Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Nothing but the blood of Jesus

2000 years ago, a lone solitary figure was crucified with 2 thiefs at His right and left. His name is Jesus.

Jesus was crucified on my behalf so that I can take His place of righteousness before God. His precious blood was shed for the forgiveness of all my sins. He had established a new covenant where I can have a relationship with Him and God and the wonderful Holy Spirit who dwells in me.

Only His blood sacrifice can set me right before God. No other sacrifice is needed or can cut it. Jesus is God and Man. He came to Earth to become Man so that He has every right to redeem men of their sins.

Oh, how precious is the blood of Jesus. The sinless blood was shed for me to inherit and enjoy every blessing that God has for me. Hallelujah.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My chains are gone, I've been set free

"My chains are gone, I've been set free. My God, my Saviour, had ransomed me." - Christ Tomlin.

I was so touch my this song, Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone), when I heard it just a few weeks ago. It reminded me of the freedom I have when Jesus had redeemed me some 2000 years ago.

I am no longer under any bondage or law for Jesus had fulfilled the law on my behalf. I'm the redeemed of the Lord. I am to believe in the finished work by Jesus at the cross and to be at rest.

The things of old have passed away. I am a new creation in Christ. I belong to the new covenant where all my sins have been forgiven because of Jesus' finished work. I can boldly go to Abba Father and commune with Him directly.

Praise the Lord that my old self had been crucified with Christ some 2000 years ago. Whom the Lord had set free, he is free indeed. Hallelujah!

See it in your heart first

God says, "Light be" and there was light. God spoke and objects were created. On the sixth day of creation, God made man after He said, "Let us make man in our own image, after our likeness".

Whatever things that God wants to see it done, all He does is speak and the thing shall be done. He sees the things in His heart first and then proclaim them with His mouth. That's the way God works. He works by speaking the things He wants to see. Manifestation just follows after He spoke.

We are created in the likeness of God. If we want to see things happening in our lives, we need to speak them out. We need to proclaim. But most importantly, we need to see it in our hearts first.

When we see it in our hearts and do not doubt it. Manifestation will take place after we proclaim it. If we believe God wants us to be whole and completely healed of all form of diseases or illnesses, we just need to proclaim by His stripe that we are healed. At that moment, healing will have taken place. Sometimes instantly, sometimes 30-fold first follows by 60-fold then 100-fold.

If we believe God wants us to be plentifully provided for and to be able to enjoy all things that He has given freely to us, we need to declare that by the grace of God Jesus was made poor at the cross that we through His poverty shall be made rich. If we do not doubt it, we will see our lives blessed with financial blessings.

Whatever we want, if we are able to conceive it our hearts and do not doubt it and to speak forth those things in our hearts, we shall see the manifestation! Sometimes the manifestation comes instantly, sometimes it comes later on in our lives. Whatever His timing, we just have to believe that the manifestation shall come. For He makes all things beautiful in His time.

Friday, July 25, 2008

I Am that I Am

I Am that I Am. That's God answer to our every question. He is the very present help in times of need!

When the children of Israel was suffering at the hands of the Egyptians, God appeared as a burning fire in a burning bush. He identified Himself with His people for His people were suffering as slaves. He heard His children every groan.

When the children of Israel was wandering and wondering in the wilderness and dwelling in tents, God was dwelling in the tabernacle. In the heat of the day, He appeared as a pillar of cloud to keep His children cool. In the cold of the night, He appeared as a pillar of fire to keep His children warm.

When Joshua took over the helm of leading God's people into the promised land and was facing Jericho, God appeared as a warring Angel. He told Joshua to circle around Jericho and shout His praise on the seven day and the wall of Jericho came tumbling down.

My God is the I Am God. When we are suffering from illness or diseases, He is our healing. When we are suffering from lack, He is our provision. When we are suffering from relationship breakdown, He is the glue that keep us together.

He is always ready to jump into our situation and turn the situation into our favour. He is always ready to take care of our cares once we cast them into His hand. Be bold to go to the mercy seat in times of need for God is always there for us. Just trust in Him. Hallelujah.

The prodigal son

Many of us would have heard the story of the prodigal son in the bible many times. Some of us could even verbatim the details of the story. However, how many of us really appreciate and fully understand the meaning behind this story? (By the way, I have yet to fully appreciate and understand why God put the prodigal son story in the bible.)

When I first read the story of the prodigal son, I quickly jumped to the conclusion that the father shouldn't have taken in his second son so easily and willingly without any condition imposed on the second son to behave himself in the future. I felt the second son is undeserving of the lavish love the father had shown towards him.

As the Lord opens my eyes to the story through the teaching of Pastor Prince over the years, I begins to see more than what I had understood when I first read the story.

As a matter of fact, all of us are the "prodigal son" before we accept the Lord into our lives. We were doing all kinds of thing to be right with God. We were ignorant of the perfect love of God. For God so loved us that He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus, to die for us at the cross so that we can live lives more abundantly.

Oh, how lavish is God's love! He loves us even when we were sinners. The moment we accept Jesus as Lord in our lives, He pours forth His love into our lives. He made us sons and daughters of the most high God and not servants. He called us into His kingdom which He had prepared for us. Everything had been completed for us Christians to live a plentiful live. Hallelujah!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Greater is He who is in me

The bible says greater is He who is in me than he who is of the world.

Who is He who is IN me? He is Jesus, for Christ is in me. Some of us may want to refer to Him as the Holy Spirit.

Why is He greater than he who is of the world? Because He is God. He who is of the world is not God.

Jesus can calm the storm with His word. Jesus can made the blind see with His hand. Jesus can raise the dead with His power! There is nothing that my Jesus can't do to make our lives the way He had originally designed.

There is no one sick in His presence. There is no dead in His presence. And no one shall be poor or remain poor in His presence. He cares for us more than we care for ourselves! Cast all our cares upon Him for He cares.

He who take our place at the cross will see to it all things are well with His children. He who has all the power in the universe wants to be so close to us that He dwells within us for those who believe that He is God and He had risen from the grave on the third day. Trust in the One who is in me! Hallelujah!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Hope against all hope

There were many stories in the bible where the situation seemed to be completely hopeless. Yet the end result were always good.

Look at Abraham. He was old and childless even though he know he was righteous. Sarah was old and barren. Yet God have him a son, Isaac, when he was 100 years old and while Sarah was 90 years old. When it seemed that Abraham would have no one to success him, God is faithful and renewed their youth to produce Isaac.

Look at Joseph, the eleventh son of Jacob. Joseph had visions of great achievements. However he was despised by his brothers for he was favoured by his father Jacob. He saw sold as a slave by his brothers and later thrown into a prison by his master. Things just didn't seem to be good in Joseph's life. Yet, Joseph was full of the Lord's presence and he was later promoted to be the second man in command in all of Egypt.

Look at the children of Israel when they were leaving Egypt. They were promised that a deliverer would bring them out of Egypt. But they were despaired when they faced the Red Sea in front of them and the Egyptian's army behind them. Either way was death for them. Yet God was able to stop the Egyptian's army and open the Red Sea to allow them to cross and later drown the Egyptian's army so that the children of Israel could go and picked up the spoiled left my the Egyptian's army.

Whatever dire straits we may be facing, know that God is working miracles behind them. He is more than able to turn things around for our good. Just believe all things will turn out for our good and have faith. For faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Rest on Sunday only?

Many, if not all, of us are lifted in our spirit when we attend church service where the Word of God is been preached and taught. At the church service, we believe every word of the bible that is been preached. We don't doubt that our negative circumstances will turn around for the better. It is like we are able to rest at the end of the pool after a long swim across the pool.

The challenge comes when it is Monday. We forget about the precious word of God that has been preached. We quickly forget that Jesus is doing mighty work in our lives. We focus on our natural senses and see our challenges bigger than Jesus.

Then comes Tuesday, Wednesday, and all the way to Saturday. We use our natural resources to deal with our situations. There is no God's involvement in all the things that we do. We feel we have to get things done if not nobody will turn things around. We live lives like there is no God. It is like we just continue to swim across the pool all over again. We don't stop to rest cause we can't rest at the deep end of the pool.

God wants us to be at rest. Jesus had bequeathed His peace into our lives. Guard your heart against all guardings for out of it springs forth the issues of life. Keep your heart at rest and peace. When we are restful, God works "overtime" to turn our situations for our good. Praise be to God, for He is good. His mercy endures forever.

Stay firm on your course for Jesus

There are times when we feel we can't go on anymore. There are times when we feel the going are just too much for us to bear. There are times when we feel like just give up and end our lives. This may sound familiar to some of us cause we are going through some tough challenges.

Some of us may be fighting against some forms of terminal diseases. Some of us may be facing lack in our finances and trying our best to make ends meet. Some of us may be dealing with a difficult family issue like potential divorce.

Fret not! For there is hope in Christ!

What is not right in our lives, as long we choose to believe in Jesus' finished work at the cross, will be made right. The moment we have a heart knowledge of how wonderful the finished work at the cross is, miracles happen.

Take the woman with the issue of blood in the bible. She was suffering from that disease for twelve years. Yet the moment she touched the hem of Jesus' garment, she was immediately healed of that disease. By the way, Jesus was making His way to save Jairus' daughter who happened to die before Jesus could reach her. However, Jesus didn't stop there. He told Jairus not to be afraid and continued his journey to Jairus' house and brought his daughter back to life!

Jesus was able to bring a situation from dead to life. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is still turning our bad situations to good. Just believe in Him. For greater is He who is in me than he who is of the world. Hallelujah.

Monday, July 7, 2008

A blog dedicated to gadgets

Thought of writing something about gadgets in my current blog but was advised to create a new blog for this purpose. So, here's the url to my gadget talk blog:

Currently there is nothing on that blog but it will be populated soon.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

A good report

A good report came in while I was having a conversation with a good and precious friend of mine last week. This good report brought so much joy and peace that it caused me to think about the crucifixion at the cross.

The report that came in was a natural report yet my friend and I took it so literally as if the event in that report had come to pass. What set me thinking about the complete work at the cross is the fact that we trusted the natural report as if it is the truth and doubted the word of God even though it is the truth. It also set me thinking how easily and fast we believe in a good natural report and how difficult and slow when it comes to God's word.

The word is the truth. It is the written word of God. In it, the nuggets of God's thoughts and blessings are been revealed. In it, we will find rest. In it, we can re-discover our peace in Christ. In it, we can find joy. In it, God's secrets are been revealed. In it, we will find our true identity in Christ.

The more we dwell in the word of God, the more we will enjoy His presence and the more we will experience His love for us. There is power in God's word and it will accomplish what God had set it to do. The word of God can transform our lives! Believe God's word. Don't doubt it.

Shadow versus substance

I had always doubted the purpose of offerings to "God" of other faith. Never really grasp the true purpose of those offerings as well. Always wanted to question the real purpose of these offerings when I was very young but never had the courage to ask for fear of been reprimanded. However, I had always found the whole process meaningless.

Praise be to God that many of my doubts were cleared when I know more about Jesus. Before Christ came, children of Israel had to offer sacrifices to atone for their sins. This was done at the tabernacle of Moses. At the outer court, there was lots of blood shed from the killing of the sacrificial animals. At the holy place, there were three items: the altar of incense, the table of showbread and the candlesticks.

Till today, many religions are still practicing the ritual of sacrificing animals to have a prosperous year. Isn't it strange to see all these rituals so similar with the animal sacrifice during the old covenant days. Probably someone just copied the process but didn't get the true meaning of these rituals.

At the cross, Jesus, the true Lamb of God had completed the animal sacrifice to God, once and for all. The Lion of Judah had finished a finished work at the cross. It is completed complete! The true substance had come! All those sacrificial rituals are just a shadow, they are just representation of the true substance.

So, today, we just need to behold Jesus and His finished work and proclaim our blessings in Him. For Jesus is the true substance.