Sunday, October 9, 2011

Jesus Is The Savior

Rejoice! For your Salvation is here. His name is Jesus.

For God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son to die for the world that through His Son's sacrifice, the world can be saved. Whosoever accepts Jesus as his/her Lord and Savior shall be saved. His whole household shall be saved as well! We may not know how our loved ones shall be saved but God surely knows and leave the how to to God. Our job is to believe.

What did Jesus come to save us from? First and foremost, Jesus came to give us His righteousness. He came to give us His peace. Whosoever believes in Jesus shall be saved from eternal damnation. He shall be grafted into the kingdom of God. He shall be son of God. He is a Christian! He is set apart from commonness.

Jesus came to take our place of sin so that we can take His place of righteousness. Through Adam's sin, all human race are made to be sinners. Through the one complete sacrifice of Jesus Christ at the cross, all who believe shall be made the righteousness of God in Christ.

With this new Sonship comes peace. With this new Sonship comes joy. With this new Sonship comes health. With this new Sonship come prosperity. With this new Sonships come blessings which cannot be untold.

However, some of us may be experiencing things which are contrary to our inheritance in Christ. Some of us may be feeling the pain of certain terminal disease. The symptom may be so overwhelming that we think there is no way of healing. The negative reports may have come fast and furious. BUT, Jesus is the final answer! He is still the healer today.

While He was on earth, He healed everyone who came to him. Even when someone is dead, Jesus was still able to call forth the dead into life. Jarius' daughter was dead by the time Jesus came to his house. Yet, Jesus simply breathed life into the little girl and she was resurrected! Lazarus was dead for more than four days by the time Jesus came to his tomb. With one loud proclamation, Lazarus was raised from the dead!

Jesus is more than willing to heal us of all diseases and illnesses. There is no disease that Jesus cannot eradicate from our bodies. Believe Jesus and believe in His word. Partake of the passover feast as regularly as we want for non shall be feeble after partaking of the passover feast!

Some of us may be experiencing lack in the area of finances. The bible says our God will supply all our needs according to the riches and glory in Christ Jesus. He freely gives us all things, through Christ, to enjoy! Continue to honor the Lord by tithing our increase, regardless of how meagre it may be and see your finances increase thirtyfold, sixtyfold and then hundredfold! See abundance coming your way. For it is God's pleasure to see His children with more than enough to be a blessing among their loved ones.

Jesus is the Savior. He is saving even today. Be it a relationship issue, be it a work challenge, be it a ministry problem, be it anything which is negative in our lives, Jesus is still saving us. Continue to believe His word and stand firm on His promise that He will never leave us nor forsake us. Jesus will always pull through for us! Hallelujah!