Jesus and believe in His word. Partake of the passover feast as regularly as we want for non shall be feeble after partaking of the passover feast!

Some of us may be experiencing lack in the area of finances. The bible says our God will supply all our needs according to the riches and glory in Christ Jesus. He freely gives us all things, through Christ, to enjoy! Continue to honor the Lord by tithing our increase, regardless of how meagre it may be and see your finances increase thirtyfold, sixtyfold and then hundredfold! See abundance coming your way. For it is God's pleasure to see His children with more than enough to be a blessing among their loved ones.

Jesus is the Savior. He is saving even today. Be it a relationship issue, be it a work challenge, be it a ministry problem, be it anything which is negative in our lives, Jesus is still saving us. Continue to believe His word and stand firm on His promise that He will never leave us nor forsake us. Jesus will always pull through for us! Hallelujah!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Is Jesus the central focus of our lives?

Are we, the beloved of the Lord, putting Jesus Christ as our central focus? Are we still looking at our circumstances and judge them based on our senses? Are we still measuring our standing with God based on our performance?

Jesus Christ is there before the foundation of the earth. He is the first and the last, the beginning and the end, Alpha and Omega. His one single and perfect sacrifice at the cross is efficacy for all ages, from the first man to the last man who will ever live. God demonstrated His perfect love for the human kind at the cross where Christ, with His outstretched arms, declared the work of redemption completed!

With that one completely complete work at the cross, whosoever accepts Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior shall be saved. He shall be made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. He is drafted into the kingdom of God. He is a son of God. We inherit whatever Jesus has. We can have the peace, the peace which surpasses all understanding, that He has bequeathed to us. Oh! What a glorious God and what marvelous work has Jesus accomplished at the cross!

When Jesus declared "It is finished!" at the cross some two thousand years ago and rose from the grave three days later, it meant the reconciliation process has been completed. We are been reconciled with God through the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ. And because He was hang on the cross, He has taken away all our curses. We are now free from any punishment from God for all punishments have been exacted on the body of Christ. No curse shall befall us as well.

With that one sacrificial act at the cross by Christ Jesus, all blessings in the bible are ours to proclaim. We can have what Christ has. We shall be abundantly supplied for in all things. We shall be in robust health for by His stripe, we are made completely whole.

Circumstances may seem to be contradicting with what the bible says. It may seem to be so real that we just take our eyes off Jesus and focus on the issues at hand. Sometimes, the going may be so tough that we completely forget we have a mighty God who is able to do all things, including turning our bad situations for our good!

Symptoms of diseases or illnesses may appear in/on our bodies but they shall not take root in/on our bodies. This is the promise of God that we shall be healthy and live a good long life. For death and life are in the power of the tongue. We thank God for our health everyday and proclaim victory over our circumstances, regardless of how bad it may seem. Continue to believe God only has good thoughts toward us and He wants the best for us. Continue to trust in His love for us. Believe God will always turn all things for our good.

Look to Jesus. Behold Him. See Him in every situation and issue. See Him taking control of the situation. Trust Him to provide a way of escape when it seems there is no end to the difficult situation. Cast all your cares at His feet for He cares. Don't rely on our human strength but instead rely on His unending love for us to see us through. Guard all your heart above all guardings for out of it springs forth the issues of life.

Continue to trust in God for every providence. His grace is sufficient for the day. Live the let go life and see the wondrous work of God manifesting mightily in our lives. Hallelujah!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Get into the word!

The word of God has the power to transform your life and your situation for the bible says that His word shall not return to Him void but to do His will.

What is His will then? The bible says His will is to prosper us and to keep us healthy as our souls prosper. God wants our souls to be so filled of Jesus Christ that every spiritual blessing will come our way! It is not just about material abundance but fulfillment in every aspect of our lives: family, ministry, profession, relationship, etc.

We can only be fulfilled by Christ along. No other being or thing can come compare with Him for He IS the One who willingly sacrificed Himself at the cross to bring us untold blessings. Chief of all, we are made the righteousness of God in Christ. We shall inherit the blessings of Abraham. We shall enjoy the blessings of the bible. We shall enjoy Christ Jesus!

Christ is the Alpha and Omega. He is the first and the last. He is the beginning and the end. Everything is created through Him and for Him. He shall take pre-eminent place in our hearts. When we are filled with the Lord Jesus Christ alone, we will enjoy peace and joy. We are contended through Him. We shall lack nothing through Him!

How can our lives be filled with the loveliness of Jesus? It is seeing Christ Jesus in His word. We can see the very person of Jesus Christ in every scripture of the bible. The bible is the written word of God. Jesus is the living word of God. When we speak in tongues, we are speaking the word of God!

Keep dwelling in the word of God. Do not forsake the word for it has the power to transform your life. Take time to prosper our souls in the Lord by hearing or reading the word. Get into the word even when there seems to be no time for it. It is a battle the devil wants you to lose: no time for the word.

The word will nourish us in every good way. When we feed on the word, we are feeding on Jesus Christ. We shall have river of living waters flowing out of our belly! We shall be fulfilled in every area of our lives and be blessed in all things. Hallelujah!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Greater is He who lives in me than he who is of the world!

To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. - Colossians 1:27

When Christ cried "It is finished!" at the cross, all our sins are forgiven and we are made the righteousness of God in Christ. We are cleansed so thoroughly that the Holy Spirit comes to indwell in us! That's the hope of glory. For He will teach, guide, and lead us from within. He is our assurance that Christ has done a complete work at the cross!

What does Christ in me mean? Personally, I think the victorious Christ is living in me. And because He lives in me, I can have the victorious life He came to give through His sacrifice at the cross. I can live a life that exemplifies the glory of God in me. I have what He came to give to me. Our measure of receiving differs from one and another. But God is good. We will never lack in any good things.

We don't have to be envious of others just because they seem to have more in life. Whatever we are lacking in our lives, we can ask God for it. For He will freely, with Christ, gives us all things to enjoy! He has given to each of us a certain measure of faith. We just need to exercise that measure of faith and see it grows.

We, the beloved ones of the Lord, shall receive everything from Abba Father. For our God will supply all our needs according to the riches and glory in Christ Jesus. We are rich for Christ was made poor at the cross. We are healthy for Christ has borne all our diseases on His body. And by His stripe, we are the healed of the Lord.

Regardless of the challenges we are facing now, know that the greater One is living in us.he will turn all things for our good. Look to Him for the answer. For He will never disappoint us. Be it a health issue, be it a financial situation, be it a relationship problem, be it a work related challenge, Christ is the answer to them all. And Christ lives in me.

Look to the One that indwell in us. He has, and He is, THE Answer to all the issues pertaining to life. Those who are in the Lord can truly live a restful and victorious life. Hallelujah!

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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Who do you see your inner man as?

Many a times, what we have is what we have envisioned days, months or years ago. We are a product of what we see internally and what we speak. Stop complaining about life and start proclaiming and declaring victories over our lives! For how we see and what we speak will affect our lives, be it in the present or in the future.

What then do we see ourselves as? Do we see ourselves as successful? Do we see ourselves as not lacking any need and with more than enough to be a blessing to those around us? Do we see ourselves as having robust health and be able to help those in physical need? Most importantly, do we see ourselves as the righteousness of God in Christ?

For if we are not convinced that we are the righteousness of God in Christ, all else will be in vain. All other pursuits are trivial compared to the pursuit of the person of Jesus. We need to be established in God's righteousness and not our self-reighteousness! It is the finished work of Jesus Christ at the cross that made us righteous. No other works can qualify us to have right standing with God.

When we know without a shadow of doubt we are the righteousness of God in Christ, we can seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all the things that the gentiles seek shall be added unto us.

When we know that we know we are made righteous by the precious blood of Christ Jesus, we can be sure of who we are before God and men. We can expect good things to happen to us for God will turn all things for our good. We can expect the favor of God to flow freely in and through us. We can be successful in our chosen endeavors.

Starts seeing ourselves as being successful for it is the Lord that brings success to our ives. The blessings of the Lord make one rich and He adds no sorrow with in. Starts seeing ourselves as being healthy, strong and full of youthful energy to carry out our daily duties. Starts seeing ourselves as being a blessing to those around us.

Speaks forth God's word into our lives. For the word of God has the power to transform and accomplish what God has intended it to be. In due time, we will be what we have seen within and what we have spoken over our lives. If things aren't what you want to happen at the moment, change the vision within and speak God's word into our lives and start to see the outward manifestation of what we want in life. Hallelujah!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The just shall live by faith

So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Roman 10:17

The just shall live by faith and not by senses. They shall live by what the word of Christ says about their lives and not based on their existing circumstances. Right believing will lead to right living. So faith and right believing are synonymous? The answer is a resounding YES!

Faith is about receiving from God. How then can we receive from God if we don't have the right opinion of God? We need to believe right in order to live right. I'm all for right living but right living stems from right believing! When we have a good opinion of God, we will see manifestations of God's promises in our lives.

What then is having a good opinion of God? It is nothing more than believing God is good toward us. The bible says the Lord has thoughts of peace and not of evil and a good future and hope for His people. We just believe this truth and appropriate this truth into our lives and live the victorious life that Christ has died at the cross to give to us. We can live life knowing God is taking care of all our issues, big or small, on our behalf.

We can look to Christ for all our needs! We can cast all our cares upon Him for He cares. The bible says those who are heavy laden can draw close to Jesus for He shall give them rest for His yoke is easy and His burden light.

Child of God shall live life like the manna principle. What's that? It is the principle of living one day at a time and to live the now moment knowing God's grace is there on a daily basis to see us through in our daily walk on earth. Beloved of the Lord, God wants us to live a carefree life! God wants us to live life trusting in His goodness and mercy everyday.

Therefore, the just shall live by faith. Live life knowing God has taken care of everything in our lives. If it is a life threatening medical condition, knows that Jesus has taken that medical condition on His body and by His stripe, we are already the healed of the Lord! If it is a bad financial situation, knows that Jesus was made poor at the cross that we through His poverty shall be made rich! Hallelujah!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Speak to your situation

Who are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you shall become a
plain! And he shall bring forth the capstone with shouts of "Grace,
grace to it!"'" - Zechariah 4:7

There were times in our lives when we just whined about our situations
to our friends. We may even lament about the past mistakes or missed
opportunities. Yet things just happened as they did. It didn't change
then. We may be facing some challenges that seem insurmountable now. Are
we still going to complain about it and "do nothing" about it?

There are times when faced with a issue, be it small or big, we are to
pray and cast it into the loving hand of Abba Father. Yet, even in the
bible, there are times where we are to speak to the situation for the
power of death and life are in our tongues! We have the power to
proclaim God's goodness in our lives and we need the discernment from
God to know when to pray about an issue or to speak to a situation.

When come to healing, there are times when we have to use the authority
that is vested in us through the finished work at the cross by our Lord
Jesus Christ to speak to the illness. We have to command the disease to
leave our bodies for it has no right to take root in our bodies for by
Jesus' stripe, we are the healed of the Lord. We are proclaiming victory
over the pain, illness, and disease for we are standing on victory
ground which Christ has won it for us at the cross!

When faced with a situation that's overwhelming, we can proclaim victory
over the situation for the battle belongs to the Lord. We can still pray
to Abba Father about the situation. More often than not, we are to speak
to the situation! When we speak, we are using the birthright of a king
and priest. We are exercising the authority that is placed in us through
the finished work of Jesus Christ at the cross. I am not referring about
ruling over other people but to let God rule over the situation. When we
proclaim victory in our situation, we will see victorious manifestation
in our lives for it is God who does all the perfect work.

In the bible, when Moses was challenged by the children of Israel before
the Red Sea and he cried out to God for help, God asked Moses to lift up
his rod and strike the Red Sea. The Red Sea was parted not because of
Moses but it was God who parted it. And the children of Israel was abble
to walk through it safely. In another incident when the children of
Israel was complaining to Moses about not having water to drink, God
instructed Moses to speak to the "Rock". In spite of Moses hitting the
rock twice, water still flowed from the rock and the children of Israel

When Jesus was on earth ministering to the His people, He used His
authority to address the situation. While we know He always retreats to
the mountains to pray, it is seldom recorded in the bible that Jesus
prayed about the situation. He usually spoke what He wanted to see in
the situation! When the centurion requested Jesus to heal his sick
servant, Jesus only spoke healing into the servant's life and at that
very moment, the servant was healed. In another instance, Jesus spoke to
the daughter of Jarius who had just passed away and the daughter was
immediately raised from the death.

When come to things of God which Jesus Christ has redeemed us from: we
can speak and proclaim. We proclaim blessings in our lives. We proclaim
wholeness in our bodies. We proclaim prosperity in our lives. We speak
to a difficult situation to align itself with what we want to see it
happen. We can use the power of our speech to effect God's miraculous
work in our lives. Hallelujah!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Be conscious of Christ's presence in your life

Be conscious of Christ's presence and see the miraculous works of God
manifestating in your life!

Abraham was conscious of the Lord's presence in his life. Wherever he
pitched his tent, he would build an altar to worship God. He believed God
and God accounted him as righteous. God even called Abraham His friend.
What an honour!

Joseph was aware of God's presence in his life also. He was blessed and
favoured by his father and that was the main reason why his brothers wanted
to kill him. Joseph was eventually sold as a slave in Egypt. Even in the
house of his master, the blessings of the Lord were apparent in his life
for whatever he did, it prospered.

When Joseph was tempted by his mistress, he was so conscious of God's
presence in his life that he ran away from his mistress declaring he won't
commit such wickedness in His presence! He was thrown into the dungeon when
the mistress accused him of trying to rape her.

Even when he was in the dungeon, Joseph didn't exhibit a sense of
bitterness toward the people who had put him in that predicament nor of the
situation he was in. Instead he had a strong sense of God's love and His
presence in his life.

When Joseph finally met his brothers, he was not bitter with them and said
that all these things had happened as a result of God's master plan to put
him there, where he is able to provide for his brothers and their families
as well as his own father and his families.

When the consciousness of God is so strong in your life, no evil shall come
near you nor shall any weapon formed against you prospered! You will be
able to do things which you have previously thought are immposibilities.
You'll have the resolve to overcome every adversity knowing that the battle
belongs to the Lord and He is fighting it on your behalf.

Cultivate the presence of the Lord always!

During Jesus' time on earth, his disciples didn't really appreciate His
presence. When they were in the boat with Jesu at the stern, they were
terrified by the storm though Jesus was with them physically and asleep at
the stern. There was much fear among the disciples. When you know God is in
control of the situation, you can rest easy for you know He is taking care
of the situation.

Your heart will be warmed when you're conscius of Jesus. You will be filled
with so much joy and energy that you feel like going on and on perpetually!
Cultivate His presence in your life and see God fighting the battle for
you. Hallelujah!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Enjoy God's love for you

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that
whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
(John 3:16)

God's love for us is so personal! He calls each of us by name and we,
beloved of the Lord, hear His voice clearly. We will never be able to
fully comprehend this Agape love. Such love that God is willing to
sacrifice His only begotten Son, Jesus, on the cross on our behalf so
that we can be drafted into the His kingdom. Such love that He is
willing to bear the pain in His heart to see Jesus going through the
sufferings for us sinners that through His one sacrificial act, the
whole world shall be saved.

It is the love of God to drive Adam and Eve out of the garden of Eden
for God doesn't want them to live an eternal life of condemnation. It is
the love of God that He called forth the rain to flood the whole earth
for the whole earth at that time was filled with creatures that are not
fully human except for Noah and his wife and his three sons and
daughters-in-law. This is to preserve the humankind. And God promises He
will never flood the earth again.

When the humankind was totally lost, God cut a covenant with Abraham so
that we will have whatever God has. However, God knows man will fail in
his part of the covenant and therefore caused Abraham to sleep and Jesus
and God the Father actually cut the covenant. That's one reason why
Jesus has to die on behalf of man for their sinful state and their sins.

Beloved, knowing how much God loves us will empower us to live a
victorious life. At Jordan river where Jesus was baptized, God the
Father assured Jesus that He is well loved even before Jesus has
performed a single miracle! With the assurance that He is the beloved of
His Father, Jesus was able to overcome the temptation of the devil in
the wilderness for forty days without water and bread!

Appropriate aggressively God's love personally and you will experience
His love for your like no others. It is a power that will cast out all
fears. It is this love that we can love one another. Believe that God
deeply loves you. For He even counts the number of hair on your head. He
cares for every small or big issue that we are concerned with. Cast all
our cares upon Jesus for He cares.

Believe we are the righteousness of God in Christ through His one and
only sacrificial act on the cross and reign in life! Hallelujah!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Why worry then?

"And do not seek what you should eat or what you should drink, nor have an
anxious mind. "For all these things the nations of the world seek after,
and your Father knows that you need these things. - Luke 12:29-30

Why then do we still worry? Simply, we just don't believe God is so good as
to take care of our every concern! The bible says we are to fight the good
fight of faith, not a case of anxiety and worry. We are to believe we are
the righteousness of God in Christ.

When we know in our heart we are made righteous by the finished work of
Jesus Christ at the cross, we can experience all blessings in the bible. We
know the Holy Spirit indwell in us for we are so cleansed by the precious
blood of Jesus.

We can have the assurance Jesus wil make sure all things turn out for our
good! He was made poor at the cross so that we through His poverty shall me
made rick. The bible says our God shall supply all our needs according to
the riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

The bible also says by His stripe, we are healed! It is not maybe but
absolutely positive healing. We can have divine heal for it is a gift from
God. God wants us to be healthy so that we can go about our daily
activities with ease.

God will always prepare the way for his saints. He will guide the righteous
in the path of righteousness. And in this pathway, there is no death. There
can only ne glory and grace.

The Creator of Heavens and Earth has condescended as Man so that He can be
our kinsman redeemer. What a graceful act! What an act of love! To think a
sinless Being will come down from Heaven to die for sinners and to
reconcile them to God. Hallelujah!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Jesus is the Saviour

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall
be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor,
Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. (Isaiah 9:5)

Jesus came as the Saviour of the world. What then did He come to save us

First of all, Jesus came to give us life and life more abundantly. He came
to save us from eternal demnation. He came to redeem us from the curse of
the law. He came to reconcile us with Abba Father! He came to divinely
exchange His position of righteousness for our position of sinfulness!

There is therefore no condemnation for those in Christ! All our sins, past,
present and future, are eternally forgiven at the cross. We are completely
washed, thoroughly cleansed by the precious blood of Jesus. His blood keeps
on cleansing us of all our sins. One finished work at the cross, forever
made righteous.

Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law for cursed is He who
hanged on the cross. We are irrevocably blessed. All blessings in the
bible are yes and amen! We have the blessings of Abraham!

The blessings of the Lord make one rich and He adds no sorrow with it. We
have every spiritual blessing of Heaven. With it, comes material wealth. We
are blessed to be a blessing to others.

The blessings of Abraham include health and a long good life. Our youth is
renewed like the eagle's. We can be full of vigour and spirit. We can go
about our daily endeavours with ease and much more!

Jesus came to save us from broken relationship. Be it marital, family,
relatives, friends relationships, He came to restore to the glory of God!

Jesus saves us from a fearful and anxious life. We have the peace of God
for this is a gift from God. We can live life courageously and withour fear
for we know Jesus had already gone ahead into our future and paved the path
with His goodness. Be lead by the Holy Spirit within and live a victorious
life! Hallelujah!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

What about the love of God?

For God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten that whosoever
believes in Him will have life and life more abundantly.

God is love. The moment God ceases to love us, He ceases to exist!

It is the love of God that sent Jesus to die for us at the cross. With one
perfect work, all our sins were forgiven! The divine exchange had taken
place: Christ's righteousness for our sin and our sin for His
righteousness! We are drafted into the kingdom of God, we are sons and
daughters of Abba Father.

We love because He first loves us. With His love, we are able to love
others. Knowing God's love never fails, we are assured of the eternal love
of God which is upon our lives. It is the grace of God which drives us to
repentance. We want to extend love to others for we are loved by Abba

Perfect love casts out all fears! We can live lives courageously for we
know Abba Father loves us very dearly. He loves us so much that He is
willing to sacrifice Jesus on our behalf at the cross.

The love of God surpasses all human love. We may have been hurt by love
ones but God's love will never cause any harm to us. We can put our trust
in God. Jesus wept when the children of Israel refused to accept His
protection on them. The love of God caused the almighty God to weep for us.

God's love never fails! Enjoy His love on our lives and rejoice daily
knowing we are His beloved. Hallelujah!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

See your old man crucified at the cross

The bible says we are to see our old man crucified at the cross with
Christ. (Romans 6:6) That implies we are to see our old selves no more for
the old man has died with Christ and our new man is in the risen Christ!

Who then is the old man? He is the person who doesn't have the resurrected
life of Christ indwelling in him. He is the person who is still living in
the prison of sin. He is the person who still believe in his flesh.

What does it mean to have died with Christ and to live with the resurrected
Christ? Simply, our old selves who were sinful and self righteous are now a
thing of the past. The pain, the sorrow, the reliance on flesh of the old
man is no more! Behold, we have a new man in Christ. We have a new
beginning in Christ!

We have a new identity in Christ Jesus. Whoever Christ is, I am. For Christ
is in us and we in Him. The divine exchanged had taken place at the cross.
Jesus had given us His place of right standing with God for our place of
sin.With one complete sacrifice, our new man is risen with the resurrected

The bible says we have divine heal for Jesus has borne our diseases on His
body. By His stripe, we are already made whole, we are already healed, we
have the peace of God which surpasses all understanding.

When the Holy Spirit indwells in us, we shall be guided from the rest
within. We can be guided as to what kind of decision to make. We can
discern between what in line with God's masterplan in our lives and what's

And we know by the grace of God Jesus was made poor at the cross that we
through His poverty shall be made rich. We have every spiritual blessing in
Christ Jesus.

All things shall work together for our good. Not all things are necessarily
good but they shall work together for our good. For this is our inheritance
in Christ Jesus.

See our new man in Christ and be filled with His grace in our lives. See
and abundant favour of God flows through our lives and in every endeavour
we pursue. Hallelujah!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Give what's little to God and He will multiply it back to you

Give what's litte in your hand to Jesus and He will multiply many folds and return it back to you with more than enough.

This is so evident in the feeding of the five thousand. The disciples thought Jesus were asking them to buy bread for the five thousand when He knew His Father will provide food for them. After a little boy presented his five loaves of bread and two fishes to Jesus, He looked to heaven and having blessed the food, He gave them to the disciples to distribute to the multitudes and they ate till they were all full.

While everyone was full, the disciples collected the rest of the food that was left behind and there were twelve baskets full. What little the boy gave came back with such abundance that the disciples were able to collect with twelve baskets full!

In another story, Peter lent Jesus his boat so that He was able to teach the multitudes from the boat as there was more and more people coming to hear Jesus and He was not able to teach from land. Peter was washing his nets at that time for he and his partners had caught nothing the night before.

He thought of nothing by lending Jesus his boat. After Jesus has taught the multitudes, He asked Peter to launch out to the deep and cast out his nets. Peter heeded His word but cast out only one net. What came next must have caught Peter by surprise! He had so many fishes that he had to call his partners for help to reel in those fishes. What Peter probably thought nothing of when He lent Jesus his boat had come back to him with much abundance.

In the old testament, God asked Abraham to "give up" his son to test him as to whether he will give up his son for God. Abraham did as God instructed but at the point when Abraham was going to kill his son, Isaac, God stopped him and showed him the sacrificial lamb nearby.

God and Abraham were in covenant. When faithful Abraham was willing to give up his son for God, God has every judicial right to sacrifice His Son, Jesus, for mankind. He gave up His only begotten Son to die for us while we were still sinners so that we can take His place of righteousness at the right hand of God. His Son is the greatest gift He can give to men.

When God is willing to give Jesus for us, what more will He not give it to us!

Trust God for He is good and His mercy endures forever. Give what is little in our hand and see the miraculous working power of God manifestating in our lives. Give God what little money we have and see God blessings us with more than enough to be a blessing to those around us. We can have all the richness of earth for we have Jesus in our lives!

Give God what little health we have and see Him renewing our youth like the eagles that we can live as long as we want and see good days. We can be like Caleb of the old testament when his strength did not diminish when he was eighty five years of age.

Give God what's little in our hands and see Him multiply it many times back to us. God is faithful and He will do what His word has set out to do. Believe in Him. Hallelujah!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

See the bronze serpent on the wooden pole judged

When the children of Israel complained about the manna, many of them were bitten by poisonous snakes and they died. However, God instructed Moses to make a fiery serpent and set it on a pole, probably a wooden one, so that whoever behold the bronze serpent shall live and not die.

The serpent was judged when God cursed him that he shall go on his belly and eat dust as he has deceived Eve into believing that it was good to eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Cursed is anyone who hanged on a tree.

The serpent, which symbolized the devil has been cursed on the cross. Judgement was pronounced against him at the cross when Jesus proclaimed the redemptive work finished. And on the third day, He rose from the grave and ascended to Heaven to sit at the right hand of God and eternally and righteously striped satan of his power of death!

The divine exchange has taken place at the cross. Jesus has given us His righteousness for our sin so that we can be reconciled with God and call Him Abba Father. We can go to the throne of grace anytime, anywhere. God wants us to draw near to Him all the times. He wants to be close to us and He sent the Holy Spirit to dwell in us!

Since the divine exchange has taken place at the cross, we no longer have to expect condemnation when we sin. I am not referring go the natural consequence and the punishment of the civil law should we do something foolish and unlawful. I am referring to the judgement from God for the sin against Him. We are eternally forgiven because of the shed blood of Jesus Christ.

We can therefore expect blessings and good happenings to happen in our lives for the price of our sin has been dearly paid by our Lord Jesus at the cross. We can expect all things to turn out for our good even though they may not be good presently. We can expect God to bless us richly all things to enjoy because Jesus has paid it all and much more!

The devil is powerless against a Christian who is full of Christ. Look to Jesus and give thanks continually for the finished work at the cross. Hallelujah.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Behold Jesus

Behold Jesus for He is the answer to our every need. How then do we behold Jesus?

We behold Jesus by seeing Him in the word. In the bible, two disciples were walking to Emmaus and they were talking about Jesus who was supposed to be the Messiah. It was resurrection Sunday and Jesus appeared before them and drew near to them and their eyes were restrained from seeing Jesus in person.

Jesus asked what they were talking about and they answered Jesus the events that had taken place and the appointed Messiah was nowhere to be found. Jesus answered they were foolish and slow of heart to believe what the prophets had prophesied and beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, Jesus taught them the word expounding Himself.

At the end of the journey, Jesus broke the bread and gave it to them and their eyes were opened and Jesus has vanished from their side. They reasoned between themselves how their hearts were warmed when Jesus was expounded in the word and decided to walk back where they came from. That was a total of 14 miles of walking!

When we see Jesus in the word, our hearts will be warmed as well. We will have joy knowing Jesus is there for our every affliction. We can be assured Jesus will never leave us nor forsake us. We are so closed with Jesus that He sent the Holy Spirit to dwell in us.

As beloved of the Lord, we can look to Jesus for our every need. We can be assured He will take care of us for the bible says so. The word says we are made whole through the bodily sacrifice of Jesus and we are made righteous by the Jesus' shed blood.

Rest in the finished work of Jesus Christ. For at the cross the love of God and the judgement of God met and Jesus borne all the wrath of God on our behalf. The divine exchange has taken place. Hallelujah!