Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Faith must be exercised!

Faith in God is just like the muscles we have. For muscles to grow and be strong, they must be exercised on a regular basis. Muscles will suffer muscular dystrophy when they are neglected for a long time.

Faith has to be exercised as well. How we exercise faith is to look to Jesus for every need that we have. By hearing and hearing the word of Christ, faith comes. The more we hear and see Jesus in the word, the more faith will be built up.

Faith is not about our faith in God. Faith is looking at God. Faith is casting our cares in God's hand. Faith is trusting God to deliver us in every situation. Faith is like seeing the manifestation long before it materializes. Faith is enjoying God's goodness on a daily basis. Faith is having a good opinion of God.

My God is FAITHFUL. His promises will also come true. Those who put their trust in Him will not be put to shame.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Our thought lives

Many a times we act according to what our minds tell us to do. It pretty much determines our actions outwardly. We will react to circumstances when our minds tell us to even when the outward circumstances are not exactly what our minds perceive.

How important, then, to have the right belief that God is a good God and that He cares for us more than we care for ourselves? He already knows all our cares and just waiting for us to cast them into His mighty hands. When we are conscious of how good God is to us, our action will follow suit. We will live lives that of king-priests, for we are born of the royal priesthood.

When we give glory to God, we will see good things happening in our lives. All outward circumstances will align themselves with our inward thoughts for they are aligned with God's will in our lives.

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Friday, February 8, 2008

At Daiso

My family and me are now at Daiso, the $2 outlet at Vivo City. It's been a long time since we last shop here. Caleb

Yet another close up shot

Another close up shot

A close up shot

Visiting Sentosa

Just came to Imbiah Lookout. Going to check out the flowers festival.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Best day of my life

Today shall be the best day of my life for it is a day that the Lord has made and I choose to rejoice in it. What a privilege to worship the Almighty God. What a pleasure to praise Abba Father.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

A picture

A close-up view of the decoration at Suntec City Mall.