Friday, August 31, 2007

Count your blessings

Was just looking out of the office window and saw a half asleep city scape. Didn't notice much of activity along the main road.

Thanked God our nation is blessed. His hand is all over this nation. Also, thanked God for a good government that we are able to go about doing our business with peace.

More importantly, thank God I am alive and living another day to praise God and to worship Him. Thank God I'm healthy and able to enjoy food. Thank God I'm able to sleep soundly at night, not having nightmare. Thank God I'm able to pass motion with ease.

Thank God I'm able to display my talents and giftings at work. Thank God for wonderful colleagues. This is the day that the Lord has made and I choose to rejoice in it.

How often do we whine about the situation and forget we already have the answer to that situation. How often do we focus on the mountainous task ahead and forget the most important Person within us who is able to strengthen us and see us through.

Let us count our blessings, regardless how small they may be.

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