Friday, November 28, 2008

The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not be in want.

The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not be in want.

Jesus is the all providing Shepherd. He had already provisioned all things that we need in our lives. At the cross, He had borne all our sins so that we can be made righteous before God. He was striped, pierced, and burnt on our behalf so that we can have robust health. At the cross, He was stripped of all material possessions so that we are made rich in all things.

The bible also says that the Lamb was slain before the foundation of the earth. Jesus knew He was going to be the sacrificial Lamb on the cross, for cursed is anyone who is hanged by a tree. Christ was resurrected on the third day after His crucifixion. Together with Christ, Christians are also resurrected in the spirit. The resurrected life of Christ now dwells in every Christian.

The resurrected life of Christ gives us His shalom peace. It gives us joy in the Holy Spirit. Christian can rejoice for the good that Christ had done. Long before we face a challenge, Jesus had already implemented a way for us to be victorious. He will always make a way of escape in our trials for He had completely completed the work at the cross.

The word of Christ says that He will prepare a table for us in the battle field. During the olden days in the old testament, a blood covenant was cut between two persons. When one is in trouble, the other one will step in to rescue the one in trouble. When Jesus lays a table for a Christian in a battle field, He is telling the enemies to flee as He is the other covenant party in the blood covenant.

Jesus will always lead us to victory. He will never put a Christian, whose trust is in Him, to shame. He will never play a Christian out. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is the all providing Shepherd. In Him, I shall not lack. Hallelujah.

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