Friday, September 14, 2007

Peace in a business meeting

Had a business meeting on Wednesday morning. While driving to the prospect's office with Marcus, my mind was playing the various scenarios on how to handle the prospect. And the fact that we were running late compound the matter further.

However, we arrived at the prospect's office earlier than the prospect. While waiting for the prospect to arrive for the meeting, Marcus and I were praying in tongues. At some point of praying, there was an inward knowing in my heart that "all is well". At that very instant, I knew things would turn out well. But, I still didn't know "how well" the meeting would turn out.

Marcus started to present our idea to the prospect when the prospect arrived at the office. The presentation went very smoothly and we were able to get the prospect to agree on certain modules that we will implement for the prospect's company. Praise the Lord.

All the "worrying" before the meeting was uncalled for. The moment our focus is on Jesus, the outward things will align with His plan and turn out for our good. Our job is to believe God is good to us for He will never leave us nor forsake us.

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