Belated Merry Christmas to all the lovely people in the world. Happy Boxing Day.
I'm having breakfast with my wife at the coffee stall near her office. It is a good feeling to be able to enjoy the companionship of my beloved spouse and to have breakfast amid our busy working schedules.
What more the Almighty God, whom desires to be with us, to help us and to save us. My Havenly Father enjoys my companionship. He loves to fellowship with me. He loves to give to me and to provide for all my needs. All I have to do is to believe in Him and receive from Him. Hallelujah!
The new year is just around the corner. What an eventful year it had been for 2007.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Breakfast with my wife
Posted by
Caleb Teo
7:42 AM
Labels: Christmas, companionship, Father, fellowship, God, hallelujah, loves
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
What's Important In Our Lives?
Everyone of us has a family. If the people around us is not related by blood, marriage, then they can be people who we get to know along our lives.
What more for those who are in Christ! We have an heavenly Father who never fails. We have Jesus as our elder Brother who knows what we are going through. He had sent the Holy Spirit to dwell in us forever. What a Royal family that Christians belong to. Hallelujah.
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Posted by
Caleb Teo
8:28 AM
Friday, December 7, 2007
Rest - God's Promise Land For The New Covenant
And His work always works. Our toiling will come to nothing, for God had given His beloved children rest. That's not to say we don't work. We work to express our talents and gifting. We have fulfillment by acting out the grace that God had put in us in our workplace. We should have joy in fulfilling our commitment at the workplace.
If we are struggling within, it is time to seek the Lord again. He will guide and teach us in all things, that include our work. Be at rest. With a restful heart, blessings will flow in and through us without hindrance, for He is always supplying.
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Posted by
Caleb Teo
11:52 AM
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of Christ
There are times when we feel God is miles away and doesn't care about what we are going through. Yet the bible tells us the Holy Spirit dwells in us forever for those who are in Christ.
The more we hear the word of Christ, the more faith can be built up within us. For there is power in the word of Christ! The more we meditate on the rhema word of God, the more we see our path straight and prosperous.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
9:45 AM
Monday, December 3, 2007
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Some of us go through life so fast that we simply missed the flowers at the road side and hardly stopped for a little while to smell the aroma of coffee. More often than not, we just want to speed through life while focusing on the major things in life.
While we need to focus on the major things in life, we need to appreciate the small things in life as well. Appreciate the loved ones and the people around us. Appreciate that today is another day to appreciate the miracles of life itself.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
10:07 AM
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Maybe we have forgotten to thank the almighty God who had anointed and appointed spiritual teachers and preachers to teach and preach the word of Christ in our lives. Praised God for all these anointed men and women of God!
Perhaps, we can start the day with a thankful heart, giving thanks to God for taking care of us.
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Posted by
Caleb Teo
12:46 PM
Labels: Christ, encouraged, encouragements, God, preacher, spiritual, teacher, thankful, touched
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Happiness Is A Choice
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Posted by
Caleb Teo
4:19 PM
Friday, November 9, 2007
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Friday, November 2, 2007
Right Believing
More often than not, our lives are affected by the way we think. How we see ourselves and our circumstances will determine how we will response to them. It is important to have the right belief than to try to live right.
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Posted by
Caleb Teo
12:17 PM
Monday, October 29, 2007
My God Is A God Of Abundance
Also, if we are challenged financially, when God's deliverance is here, we will be blessed with not only financial blessing but also blessings in the area of our health, family, relationships. God's blessing comes like a tsunami into our lives. He will bless every area of our lives.
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Friday, October 26, 2007
Why Did God Create Adam?
Because God is love. He has so much love that He wants to lavish on us, His creations that were created in His image. He wants us to be part of His family. He wants to fellowship with us. He wants us to enjoy the lives that we have. He desires us to prosper and be in health as our souls prosper.
Powered by ScribeFire.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Friday, October 19, 2007
A Good Morning
Posted by
Caleb Teo
8:43 AM
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Morning Walk
Went to stroll along East Coast Park in the morning. Saw the sun rising from the East. Wasn't exactly what my wife and I were expecting though. Check out the pictures anyway.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
9:07 AM
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Right Believing
How often do we still believe that we have a part to play to be right with God? Remember, it is Jesus who had come to fulfilled God's will for us, as us and in us. We have absolutely no part to play in sacrifice to be righteous, to be right with God.
Our part is to believe Jesus had done a complete work at the cross, and to rest in His finished work. By believing this truth, we will live right. It is right believing that leads to right living and not vice versa. And when we believe right, we will live a victorious life. A life that is a good testament to God. A life that is glorious. Hallelujah.
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Posted by
Caleb Teo
9:23 AM
Labels: believe, cross, Father, glorious, God, hallelujah, Jesus, life, right, righteous, sacrifice, victorious
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Forever The Same
However, this wasn't the case yesterday. It was raining heavily and the sun was nowhere to be found.
When we focus on our faith to trust God for manifestation of our wants and needs, we are trusting a sure uncertainty. That's because our level of faith rises and falls depending on our current situations.
When we focus on the finished work at the cross by our Lord Jesus, that faith will never waver. Because that faith is now based on the certainty of the finished work that is completely complete! For the bible says Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever.
By beholding Jesus, all things will work for our good. When we see His grace, He sees us in our faith! Look to Jesus, the Aurthur and Finisher of our faith, and cast all our cares upon Him for He cares. Hallelujah.
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Posted by
Caleb Teo
10:12 AM
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Going out with my mother-in-grace and her sister
Making my way my aunt's place then to my mum-in-grace's place and VIVO City.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
4:18 PM
Another New Day
A day where I can praise the Lord for He is good.
A day where I can thank the Lord for He is merciful.
A day where I can worship the Lord for He is great.
A day where I can love the Lord for He first loves me.
A day where I can cast my cares upon the Lord for He cares about me.
A day where I can talk to the Lord for He always listens.
A day where I can be at peace with the Lord for He had finished the work at the cross.
Powered by ScribeFire.
Friday, October 5, 2007
ScribeFire Plug-in for Mozilla Firefox
Powered by ScribeFire.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
6:29 PM
Monday, October 1, 2007
Going Through The Shadow Of The Valley Of Death
Was just wondering how do people cope when they are going through some trials in their lives? How well do we manage the stress and fear that come with the trials?
All of us are created differently and so our response towards the challenging situations differ. Some of us are able to take the issue head on and have the strength to deal with whatever that is thrown at them. They see these issues as something they can feed on, something that will strengthen them at the end of the day.
While some of us may choose to side-step the difficult issue at hand and ask for help from good friends and relatives. They will ask for advices and humbly receive whatever help that is offered.
Some of us will try to ignore the situation totally! 'cos we are not able to face the issue squarely head on. It will be a learning process. We need to learn to be overcomers.
Praise be to God for those who are in Christ. For we have a loving God who will never leave us nor forsake us. He will see us through all things; including trials. His grace is sufficient. Anyway, the battle is His and not ours. Look unto Him to deliver us.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Window shopping
Posted by
Caleb Teo
4:36 PM
Friday, September 14, 2007
Peace in a business meeting
Had a business meeting on Wednesday morning. While driving to the prospect's office with Marcus, my mind was playing the various scenarios on how to handle the prospect. And the fact that we were running late compound the matter further.
However, we arrived at the prospect's office earlier than the prospect. While waiting for the prospect to arrive for the meeting, Marcus and I were praying in tongues. At some point of praying, there was an inward knowing in my heart that "all is well". At that very instant, I knew things would turn out well. But, I still didn't know "how well" the meeting would turn out.
Marcus started to present our idea to the prospect when the prospect arrived at the office. The presentation went very smoothly and we were able to get the prospect to agree on certain modules that we will implement for the prospect's company. Praise the Lord.
All the "worrying" before the meeting was uncalled for. The moment our focus is on Jesus, the outward things will align with His plan and turn out for our good. Our job is to believe God is good to us for He will never leave us nor forsake us.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
8:36 AM
Peace in the middle of a traffic congestion
Was caught in a traffic congestion yesterday evening along Guillemard road at around 6:30 pm. I was feeling frustrated initially for being caught in that situation and also at the decision to travel on that road.
While mulling over the situation, I was reminded by the Holy Spirit that I was in my car and enjoying the sermon which was playing through the car's audio player. At that moment, it dawn on me how blessed I am. I was inside the car and not outside. I am able to listen very clearly and not deaf. I am to see with good vision and not blind. I am able to move my arms and legs and not limp. Hallelujah!
How often do we take these things for granted. Instead of thanking God for being alive and being able to praise and worship Him, we complain about the difficult times at the office, we complain about the inconsiderate neighbours, we complain about the government, and we complain .... Just for once, can we focus on the One who had taken away all our sins and had promised abundance of blessings on our lives.
When we behold His beauty and what He had accomplished at the cross, the image of God within us become "BIG". We begin to have good opinion of God. We start to believe God is good to us. We believe all things will happen for our good and that no evil shall befall us.
Paise and worship Him for He is good and His mercy endures forever.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
8:04 AM
Labels: blessed, blessings, God, Holy Spirit, mercy, praise, sermon, worship
Friday, September 7, 2007
Faith to faith
Therefore faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of Christ. We can hear ourselves back to faith but we cannot psych ourselves back to faith.
When we see the grace of God, He sees us in our faith. By beholding Jesus and His finished work at the cross, we will have a "big" consciousness of who we are in Christ and what's our real identity in Christ. Also, when we meditate on His word, we will have a revelation of who Christ is in our lives.
There is no point in striving to achieve success by our natural effort only to find out that it is bad success later on. When we work from a rest perspective, the Lord Jesus will give us success beyond our imaginations. He will make our paths straight and He will put us at the right place and time.
Our job is to believe God is good to us. He had adopted us as sons into His kingdom through the finished work at the cross and by our confession that Jesus is Lord. The greatest miracle is achieved by believing and speaking, what more the "lesser" miracle of health and wealth.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Let go and let God
Count God faithful! When we are faithless, He is faithful. He will not rest till all our challenges have been overcome, all our issues are resolved.
Many of us feel that we are capable of great achievements. And rightfully so for those who are in Christ! However, how often do we find ourselves in a tight spot that we are not able, with our own effort, to get out of. For without Christ, we are nothing and we can do nothing. But we can do all things in Christ who strengthens us!
Lets cast all our cares at the feet of Jesus for He cares. Our worries and fears will not change the outcome of a difficult situation. But God can turn all things, including those that are adversed to us, for our good. He is more than willing to take care of all our cares. The moment we let Him take over, all our cares will be taken care of.
Therefore, stop striving to get things done through our own effort. Allow the Holy Spirit in us to work in and through us, with the peace of God, to bring about the completeness of things. Be restful at heart and mind and trust in the goodness of God . For He is good and His mercy endures forever.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Count your blessings
Was just looking out of the office window and saw a half asleep city scape. Didn't notice much of activity along the main road.
Thanked God our nation is blessed. His hand is all over this nation. Also, thanked God for a good government that we are able to go about doing our business with peace.
More importantly, thank God I am alive and living another day to praise God and to worship Him. Thank God I'm healthy and able to enjoy food. Thank God I'm able to sleep soundly at night, not having nightmare. Thank God I'm able to pass motion with ease.
Thank God I'm able to display my talents and giftings at work. Thank God for wonderful colleagues. This is the day that the Lord has made and I choose to rejoice in it.
How often do we whine about the situation and forget we already have the answer to that situation. How often do we focus on the mountainous task ahead and forget the most important Person within us who is able to strengthen us and see us through.
Let us count our blessings, regardless how small they may be.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
8:45 AM
Labels: blessings, God, praise, rejoice, strengthen
Monday, August 27, 2007
Guard your heart!
Guard your heart above all guardings for out of it springs the issues of life. Jesus tells us in His word not to take thought for tomorrow or be worrisome or anxious over issues, for His grace is sufficient for the day.
The word also tells us not to fear the treats of the devil, for Jesus had taken the power of the world from him and had given this power to us to reign in this world. The more we are able to guard our hearts against the evil thoughts, the more we will see God's manifestation outwardly in our lives.
The areas that we can let go and let God are the areas that God's grace can flow through easily. The areas which we worry or be in a state of fear, are the areas which we restrict the flow of God's grace, even though God is blessing us all the time.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Great World City
Just had lunch at Crystal Jade restaurant at Great World City.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
4:53 PM
Friday, August 24, 2007
The steadfast love of God
Was in the office quite early this morning and noticed a bright sunny day. But the weather has now changed to one which is cloudy and going to rain. That's how volatile weather can be.
Thank God He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is a God who keeps covenant. His promises are yes and amen in Christ Jesus. For He so loved us that He sent His only Son to the cross to die for us that we might be reconciled with He through the finished work at the cross.
As the result of that finished work some 2000 years, many of us are now saved and many more are going to be saved. We are called Christians. We can call on Him in times of need and we can praise Him in times of happiness.
God's wish for us is to prosper and be in health as our souls prosper. His word is truth. We can hold on to His word for it is life to us. Trust God to see us through. For He knows intimately what we are going through.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Perfect peace
In the midst of a perfect storm, there can be perfect peace.
This was best demonstrated when Jesus was crossing the sea of Galilee with His disciples. Some of His disciples were seasoned fishermen. To fear the storm the way they did must have been quite a storm. Yet, Jesus was not disturbed at all at what the devil was throwing at Him. He only woke up at the cry of His disciples. Immediately, He would calm the sea down.
This is the love of our Lord Jesus. He will come to our rescue the moment we look to Him for help. He is always with us as His word says He will never leave nor forsake us. He is aware of the difficult situations some of us are going through. He already has a plan to deliver us from those difficult situations.
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, in prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all knowledge and understanding, will guard your heart and mind through Christ Jesus.
Jesus had left His peace with us while He was ascending into Heaven to be seated at the right hand of our Abba Father. This peace is not of the world but a knowing that our Lord is loving towards us and His love was demonstrated at the cross.
Monday, August 20, 2007
It is all about Christ
How often did we want the best in life but just fell short of it? How often did we end up in a job and found the work environment stressful? How often did we want to give the best to our loved ones but didn't fulfill those promises? How often did we want to do good but end up doing things that we didn't want to?
As long the focus is on ourselves, there will be constant struggles to give your best to people who matter and issues that are important. There is therefore, now, no condemnation for those who are in Christ! For it is Christ in us that will give us the desire and strength to see us through the situation. For it is Christ in us that will love our loved ones.
To strive on one's self effort is to dig one's pit and fall into it subsequently. For without Christ, we can do nothing. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Look to Jesus to see us through all things. For His grace is sufficient for us. Those who put their trust in Christ will not be put to shame. Hallelujah!
Posted by
Caleb Teo
12:23 PM
Labels: best, Christ, condemnation, grace, hallelujah, Jesus
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Taking things easy
Some of us go through life at such a fast pace that we don't have time to enjoy our lives. Sometimes we take things too seriously. We need to just take a step back and take it easy. It is amazing how easy it is for us to have a completely different view of the issue or situation when we take it easy.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
11:49 AM
Labels: easy
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
I was just thinking how difficult it is for us to move slowly in a fast pace environment. No wonder there is more people getting into heart problems. If only we will take our time and smell the coffee, we will realize we can accomplish more by resting inwardly.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
9:16 AM
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Marvel of technology
Thank God for 3G video call. Though I'm not physically at the National Parade venue, I'm able to view part of the exhibition through my phone via video call from my wife's phone.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
7:15 PM
Labels: 3G
Enjoying a cup of ice blended coffee
Am enjoying a cup of ice blended coffee at Coffee Bean opposite Carrefour. This place is always buzzing with people. With some loud music playing in the background and some people talking quite loudly, I feel very tranquil and undisturbed within. In fact, I am able to listen to sermon playing through my phone. Anyway, this is what I took just a while ago.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
6:56 PM
Labels: Tranquil, undisturbed
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Good ending
All things work together for good for those in Christ. Also, good things happen to those who believe God is good to them. Regardless of what's happening in and around us, it will turn out for our good. For our Lord Jesus is good towards us. He only has good thoughts for us. Hallelujah.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
6:34 PM
Don't worry
Had a fresh revelation on not been worrisome about issues. God's grace flows in worry free areas of my life. He had given His only begotten Son to die for me at the cross to give me sozo life. I shall lack no good thing for He had freely, with Christ, given me all things to enjoy. The moment I let go of the issue and cast it at Jesus' feet, I will see the provision that is already there.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
8:29 AM
Labels: Christ, enjoy, free, freely, grace, provisions, revelation, sozo
Friday, August 3, 2007
Going to JB
Going to Johor Bahru with my wife and her cousin and mother in grace.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
5:41 PM
Thursday, August 2, 2007
A good dinner
Had Chay Kay Teow with my lovely wife at Jago Lane. It had been a while since we last ate at that coffee shop. Yet to try the Indian stall though. Maybe will patronize the Indian stall the next time we are there. The tosai looks good.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
10:38 PM
God is good. He will see us through all things. He will lead us through trials back to victory. In the midst of a trial, He has a way of escape for us. Peter was able to walk on water in the midst of a storm when he eyes were fixed on Jesus. The moment he took his eyes off Jesus, he sank. Behold, Jesus immediately stretched His arm to hold Peter and together they walked back to the boat. Jesus is our Shepherd! Those who put their trust in Him will never to be put to shame.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Cool weather
We have a cool weather after the rain. Everything seems to be cool as well.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
3:45 PM
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
It has been a wonderful day
It has been a wonderful day. Things happened at the office the way I wished they had. Certain important issues were resolved. His grace is sufficient for the day. Didn't really pay attention to the beautiful sunset at my office recently. Good to just lay back and enjoy seeing the sun going down behind the cloud.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
6:35 PM
Monday, July 30, 2007
Another beautiful day
This is another beautiful day that the Lord has made and I choose to rejoice in it. It is wonderful to start the day with His manna for all provisions are wrapped up in this manna. His goodness and mercy shall hunt me down all the days of my life. He will never leave me or forsake me. I can put my trust in Him for His word is truth. His word is life.
Friday, July 27, 2007
An eventful Thursday
Had an eventful Thursday. I was able to share with some of the Getsmart workshop participants on some of the features on their Nokia smartphone. I'd introduced to them a few third party application softwares that are useful to them.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
9:18 AM
Labels: Nokia, Smartphone
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Rejoice always
Just saw another verse with 2 words only; Rejoice always, 1 Thessalonians 5:16. Rejoice! For my joy is in the my Lord and my answer is in His word.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
A rainy start to a brand new day
It is drizzling now. The sky is grey and the sun seems to have disappeared. Yet deep in my heart I know the sun is still shinning. Just because the cloud has covered the sun doesn't imply the sun is no longer there.
How often have I focus on the issues at hand and forget there is a Son. The Son of God had done a complete work at the cross some two thousand years ago. Divine exchange had taken place. God had not spared His only begotten Son at the cross, how much more will He not take care of my issues. He cares so much for me that He even counts the number of hairs on my head.
Knowing that God loves me gives me the assurance and confidence He will turn my situation around for my good. What a lovely Abba Daddy I have. What a wonderful Lord in Christ Jesus. What a mighty Holy Spirit in me. Hallelujah!
Posted by
Caleb Teo
8:00 AM
Labels: abba, assurance, confidence, cross, exchange, God, Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, Son
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Beppu Restaurant
Posted by
Caleb Teo
8:50 PM
Thursday, July 19, 2007
A good start to a beautiful day
Had breakfast with my wife at a coffee stall near her office building. Had a good conversation with my her while we talked about the love of Jesus in our lives. We were counting our blessings as we behold Jesus' loveliness and His faithfulness. In Him, we are able to do all things. In Him, we have the hope of glory! It was brought to our attention that we are a blessing to people around us as we weren't aware of it. How wonderful it is to be a blessing to those around us. We just have to behold Jesus and to be in His word more and more each day. What a wonderful way to start the day!
Posted by
Caleb Teo
8:36 AM
Labels: behold, blessing, conversation, faithfulness, glory, Jesus, loveliness, wonderful
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Another late night at the office
I am staying back at the office to finish some stuffs. Was captivated by the city night scape that decided to take this picture.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
7:55 PM
Workout application from Nokia Beta Labs
I had tried the Workout application on my phone yesterday evening by walking around my estate. This software is well designed with important data like distance and pace been well positioned on the screen for easy reference. The data from each workout can be exported to a spreadsheet where it can be analyzed. This software uses GPS to monitor your speed and distance.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
8:48 AM
Labels: distance, speed, spreadsheet, workout
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Breakfast with my wife
It has been a while since my wife and I have breakfast together. We had wanted to do this every morning before she heads for her office. However, we were able to so on a few occasions only. I'm looking forward to more breakfast sessions with my wife.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
8:31 AM
Labels: breakfast
Monday, July 16, 2007
My wife
Thanked God for a lovely wife at my side, always. She was there when the going was tough and she was there to share my joy. She is always by my side supporting me in whatever way she knows. She is not perfect but neither am I. However, God has a master plan for both of us as husband and wife and we look forward to His master plan unfolding each day of our lives.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Wow! Just had a good lunch at the nearby food centre. I was spoilt for choice. There is the famous Chay Kay Teow, the cheap and good Japanese set lunch, the highly rated beef noodles, and so many more. Decided on chicken rice ultimately. Had chocolate ice cream for dessert as well. Could feel the energy flowing into one particular part of the body, the stomach.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
3:59 PM
This is the day that the Lord has made and I choose to rejoice in it. Looking forward to another brand new day that is going to be filled with His goodness and mercy. There is a few exciting things happening at the office. Can't wait to see God's mighty working power working through my associates and me to turn our dream into reality.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Tips on Nokia Smartphone
Just wanted to share two tips on the use of Nokia Smartphone. Tip 1: If you press and hold the [#] button in the general profile, the silent profile will be activated. Vice Versa.
Tip 2: If you press and hold the [0] button, the web browser will be launched. Enjoy!
Posted by
Caleb Teo
3:58 PM
Labels: general, Nokia, silent, Smartphone, web browser
Care Group
Thanked God for care group meeting yesterday evening! During the meeting, the word of God was further expounded and the application of the truth was shared by the care group leader and members of the care group. I was once again reminded of my high standing with God and my true identity in Christ. For, greater is He who is in me than he who is of the world.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
3:47 PM
Labels: care group, Christ, God, identity, truth
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Dealing with disappointments
I was just thinking how easily discouraged we could get when faced with disappointments. I was once again reminded about God's promises in my life. His word says the path of the righteous is like the shining sun, that shines ever brighter unto the perfect day and in its pathway there is no death. I just have to trust His word and look beyond the disappointments for His blessings in my life. Every new day, His grace is sufficient to see me through. Miracles happen the moment my eyes are set upon Jesus.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
8:58 AM
Labels: disappointment, discouraged, Jesus, miracles, righteous
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Another new friend
I made a young friend, by the name of Kim, just now and came to know he is a "young" Christian. Was able to share with him that Jesus had done a complete work at the cross and that our salvation is for eternity. It is by grace that we are saved and by faith we shall live our Christian lives.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Blessed to be a blessing
Dinner at Newton Food Centre
Posted by
Caleb Teo
7:18 PM
Friday, July 6, 2007
Taking down the video section
Realised the video is slowing down the way that my blog is been refreshed. Decided to take it down so my page will load and refresh faster.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
10:57 AM
Labels: refresh
Good things happen to those who believe God is good to them. This is the day that the Lord has made and I choose to rejoice in it. I'm looking forward to a day that's fill with His love and grace. Should be getting a physical workout later in the evening.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Thank God for His grace
I was helping a friend to ferry some of his chemicals from the supplier to his office this morning and was not able to spend time drafting a cover letter that is due before the end of the day. Praised God for His grace! I was able to finish the letter way before my meeting with my business partners. Hallelujah!
Posted by
Caleb Teo
4:48 PM
Labels: grace, hallelujah
Real transformer
Had just updated the video.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
3:21 PM
Labels: video
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Turning to bed early
I get to go to bed earlier today than the last few days. Really needed the extra physical rest. I think it will be good to just lie on the bed and to be soaked in the love of God.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
10:21 PM
New Video
Just thought of updating the video section with interesting video clip on a regular basis. This time it is a video on speed painting. Enjoy.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
5:33 PM
Labels: enjoy, speed painting, video
Phew! Finally managed to put video on my blog. Check out the real transformer!
Posted by
Caleb Teo
1:01 AM
Labels: transformer, video
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Father's love
Was just thinking about God's love for me that He sent His only begotten Son to the cross to die for me. Can't help but to be amazed at this Agape love that is not comprehensivable with my minute mind. His perfect love had cast out all fears from my life.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
7:40 PM
Video blog?
Thought of posting a video clip that I took a while ago from my office building. But, there is currently no facility to do that. :-|
Posted by
Caleb Teo
6:06 PM
Labels: video
Monday, July 2, 2007
Sharing my blog with a friend
Was just talking to a friend of my and introduced my blog to her. She saw the first page and would continue to look at the rest of the postings later.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
2:25 PM
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Got a bargain for Sheaffer pen at Metro sale
Posted by
Caleb Teo
9:39 PM
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Vivo City
Posted by
Caleb Teo
6:27 PM
Blogging from my Dad-in-grace's home
I'm blogging from my dad-in-grace's home and will be sending this post through wifi. I'm going to enjoy my lunch.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
1:42 PM
Can I blog in Chinese?
This thought came to me while I was talking to my wife - can I blog in Chinese? Please don't forget that beside the first two posts, subsequent posts were written and submitted through my phone. Anyway, what's there to stop me from trying.
想起来,我的华文程度不算好,现在更是把我所学的还给老师了。 算了巴,还是用英文。
Wow! Took me so long to enter these few Chinese characters. Better stick to using English.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
9:50 AM
Friday, June 29, 2007
Staying late at the office
Posted by
Caleb Teo
8:26 PM
Labels: .mobi
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Metro closing down sale at Tampines Central
Tonight I went to Metro at Tampines Central for its closing down sale. I was thinking maybe I'd get something at bargain price. Unfortunately, I was swamped by the "great multitude" of people there. I left immediately after a quick surveillance of the place for a nearby Coffee Bean to enjoy a cup of ice blended coffee and His word. Thank God for the Bible on my mobile phone.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
10:14 PM
Labels: Bible
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Reflection for the day
I was reflecting on the events that had transpired throughout the day and noticed time "flies" while I was having a good time either at work or home. With the consciousness of Abba's love for me, I was able to deal with the day's difficult issues with confidence and courage.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
10:49 PM
Labels: abba, confidence, courage, love
Here's another one from my Nokia N95
Posted by
Caleb Teo
3:01 PM
Blogging from my Nokia N95
I'm blogging from my Nokia N95. I was looking out of my office window and I saw a tranquil scene. Can't help but to marvel at God's creation.
Posted by
Caleb Teo
10:34 AM
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
A New Beginning
Things have changed somewhat over the years and I am still able to enjoy the kind of work that I am doing. It must have been God's grace to sustain me all these years and to be able to reach out to people to make a positive difference in their lives. The switch from the Finance sector to the IT sector has been smooth. Now, I'm able to enjoy my gadgets and share with other people how to make full use of them. This is cool: to be able to live life with passion.