And he said, " Listen, all you of Judah and you inhabitants of Jerusalem, and you, King Jehoshaphat! Thus says the Lord to you: 'Do not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but God's. Tomorrow go down against them. They will surely come up by the Ascent of Ziz, and you will find them at the end of the brook before the Wilderness of Jeruel. You will not need to fight in this battle. Position yourselves, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord, who is with you, O Judah and Jerusalem! ' Do not fear or be dismayed; tomorrow go out against them, for the Lord is with you." - 2 Chronicles 20:15-17
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Praise the Lord for He is good and His mercy endures forever!
Posted by
Caleb Teo
6:38 PM
Monday, December 24, 2012
Born of the Spirit
Whoever is born of the Spirit is of the Spirit and whoever is born of the flesh is of the flesh. Simply put: those who accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior are those who are born of the Spirit. And whoever is born of the Spirit does not belong to the fleshly realm for he/she now belongs to the Kingdom of heaven. He/she is a citizen of heaven. While he/she is in the world, that person is not of the world for he/she is in Christ.
Those born of the Spirit have their true identity in Christ. And in Christ, they are new men for old things have passed away and all things are new. The old man has been crucified at the cross with Christ and behold the new man is risen with Christ and now seated at the right hand of God. We are made as one with God through the finished work of Jesus at the cross. When Jesus shouted with a loud voice, "It is finished!", all our sins have been forgiven and we are made the righteousness of God in Christ! As Christ is, so are we in this world.
The bible tells us we will still face trials and prosecutions for His name sake. We can take heart and be comforted knowing that Jesus has overcome the world and whatever trial or prosecution that makes inroad into our lives, Christ has already overcome them. Jesus already has the answer to our every problem or challenge. Rest in His love for us and trust in His work which He is working mightily on our behalf. Cast all our cares at the feet of Jesus for He cares and is more than willing to take care of them.
When we are in Christ and practise the presence of Jesus in our lives every moment, the shalom of God will fill our hearts and minds. His wisdom will guide us to victory through the Holy Spirit. We can be anxious for nothing and in everything, in prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, we can let our request be made known to God. And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guide our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus!
While we may still rely on our own strength to overcome a problem that comes our way, God wants us to look to His answer to that problem instead. For His solution is perfect and His timing is always on time. Don't try to use the arm of flesh to overcome or challenges for nothing good will come out of fleshly effort. We may experience short term success but the fruit of relying on God's divine provision is eternal and very good.
When Moses was a Prince in Egypt, he was not able to even properly bury an Egyptian, who had tortured his people, after he had killed him. When Moses just trust in the mighty hand of God to deliver them out of Egypt, the whole Egyptian arm was buried under the sea. When Abraham used his fleshly effort to produce a child, the outcome was Ishmael who is weak and beggarly. When Abraham believed God and His promise in his life, the fruit was Isaac who was strong and the heir to Abraham's riches.
Beloveds of the Lord, lets put our trust in God. Lets simply believe in His love for us. Hallelujah!
Posted by
Caleb Teo
9:43 AM
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Just when you think things can't get any better
Posted by
Caleb Teo
6:31 PM
Friday, November 30, 2012
His grace is sufficient
Posted by
Caleb Teo
10:58 PM
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Why is it so hard for Christians to believe God?
Then they told him, and said: "We went to the land where you sent us. It truly flows with milk and honey, and this is its fruit. 28 Nevertheless the people who dwell in the land are strong; the cities are fortified and very large; moreover we saw the descendants of Anak there. - Numbers 13:27-28
Posted by
Caleb Teo
2:50 PM
Friday, October 19, 2012
The Holy Communion Re-visited
Jesus knew His time has come for Him to redeem mankind. He knew He would die for the sins and transgressions of men. And He knew the disciples and all those who had believed Him would be lost, like sheeps without their shepherd for their providence. The providence is healing for the physical body. The providence is peace for the heart. The providence is wisdom for the mind. The providence is wealth for the poor. The providence is anything that one need from Jesus. I think that was one of the reason why Jesus instituted the new Passover Feast - Holy Communion.
Jesus told His disciples to partake of the Holy Communion as often as they wanted in remembrance of Him. For the bread represents the body of Christ that was burnt, striped and pierced on our behalf. And the drink represent His shed blood for our righteousness. When one partake of the Holy Communion, one is partaking of the completeness of Jesus' work at the cross. One is feasting on His body and His finished work at the cross!
The night before the great exodus from Egypt, the Lord told the children of Israel to eat of the roasted lamp, every part of it. The Lord also told then that the sacrificial lamp be killed at the threshold of the door and to sprinkle the blood of the sacrificial lamp on the lintel and two doorposts. This is the picture of what Jesus will go through at the cross some one thousand and five hundred years later.
Before the Passover Feast, the Lord told the children of Israel to ask Egyptians for jewelry and the Egyptians gladly gave to them for they were probably fearful of the children of Israel because of their God by then. When the angel of death combed the land of Egypt, the lives of those who had sprinkled the blood of the lamp were spared while the firstborn of the Egyptians were killed.
The very next day, there between two and three millions of the children of Israel leaving Egypt. There were none feeble and sick. On top of that, they were all very wealthy because of the gold and silver that were given to them. What a wonderful picture of those who partake of the Holy Communion! There shall be none sick and feeble when one partake of the Holy Communion and one shall be made rich when one partake of the Holy Communion.
The more one partake of the Holy Communion in remembrance of Jesus' finished work at the cross, the healthier one can be and also the riches of one's wealth shall be increased. One is also wiser by regularly partaking of the Holy Communion. Hallelujah for the wonderful work at the cross!
Posted by
Caleb Teo
8:53 AM
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Why do you still want to worry?
6 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
The bible tells us to cast all our cares upon the feet of Jesus for He cares very much our every need, big or small. Also, Jesus has bequeathed His shalom peace to us before His ascension. God is always with us and He will never leave us nor forsake us. He sent an iron-clad guarantee in the form of the Holy Spirit dwelling in us as a sign we are His and we will always be well taken care of. While we are in this world, we are not of this world for we are citizens of heaven.
The word tells us which of us by worrying can increase our stature. Jesus didn't say those so that the bible can be thicker but He said it because He already has the solution to our every challenge and trouble. While there may be times the answer seems slow in coming but rest assured for God's timing is always perfect. He is never late nor early, just perfect!
Take the example of the children of Israel leaving Egypt. When they had come to the Red Sea, the Egyptian army was hot on their pursuit. When the army was very close, God sent a fire to separate the army from the children of Israel. That was when God told Moses to stretch out his rod and hit the Red Sea and the Red Sea was parted and the children of Israel were able to cross over it through dry land. Scholars tell us there were about two to three millions of the children of Israel. And when the last child of Israel has safely crossed the Red Sea, God allowed the water to crush the Egyptian army right in the face of the children of Israel!
There is another story in the bible where the children of Israel were facing execution from the evil man called Haman. God had earlier positioned Esther to be the queen to king Ahasuerus and was able to influence the king to save the children of Israel. On the eve of the mass execution, God caused the king to have a sleepless night and that was when Mordecai's name was mentioned in the chronicles and the king decreed that Mordecai be handsomely rewarded. On the fateful day where all the Jews shall be executed, God caused Haman's plan to fail and he was executed instead of the Jews.
Regardless of how dire our situations may be, we don't have to worry about those situations but instead cast all our cares upon the feet of Jesus. With thanksgiving, we make our requests known to God and the peace of God will guard our heart's and minds. I believe when we don't worry about the things that concern us, the grace of God will be able to flow smoothly to and through us. That grace will cause us to see God's providence very clearly. That grace will guard our heart from all anxieties.
Rest in the finished work of Jesus at the cross. He has completed a complete work at the cross so that we today can rest inwardly knowing Jesus has already gone ahead in our future and He declares it is good! Hallelujah!
Posted by
Caleb Teo
3:02 PM
Friday, August 24, 2012
I Am that I Am
When Moses asked God who is He at the burning bush, God answered: "I Am Who I Am". Moses had been humbled in the past forty years in the desert. He was married and had children. He was stuttering and stumbling. He was not as self-assuring as he was when he was a prince in Egypt. He was taken aback when God asked him to lead His people out of Egypt.
However, that was not how God saw Moses. He saw Moses as a faithful servant who would lead His people out of Egypt. He saw a man fit to be used as a leader to lead His people out of Egypt. And God promised Moses His presence will always be with them even after the children of Israel and asked for the law of God. That was also after God had instructed Moses to build the tabernacle of His mercy and grace for the law of God was hidden below the mercy seat of the Ark of the covenant.
When Abraham was weary after he had won the battle with four kings and their soldiers, God came to him to assure him that He was with him and that He would be his shield and exceedingly great reward! At a time when Abraham was in doubt to the promise of God that he would be the father to many nations, God assured he once again that his descendants will be like stars in the sky and sand on the beach and Abraham believed God and it was counted to him as righteous.
God will always be who we need Him to be! It is a like a blank cheque signed with the very signature of Jesus. What do we need to be in our lives? Jesus is the Answer to our every request. How is that possible?
First and foremost, Jesus became our sin and trespass offering at the cross. He who knows no sin and in Him there is no sin took our place of sin. At the cross, the divine exchange took place so that we can take His position of righteousness. We are made the righteousness of God in Christ! We have right standing with God. We can come to the throne of grace in times of need to cry out Abba Father! We are made to be one with God because of the sacrificial work of Christ Jesus at the cross! Hallelujah!
Jesus took the beatings on His own body so that by His stripe we are made whole, completely healed. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is still the Healer today, right this very moment. He is healing himself. Do we need healing today? Look to Jesus and take from Him. We delight His heart when we take from Him. Hallelujah!
Are we caught in dire strait, and there seems to be no light at the end of the tunnel? Jesus is the great deliverer who will deliver us out of "overwhelming" situation. His word tells us that in every trouble, He has already made a way of escape! He already has the solution long before we know there is a need. Regardless of what we are going through today, whatever we need, He has already provided. Look to Jesus and draw from Him. His grace is sufficient for the day and His supply never stops. Hallelujah!
Posted by
Caleb Teo
9:14 AM
Monday, August 20, 2012
So what if the sun is not shining?
I guess some of us may experience negative moments in our lives. Those moments may even seem to last forever, although they didn't. And those down sessions most probably put a dent in our spirit and the our will to carry on. My suspicion is that some just gave up totally when those horrible moments hit.
While we definitely don't look forward to evil day in our lives, it may still come our way for that is one way the devil is taking advantage of the circumstance to cause us into unbelief. He jumps on every opportunity to root us out of our belief system in Christ alone! He will accuse us of the wrongs that we have committed or the lack of good that we have done.
In spite of these, are we really shaken to the extent that we no longer believe in God? The answer is a definite NO!
God is faithful to His promises to His children and His beloveds. He promises He will never leave us nor forsake us. He will always be there through our ups and downs in our lives. His love is unending and His mercy endures forever. His grace is sufficient for us for the day. It is like the fresh manna that the children of Israel collected during their days in the desert.
Just because we don't see and feel the heat from the sun doesn't imply the sun goes missing and is not shining anymore? Just because on a cloudy and rainy, and even a "perfect" storm is in the horizon, day we accuse God of going missing in action our lives? The answer is another definite NO!
The fact is that the sun is always there. When the rain has stopped and the cloud has cleared, one will be able to see and feel the heat from the sun. The truth is that God is eternal. He is there in the beginning and He is there in the end. He is the Alpha and the Omega. He is the Author of our faith. And most importantly, He has sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to come to be our savior.
Jesus has come to save us from eternal damnation. He came to reconcile us to God so that we can be as one with Him. Jesus came to save us from our every problem and trouble. He is the ultimate savior that will always deliver. Sometimes the timing of the deliverance may seemed to be late but His timing is always perfect! There is nothing too big or too small for God to pay attention to. Just cast all your cares upon Jesus and rest at His feet and see the manifestation of our miracles in our lives. Hallelujah!
Posted by
Caleb Teo
10:08 AM
Thursday, July 19, 2012
You are not alone
When the Lord enters into your life, you will never be alone for that's what the bible tells us so. There so many verses in the bible that tell us so.
He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble;
I will deliver him and honor him. - Psalm 91:15
Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." So we may boldly say: "The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?" - Hebrews 13:5-6
These are just a couple of verses that we can read and be reminded of the Savior's presence in our lives. Furthermore, the Helper: The Holy Spirit, indwells in us forever. He will lead and guide us into all things and He will teach us all things as well. The Lord promises good to us. He is always having good thoughts toward us. He has plan of grandeur for each and every one of us called to be His people.
We are children of God because of what Christ Jesus had accomplished at the cross some two thousand years ago. At the cross, the divine exchange had taken place and Jesus took our place of sin so that we can take His position of righteousness. We have right standing with God because of Jesus' work at the cross. That work is completely complete!
When the Lord is with us, we will prosper in everything we do. The bible tells us that Joseph had nothing but the presence of the Lord in his life and He made him to prosper in everything he did. Joseph was sold as a slave by his brothers and he ended in the house Potiphar in Egypt. And because the Lord was with Joseph, he prospered in everything he did. It was so evident even to Potiphar, the egyptian who was an officer of Pharaoh,
Child of God has nothing to fear for His perfect love for us casts out all fears! Even if faced with a terminal disease and the doctors have given a very bad report, the good Lord can still help us. When Jesus had arrived at the tomb of Lazarus, he was already dead for four days. This implies it is hopeless in the natural. Yet Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead when Jesus commanded Lazarus to come forth from the tomb.
If we are dealing with lack in the area of finance, the good Lord will turn things around for our good and prosper us. He can put us at the right place and at the right time with the right people and our financial situation improves. He may give us an idea that will generate lots of money for His glory. He can also supernaturally cancelled our debts! How and when Jesus will deliver us out of our debts are His call. We don't have to worry about the methods which the Lord uses to deliver us, we just trust and put our faith in His unending love for us.
The presence of the Lord is our lives will eventually cause us to rise up to the level God wants us to be at. We shall be the head and not the tail. Be assured that the good Lord will never leave nor forsake us and surely, goodness and mercy will hunt us down all the days of our lives. Hallelujah!
Posted by
Caleb Teo
2:02 PM
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Intimacy vs familiarity
I think many a time some of us may have gotten too familiar with the teachings taught that we forget how blessed we are to be able to receive the gospel, week in and week out, freely. Are we getting "tired" of hearing the same o' preachings? Are we getting complacent and too familiar with the sermons preached? Are we taking the privilege of been able to hear the good news preached for granted?
Maybe we have unconsciously taking all that we have listened to on a weekly basis for granted. We think it is nothing new as we think we have already heard of it sometime in the past. There is no fresh revelation shared behind the pulpit. There seems to be no new revelation of Jesus Christ and His finished work at the cross.
Wake up! What's needed is not necessarily "fresh" revelation of Jesus Christ but a revelation of Him and His finished work afresh. We need to be reminded of His finished work at the cross day in day out. We need to practice His presence all the time. We need Him to be intimately involved in our every dealing. We need Him! Period.
For God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son to die at the cross that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. Wow! What kind of love is this that the Heavenly Father would sacrifice His only begotten to die for the world? That's the lavish love of our Abba Father!
He sent His Son Jesus Christ to die for us at the cross so that all our sins are forgiven, once and for all. Jesus took the punishment for all our sins upon Himself so that we shall no longer be punished for any sin or transgression that we commit. The payment for our sins has been more than paid at the cross for Jesus Christ is more than our payment. He actually overpaid for our sins.
We are made the righteousness of God in Christ for what Jesus had done at the cross some two thousand years ago. It is the Lion of Judah who was hanged at the cross. It is the Lamb of God who was sacrificed on our behalf at the cross. It is His precious blood that made us whiter than snow. It is His body that has healed us from all forms of diseases and pains. It is Jesus and Jesus alone at the cross. He was crucified in the midst of two thieves.
He is always in our midst. He loves to turn things around for our good. He wants to make right what is not. His desires for us are thoughts of good and grandeur. He wants us to live life to the fullest. Full of His life in us! For without Him, we can do nothing. He is the center of our lives. He is our all in all!
When Jesus was walking on earth, His disciples were basically with Him all the time. Yet, on a few occasions they seemed to be far away from Jesus. For example, when Jesus calmed the storm after His disciples cried out to Him while He was sleeping at the stern of the boat they were in, they were all in awed. They seemed to be so amazed by what their Master had done. Yet, the centurion knew who Jesus was and only asked Jesus to speak the word for his servant to be healed. Jesus marveled at his faith. He knew the Lord though he was not with Him all the time like His disciples.
It is an intimate relationship with Abba Father that He loves. It is the heart knowledge of Jesus and His finished work at the cross that He sees and treasures. Draw close to God for it brings Him delight when we are close to Him. Hallelujah!
Posted by
Caleb Teo
3:02 PM
Monday, June 25, 2012
Jesus Christ is always with you
When God swore He will never leave nor forsake His people, He meant it with a iron-clad guarantee! A double confirmation that He will always be with us. He loves us so much that after Jesus Christ was crucified at the cross, He sent the Holy Spirit to indwell us so that He can be our very present help in times of need. The Holy Spirit is not any less than Jesus the Son or God the Father. He is the third party in a tripartite God.
Under the law, the Holy Spirit will come on a king, priest, prophet, deliverer, and even the disciples and will leave once the assignment was completed. That was how the Holy Spirt operated under law. But under grace, the Holy Spirit comes to indwell in us forever! He will never leave nor forsake us. He comes because of the finished work at the cross by Christ Jesus and a prove that we have been justified.
But that's NOT all. We are talking about Jesus and Abba Father not leaving us nor forsaking us! The Lord Jesus is always with us. We can practice the consciousness of Jesus' presence in our lives. See Him getting involved in our every thought, speech, and action. See Him taking over challenging circumstances. For we are resting upon His shoulders and He is ever so willing to carry us on His shoulders.
The word tells us when Jesus was at Lazarus' tomb that the Heavenly Father always hears Jesus' prayer and Jesus proclaimed loudly for the sake of those that were around Lazarus' tomb. Today, the loving Abba Father always hears our prayer. He loves to hear from us and to commune with us every moment of our lives! If only we would come to Him every moment of our lives. I know it may not be possible to always talk with Abba Father all the times while we are at work or involved in other endeavors, but we can, whenever possible, speak in tongues. That's heavenly language that we can use for building us up.
I know there may be times where we feel and think God is far far away from us. We sometimes think that our thoughts, deeds and speeches are not perfect and as a result of that, we dare not draw near to Abba Father. Know this truth, our closeness to Abba Father is not dependent on our thoughts, deeds and speech but based on the finished work at the cross by Christ Jesus!
It is the precious blood of Jesus that was shed at the cross that qualifies us to be one with God. It is Jesus' resurrection on the third day after His crucifixion that justifies us. And because He took all the curses at the cross, we are ridiculously and irreversibly blessed! We are blessed with the blessings of Abraham.
Beloved of the Lord can always draw near to God anytime, anywhere. The Lord loves to be intimately involved in our every dealing. Be conscious of Jesus' presence in your life and see how He turns things around for our good. Hallelujah!
Posted by
Caleb Teo
5:35 PM
Friday, June 22, 2012
You can only depend on God
Without men, God will not. Without God, men cannot.
Yet men still think they are their own captains of their own ships. Truth be known, men, in and of themselves, cannot do anything without God! We think we are able and capable through the experiences or trainings that we have garnered. We think we can will our way through all obstacles. There is a saying, "If it is to be, it is up to me!". O, how wrong could it be?
I am not saying we do absolutely nothing but to do things with the guidance and leading of the Holy Spirit. It is not inactivity but God directed activities! And when we do God directed activities, there will be Godly results. We don't strive to produce the desirable outcome but work out what's within and the result will be there. For only God can put us at the right place and at the right time.
God's divine's timing is always perfect. He will make all things beautiful in His time and all things will turn out to be good for those in Christ. Do remember it is God who gives the increase. Our bosses may be a channel where God's financial blessing flows to us but it is not the only channel. If your boss is not rightly giving you your due compensation, God can change your boss. I mean there may be a literal change of your superior at work or you may end up with another company, or even starting your own.
When we come to the end of ourselves, that's when God's grace can flow unhindered in and through us! As long we think we still can do something about a difficult situation, a challenging problem, an problematic issue, or just dealing with our kids, God's grace will be hindered. But when we totally depend on His grace, all things will turn out for our good!
It is only when we are completely emptied of our own self-efforts to improve ourselves do we see ourselves flowing mightily in the grace of God. It is a flow and the outcome if it is fruit, Godly result. The blessings of the Lord make one rich and no toilsome labour can add to it. That's what God wants all these while. He loves us so much and it brings Him great joy when we allow His grace to flow in and through us mightily for He loves to do miracles in our lives through Him. He loves to bless us with more than enough. That's our loving Abba Father.
When we let go and let God, there is an unspeakable peace within. This is a peace which surpasses all understandings that will keep our hearts against all anxieties and fears. Keep practicing the consciousness of the presence of God in our lives and be in the flow of God's living rivers and see outcomes which are beyond our wildest dreams! Hallelujah!
Posted by
Caleb Teo
2:41 PM
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
I have a rich inheritance in Christ!
The bible says my God shall supply. Oh, what a personal provider my God is! The word says my God will supply all my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. O! How rich my Lord Jesus is will be measure of the riches and abundance of the providence I have in this world. For as Christ is, so am I in this world! I have Jesus Christ in my life!
Material riches is not the only blessing that I have received from Christ Jesus. But make no mistake about the truth that God wants me to be financially prospered. He wants us to be blessed in every aspect of our lives. He wants our souls to be prosperous and be in good health as our souls prosper. He wants us to be so blessed that we become a blessing to those around us.
We are blessed with the blessings of Abraham. Abraham was healthy and wealthy. He lived to a good old age one hundred and seventy five. Abraham also had lots of livestock and gold and silver. That was financial prosperity.
God wants us to be blessed in every area of our lives. He wants us to be in the pink of health. It will not be glorifying to God if His people are sick and poor and broken. It is His covenant at stake when Christians are sick and poor for He is rich God. However, when things happen, what are we believing at that time? Are we having a wrong belief about God or the right belief about God when things happen?
The doctrine that we receive determines our belief system. Are we seeing God the Father and God the Son and God the Holy Spirit as a loving God who is ever ready to help us and to lift us up or are we perceiving a demanding God who is always on a sin hunt? For how we see God will drastically determine our belief system which will dictate our corresponding actions.
If we think God is a miser and always demanding from men, then we will always be working for our blessings. We will always be doing things to please God. We will probably be self-centered for that's how God is been perceived. We may be even working hard at our salvation. Nothing can be further from the truth!
God is a loving God! For God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to die for us at the cross so that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but has everlasting life. God wants us to reign in this life and not the eternal life that follows when we meet Jesus face to face. He wants us to put our trust in Him even when situations are heading southward. He wants to deliver us out of every pit that we put ourselves in. He wants to prosper and bless us beyond our wildest dream! For He will give exceedingly and abundantly above all that we can ask or think of. So ask big and God has to top it. Dream big and God will still supply with more than we can dream of.
It is better to put our trust in God than to put our trust in men. Keep believing God and His word and see His wondrous working power manifesting in our lives. Hallelujah!
Posted by
Caleb Teo
4:34 PM
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Jesus is the Answer
Jesus willingly sacrificed Himself at the cross some two thousand years ago to die on behalf of us. He took our place of sin so that we can have His position of righteousness. He was made sin at the cross so that we can be made the righteousness of God in Christ! At the cross, the divine exchange has taken place and Jesus declared, "It is finished!". The redemptive work is completely complete!
What does it mean to be deemed then? Simply put: Jesus is the Answer to our every issue. First of all, Jesus Christ has made us the righteousness of God in Christ when we accept His gift of salvation. We are redeemed from eternal damnation. We can have the zoe life of God. All our sins are forgiven, past, present and future. The precious blood of Jesus keeps on cleansing us from our sins whither than snow. It is a continual cleansing. We can never fall into sin any more than we can be called Big Mac when we visit McDonalds.
I am not referring to our deed, thought, and behavior. We will never be perfect in these aspects. But we are made perfect as far as the punishment of sin is concerned for Jesus Christ has borne it all at the cross. God will never punish us for our sin anymore and He declared our sins and lawless deeds, He remembers no more! God cannot lie. The bible does not say God will not lie, it tells us God cannot lie!
Rest assured in our salvation by the blood of Jesus. That is the most important redemptive work Christ has accomplished at the cross. With it, comes the rest of the promises in the bible. If God has not withheld Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, to die for us at the cross, what more will He through Christ freely gives us all things to enjoy!
If fighting a terminal disease is the concern, know that without a shadow of doubt, Jesus has already provided the healing. He is Healer Himself. The bible tells us whosoever came to Jesus was healed. It didn't say we have to look to our faith to be healed. The bible says by His stripe, we are already made whole. In fact, when we look at Jesus, faith becomes unconscious. To help us further, Jesus instituted the Holy Communion. The more we partake of the Holy Communion, we more we are been made whole, complete.
If dealing with financial lack is the challenge, know that at the cross Jesus was made poor that we through His poverty shall me made rich. The rich in the context is financial prosperity. The bible says we are to be the head and not the tail, we are to lend and borrow. How then can be the head and the lender if we are dead broke. Jesus wants to provide us with more than enough for us to be a blessing around our loved ones. He wants us to prosper and be in good health as our soul prospers.
If mending a relationship is the issue, know that Jesus at the cross restored a son to His mother. Jesus wants to be the center of our relationship. In a marriage setting, Jesus is the third party to hold the marriage in a three cords strand which is unbreakable. He loves to see us at peace with our loved ones and those around us. He even tells us to love our enemy. That's the Jesus in the bible.
Regardless of the need we may have, look to Jesus for He is the Answer to our every need. He is a practical God. He may give us the wisdom to get out of certain predicament. He may put us at the right place and at the right time with the right people. He may give us an idea to get us out of debt. He may show us how to live life healthier. Whatever the case, the Holy Spirit will guide and lead us to a life of victorious living for we are called to reign in this life! Hallelujah!
Posted by
Caleb Teo
3:43 PM
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
God is on your side
There was a time during the old covenant where God said their sins and lawless deeds He would remember to the fourth generations. He would punish those who transgressed His laws. He will not forgive their sins and lawless deeds. He is a just God and He will do as what His words say.
When the children of Israel were under the law, they have to obey the law or they will be cursed and punished. Each year on the day of Atonement, the High Priest would offer sacrifice to God and if God accepted that sacrifice, the whole nation of Israel would be blessed for the whole year. If God rejected that sacrifice, the High Priest would fall dead and the whole nation of Israel would be cursed for the whole year.
Praise be to God for Jesus Christ and His finished work at the cross! With one single and complete sacrifice, Christ Jesus has perfected and established the new covenant. We are now reconciled with God forever! We can come boldly to the throne of grace anytime, anywhere! For God is no longer angry with us. His judicial punishment has been vetted on the body of Jesus Christ at the cross and since then the new covenant has been established. There is therefore now no condemnation for those in Christ!
God is now on our side for what Jesus has accomplished at the cross some two thousand years ago. He declared He will be merciful to our unrighteousness and our lawless deeds He will remember no more! That doesn't imply our thoughts, deeds and words are perfect henceforth. It means even when we sin, that sin has already been punished and we shall have the confidence to draw near to God for that sin has already been forgiven as well!
In the new covenant, there is no curses but only blessings upon blessings. God only has good thoughts toward us. He has great plans for everyone of His people. He will make sure all things turn out for our good. That's what the word in the bible says. While not all things are good, God will make all things to turn out for our good!
His word tells us He will never leave nor forsake us. His protection for us is all round and all year. His provision for us is never ceasing. He will never stop to bless us and to provide for us. He wants us to draw close to Him to commune with Him for it is His delight to hear our prayer. He loves to commune with us because we are His children!
God will never cause us any harm! Symptoms may come on our bodies but they shall never take root on our bodies for by Jesus' stripe, we are already healed. We are proclaiming victory from victory ground and not for victory ground. Once a sinner is saved, he or she is already victorious in Christ. We live lives from Christ's perspective, living the victorious and abundance life that Christ died to give to us!
While the circumstances and situations may be contrary to what the word of God says, they are not permanent. Only the word is truth and permanent. Circumstances and situations will change and eventually be aligned with the God's word in our lives. We don't have worry how things will turn our in those times, we just have to hold on to His word and be at rest within and the Holy Spirit will guide us out of those difficult times. Hallelujah!
Posted by
Caleb Teo
4:06 PM
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Guard what's going into your mind
Guard what's going into your mind for the mind is the battle ground for the devil to attack. When the mind is full of shalom peace, the devil will have absolutely no chance of corrupting it. Let alone to steal anything from it. The devil will always try to steal the word from one's mind. As long as the mind is at rest, based on the finished work of Jesus Christ at the cross, it will be populated with thoughts of Jesus and His finished work.
With that, the mind shall be renewed continuously and be reminded of the redemptive work of Jesus at the cross. And the consciousness of the presence of Jesus in one's life shall be strong. And when the revelation of what Jesus has accomplished at the cross becomes so real in your mind, it will sink deep into the heart. And when that happens, no devil nor circumstances can shake us off the foundation of Christ on which we stand!
The word of God shall take root and germinate in our hearts. We will begin to see the miraculous work of Jesus manifesting mightily in our lives. We experience unspeakable peace, the peace that Jesus has bequeathed to us. The peace that cannot be shaken by any mean or anything.
When we are at rest with God, our hearts will be so sensitized with the prompting of the Holy Spirit and we do and say things out of rest. Not of the intellect but of the leading of the Holy Spirit from within. That's the life we are called to live. A life full of His rest.
The opposite can be true as well.
If we allow the devil to plant evil thoughts in our minds, the word of God will not be able to take root in our hearts and what follows are fear and anxiety. We will fear and worry about the future. We can easily be stressed by circumstances, be it personally or professionally. Even the slightest comment by a loved one can be perceived as a negative criticism.
We can be agitated easily and be very short tempered. We will think God is against us and we better watch our thought and speech and work. We will always think that God is on a sin hunt and ready to punish us for the slightest mistake that we make. We will be striving to be at peace with God instead of just resting in His love for us.
And when we go through trial and persecution, we will think God has already forsaken us. He will never help those who don't help themselves.
Nothing can be further from the truth. God loves us more than we can love ourselves! His perfect love was exhibited at the cross some two thousand years. He loves us even when we were still sinners, what more now we are sons and daughters of God! God only has good thoughts toward us and He has great plans for every one of us to glorify Jesus. The bible tells us He will never leave nor forsake us!
God wants to prosper us, body, soul and mind. He wants us to be healthy and be richly provided for in every good things. He wants all the things that the gentle seek to be added into our lives.
How He accomplishes all these is through the foolishness of preaching of the gospel. For faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of Christ. We first receive the word through our ear gate and then through our eye gate and finally it goes into our heart gate and be deeply rooted in our hearts. When we first hear the word, it goes into our minds. This is where we need to agree with God and let the word sinks deeply into our hearts.
Allow the word of God to germinate in our hearts and see the miraculous work of God manifesting mightily in our lives. Expect God to perform His miracles in our lives. Hallelujah!
Posted by
Caleb Teo
4:59 PM
Sunday, May 20, 2012
You are forever saved!
The work at the cross by Christ Jesus is completely complete to cleanse us of all our sins forever! For if the work is not complete, we can never be sure of our eternal salvation. We Christians are either eternally forgiven of all our sins or not saved at all. There is no middle ground for how can a Christian be secured forever knowing that Christ's work at the cross may not be complete. If Christ Jesus were to leave out a sin which His blood didn't take away, then there can never be eternal security in Christ and His finished work at the cross!
Thanks be to God and our Lord Jesus Christ for His work at the cross is completely complete! Jesus Christ cried out with a loud voice "It is finished!" at the cross some two thousand years ago to signify all our sins and transgressions are forgiven for Jesus Christ has borne all the punishment vetted out by God on His very own body. His shed blood keeps on cleansing us whiter than snow. When we are conscious of Jesus' finished work at the cross, we can come boldly to the throne of grace in times of need to cry out Abba Father. We can confidently go to Abba Father anytime and anywhere to commune with Him and to cast our cares upon Him, for He cares dearly all of our concerns, big or small!
Know that we have been reconciled with God through Jesus' finished work. We are now sons and daughters of the Almighty God. There is therefore no separation between God and us. We are as one with God as it can be for the Holy Spirit indwells in us. Praise the Lord for His once and forever sacrifice at the cross. It is by grace through faith that we are saved.
We have absolutely no part to play in the redemptive work at the cross. It is the sacrificial Lamb and none other. It is the Lion of Judah. At the right hand of God is now seated the Lord Christ Jesus and we are in Him. At the cross, the divine exchange had taken place. Christ's righteousness for our sin and our sin for His righteousness. The sinless for the sinners and the sinners for the sinless. He who does no sin and in Him no sin took our place of sin so that we who sin and in us flows the sinful blood can take His place of righteousness.
With that once and complete sacrifice, we can proclaim victory in our lives. We can receive all that God has for us. We are blessed with the blessings of Abraham! We have divine health and abundant supplies in every area of our lives.
There shall be no lack in our lives in this world for there is no lack in Heaven. We can live heaven on earth. That's what God wants us to live. We live everyday knowing Abba Father has already prepared the day for us and we know at the end of the day it shall be good! All things shall work out to be good for those in Christ.
Regardless of what we are going at the moment, know that we have a God who loves and cares for us dearly. His thoughts toward us are thoughts to prosper us and thoughts of good. Be secured and rest in Jesus' finished work. Hallelujah!
Posted by
Caleb Teo
3:21 PM
Friday, May 11, 2012
God is forever faithful II
When God wanted to cut a covenant with Abraham, He put Abraham to sleep and Jesus took Abraham's place instead. It was God the Father and God the Son that went through the covenant cutting ritual. And because Jesus represented Abraham, who is the representative of man, Jesus is now directly responsible for our shortcomings against God.
That's why Jesus has to take our place at the cross for our sins and transgressions. Jesus has willingly given His life for ours. The bible says while we were still sinners, Christ died for us to demonstrate God's unfailing love for His people. At the cross, God's love for His people was exhibited for all to see as Christ was crucified at the cross with His outstretched signifying God has always wanted His people to draw near to Him!
When Christ Jesus cried with a loud voice, "It is finished!", the veil of the tabernacle was torn from top to bottom and all our sins have been forgiven. The redemptive work of salvation is completely complete. We can now be reconciled with God with no separation because of Jesus' shed blood at the cross. The moment we accept the gift of salvation, we are made he righteousness of God in Christ! We are been grafted into the heavenly kingdom.
The Lion of Judah, the sacrificial Lamb of God, has in one sacrifice perfected the work of salvation. With it, God has every right to bless His people. Whoever believes in the redemptive work of salvation at the cross shall be saved and have life more abundantly.
We can now only expect greatness and good from God. The punishment for our sins has been vetted out on the body of Christ Jesus and by His stripe, we are already made whole, completely healed! Expect miracles to manifest in our lives on a regular basis for it is God who performs those miracles.
God is a covenant keeping God. Because of what Christ has done at the cross, we can expect to see good in our lives. We proclaim victory in our every situation. We speak good into lives and see good.
Regardless of what we are going through right now, know this without a doubt God cares dearly for us. He has already gone ahead to prepare the way for us. He has made the path in front of us straight. Come boldly to the throne of grace at any moment. God is always there waiting for us. You will never find another person in the presence of God for He deals with us on a very personal level.
Speak to Abba Father. Commune with Him at any time and at anywhere. He hears our prayers and the bible says the prayers of the righteous are His delights. Praise the Lord for He is good and His mercy endures forever. Hallelujah!
Posted by
Caleb Teo
1:21 PM
Sunday, April 22, 2012
God is forever faithful
My God of all ages is faithful. He is a convenant keeping God and His timing, though it may seem to be late at times, is always perfect. He will never allow the righteous to famish. He set the path right for His righteous people and all His thoughts toward His people are thoughts of goodness and grandeur.
When God prophesied that the seed of the woman will crush the head of the devil and that he will bruise His heel, the devil had been going on a rampage to wipe out the human kind for we are created in the very own image of God. Since the devil cannot get back at God, he is trying his best to get back at His creations.
It is the grace of God that He caused the water to flood all over the earth so that the only human stock then, Noah and his wife and his three sons and his three daughter-in-laws, would survive and populate the earth once more. And God proclaimed the water shall never flood the earth once more.
Yet the devil is still hell-bound to corrupt the human race by sending his fallen angels to mate with human women to produce giants and other forms of human, human which are not of pure human in the flesh. God is still faithful to His promise of not flooding the earth once more and He send the children of Israel to wipe out those genetic freaks.
The devil had absolutely no idea who the promised seed will be so he tried to corrupt the human kind whenever possible. When God promised Abraham that his seed will crush the devil, the devil tried to corrupt the purity of Sarah's womb.
Whenever the devil suspected that the Savior was born, he would instigate the king of that era to kill all those children who were under the age of three. He is not omnipotent. He is totally clueless as to when the true Savior would arrive until he distinctly heard from God saying Jesus is His beloved Son and in Him He is well pleased. That was when the devil realized Jesus is the Savior. He tried all his means to make Jesus bow down at his feet but to no avail.
At the cross, the devil thought he had the ultimate victory over God only to realized it was God who allowed Jesus to die at the cross so that all our sins can be forgiven. At the cross, the love of God meets the judgement of God. At the cross, God's mercy and righteousness meet. Jesus paid the price for our redemption to God. And He conquered death and the key of hell when He was resurrected three days later.
With one completely complete work at the cross, Jesus has avail His gift of salvation for all generations, past, present and future. Whoever accepts the gift of salvation shall be saved and has everlasting life and life more abundantly! With that gift comes righteousness. And the result of righteousness is health and wealth. Hallelujah!
Posted by
Caleb Teo
7:29 PM
Monday, April 16, 2012
Fix your eyes on Jesus and His finished work at the cross
When Jesus proclaimed "It is finished!", the redemptive has indeed been completed by Christ Jesus. That single and complete work at the cross some two thousand years ago by Christ Jesus has reconciled sinners to God. Whoever accepts the gift of salvation is grafted into the kingdom of God. He or she is therefore a child of God. There is no more separation from God!
When the personal acceptance of Jesus and His finished at the cross happens, one is forgiven of all his/her sins and transgressions against God. And therefore there is no condemnation for those in Christ! All old things have passed away and behold, all things are new for those is Christ.
The bible says the Lion of Judah has finished the redemptive work at the cross. It is the sacrificial Lamb alone at the cross and no other. Worthy is the Lamb ONLY!
We have absolutely no part to play in the redemptive work at the cross except to accept the gift of salvation gladly. Everything has been accomplished by Christ Jesus. As Christians, we are to rest in His finished work at the cross. For at the cross, all things are provided for.
Most importantly, those who accept the gift of salvation are made the righteousness of God in Christ. We are righteous not based on our own works but the complete and thorough work of Jesus Christ at the cross. We can come boldly to the throne of grace in times of need to cry out "Abba, Father!" and God the Father will come to our point of need and fulfill it. Wait, He doesn't just fulfill our needs BUT always exceedingly and abundantly fulfill of what we can ask or think of! That's our God! He is El Shaddai. God of abundance.
Look to Jesus and His finished work at the cross. For all things have been accomplished at the cross. What are we looking to God for today? Is it healing? Know this without a shadow of doubt, Jesus has bore all our diseases on His very own body and by His stripe, we are already the healed! Don't ask God for healing but instead thank and worship Him for He has already healed.
Is it financial breakthrough that we are looking for? Know this that Jesus was made poor at the cross that we through the cross shall be made rich. The word rich here is referring to material abundance. Not just spiritual prosperity as some would refer to but actual financial wealth. God wants us to be so blessed financially that we can be a blessing to those around us.
Regardless of what we are trusting God for just know that Jesus has already provided for it at the cross. Rest in His finished work at the cross and in His time, we shall see the outward manifestation of the miracle/s we need! Hallelujah!
Posted by
Caleb Teo
6:28 PM
Monday, April 2, 2012
Praise the Lord for He is good
When King Jehoshaphat was surrounded and outnumbered by the enemies, the Lord told him to send people to the battle front to sing praises to the Lord. When the people were beginning to sing, the Lord deliver their enemies into their hands. The whole victory was orchestrated by the Lord. The people merely praised and worshiped Him!
in our flesh, we would have thought to strategize our battle plan to the finest details so that the ultimate victory would be ours. We would resort to all human efforts to make sure we came out victorious. We thought we were the ones to make things happen. It was all about us and none of God.
In our times, when we are faced with our enemies, the Lord wants us to praise and worship Him as well for He already has the answer to conquer our enemies. Be it a terminal illness, a huge debt, a broken relation, a failed business venture, or just to have good grades in examinations.
The good Lord already has all the answers to our every problem. He has already gone ahead of us to prepare the way for us. He will make sure we come out of the valley of the shadow of death victorious. Therefore, praise and worship the Lord for He has done all this at the cross some two thousand years ago.
At the cross, He had given His life for ours. He exchanged His life of righteousness for our lives of sin. At the cross, He bore all our punishment for our transgressions and sins so that we can go to the throne of grace boldly, anytime and anywhere. At the cross, He bore all our diseases and pains so that we can have robust health. At the cross, He was made poor so that we through His poverty shall be made rich. At the cross, our every need has been met by Lord Jesus. Behold Jesus and His finished work at the cross and the miracles that we are looking forward to will manifest in His perfect time!
It is all accomplished by Lord Jesus! We are the beneficiaries of His sacrifice. Indeed, praise and worship the Lord for He is good and His mercy endures forever! Hallelujah!
Posted by
Caleb Teo
4:27 PM
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Just another mistaken identity?
We, Christians, who are called to be children of God should know our heavenly position in Christ for the bible says we are in Christ and Christ is in us. Yet, do Christians truly know their identity in Christ?
My guess is that some of us do not know our true identity in Christ in its totality, yours sincerely included. Yet, regardless of the magnitude of the revelation of Christ that we have, we are called to reign in life! It is not how much we understand the finished work at the cross by Jesus Christ or Jesus Christ as our One and Only Savior, it is all about the truth that Jesus Christ had completely finished a complete work at the cross some two thousand years ago and He is now seated at the right hand of God!
What's so significant about the finished work at the cross? It is the exhibition of God's love for His people and Jesus reconciling us to God by taking all our punishment for our sins and transgressions, past, present and future! With that finished work, we can come to Abba Father boldly at any moment when we accept the gift of salvation by Christ Jesus. We have an almighty God who will turn all things for our good.
Abba Father only has good thoughts toward us. His master plan for us is one of grandeur and only full of His Son in us. It is a master plan that is specifically tailored to each and everyone of us who are called to be His children.
And because God is in control of our lives, we don't have to live a life full of anxiety, worries, and fear. We live life one day at a time glorifying God for what He has done or is doing in our lives. When we praise and worship God, we have a big image of who God is in our lives. Don't get me wrong here, God is BIG! But when we are conscious of the presence of Jesus in our lives, He becomes big in our revelation of Him!
The more we practiced the presence of Jesus in our lives, the more sensitized we will be in the leading and guidance of Holy Spirit. The more we are led by the Holy Spirit, the more we will do things which are based on the finished work at the cross. We are literally working out of rest! And we get restful increase even though we may be working "very hard" on the outside.
When we know we are the righteousness of God in Christ, we will give thanks to God every moment of our lives. We will want to do things for His glory. We will be doing things which gentile can witness and know that there is a true God and He is with us. We are not perfect in our thoughts and behavior, but we have a perfect Savior who died for us and took our place of sin at the cross.
Live life knowing who we are in Christ. For greater is He who is in us than he who is of the world! Hallelujah!
Posted by
Caleb Teo
10:36 AM
Saturday, March 17, 2012
I am a child of God
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. - John 3:16
Many people of the world do not realize how much God loves them till they come to Jesus and accept His finished work at the cross! At that very moment of salvation, a divine exchange takes place: a sinner is being transformed into the righteous one of God. Old things have passed away and behold, all things are new!
Old things are the pains, sorrow, fears, anxieties, worries, and lack. Ultimately, it is the old self that has died at the cross and the new life in Christ has been re-born. In an instance, the sinner is no more and in place of it is a life of Christ, a Christian, a child of God. The moment we accept the gift of salvation, we are grafted into the heavenly family. We have A heavenly Father and elder brother Christ Jesus.
We are no longer like the people of the world. We are been well taken care of every second of our lives. If things go terribly wrong, we have Abba Father as our deliverer to deliver us out of that situation. He is also our shield and protector. He is our strong tower that we can take refuge. And because of His great love for us, the Holy Spirit now indwells in us! Hallelujah!
Jesus is our all in all. He is our everything. He is all that we need. For when we focus on Jesus, all things will turn our way! When we behold Jesus, He becomes "big" in our revelation of Him. And the more we behold Him, the more Christ-like people will witness in us. For we are in Christ and Christ is in us! We and Christ are so one that Abba Father doesn't see us as us but see us in Christ.
And in Christ dwells all perfection. Abba Father sees the perfection of Jesus' work at the cross. It is a completely complete work and nothing needs to be added to it! We have absolutely no part in it. And through that complete work, sinners can be grafted into the heavenly kingdom by accepting the give of salvation.
You see, the word grafted is quite weak to describe the relationship between Abba Father and His children. It is as if we are literally born of God. Without stress and work on our part.
Live life knowing we have Abba Father looking after us every step of our walk on earth. It matters not if we are going through some trying times or dealing with some form of terminal illnesses or facing a huge mountain of debt, Abba Father is there to take care of all these things for He has already provided the answer in Christ Jesus!
Rest easy. Live the abundant life that Jesus has come to give. Reign in life as that's our destiny. Hallelujah!
Posted by
Caleb Teo
9:08 AM
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
God counts the number of hair on your head III
God counts the number of hair on your head. He is a detailed God. No details, big or small, shall escape His watchful eyes. He sees your every struggle, every fear, every shortcoming, every worry, and every lack and He has the Answer to all these negative things in your life. He is the Answer!
Jesus is the Answer to our every problem or challenge.
At the cross, Jesus died as us so that we can live the victorious life He came to give, a life full of His righteousness, a life full of Him in the center! Jesus was tempted at all points by the devil and yet He did not sin. Only three temptations were mentioned in the bible when Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness. With each temptation, His answer is always to point to the word of God.
Jesus went through all the human sufferings while He was on earth, so that as Man, He was able to empathize and sympathize with all our sufferings. He knows what we are going through and He has the answer to our every need. He will always meet us at the point of our need. He is a good God and His timing is always perfect!
Jesus loves it when we go to Him for everything, small or big. Be it as simple as a pimple on the face or something more serious like a cancerous tumor that is spreading like wild fire in the body, Jesus has the answer. He is the Answer. When we see Jesus in the word, our hearts will be warmed. When we see the completeness of His finished work at the cross, our being shall be made whole.
The bible tells us how everyone who came to Jesus was healed. Even the dead was raised from the grave like Lazarus. Even Jairus' daughter was raised from the dead as well. Even when we think there is no hope for the predicament we are in, Jesus is right there working behind the scene to turn things around for our good. He is a careful God and He sees the struggles we go through in this earthly live.
When you think the mountain of debt in front of you is too tall for you to overcome, look to Jesus. The bible tells us that Zerubbabel shall see his mountain of problems no more when he shouts "Grace grace" to it! For it is the work of the Lord and not our might or strength that will accomplish what we want to see at the end of the day.
Jesus is still healing today. He is still the Providence today. The bible tells us Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. So, casts all your cares upon His feets for He cares. He burden is light and His yoke is easy. Jesus wants and loves to see us abundantly well taken of with blessings overflowing in our lives so that we can be a blessing to those around us! Hallelujah!
Posted by
Caleb Teo
4:33 PM
Friday, February 17, 2012
We can come to Abba Father anytime
For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, "Abba, Father." - Romans 8:15
The word adoption in the above passage in Greek is: huiothesia. It implies a stronger word than just the English word: adoption. It literally means to be part of, in this case, a family. To be set as sons, as if born of the same family.
When we accept the gift of salvation through the finished work of Jesus Christ at the cross, we are literally born into the kingdom of God. We are now sons and daughters of God. We are not adopted but "born" into the family. We are in Christ as Christ is in us and greater is He who is in me than he who is of the world.
As a result of this intimate relationship with God, we can come to the throne of grace anytime of the day. There isn't a special time of the day when we communicate with God the Father. We can commune with Him anytime and anywhere! That's the privilege of those in Christ. regardless of the occasion, we can draw close to the almighty God.
In the seasons when we are strong, we can praise and worship God for all the good He has done in our lives. Yet it ain't us who are strong but Christ who lives in us that is The strong one. He strengthens us from within and sometimes He uses people around us to encourage and strengthen us from without. He loves to see us been reminded of His presence all the time for He loves us very dearly and deeply and He only wants the best for us.
At the cross some, Jesus gave Himself to take our place of sin and borne all the punishment of sins upon His own body so that we, today, can declare we the righteousness of God in Christ. With it, we can declare robust health. With it, we can claim all prosperity. With it, all relationships are mended.
Yet we know not all things may be good at the moment. But the bible says all things will turn out for good for those in Christ. In the days when we are weak, we can praise and worship God for all the things He is doing to turn things for our good. We give thanks for He is good in our lives. He will never allow the righteous soul to famish! That's His promise and He will see to it that His word will not return to Him void!
Hallelujah! Praise the Lord for He is good and His mercy endures forever. Draw near to Abba Father at all times. Be it we are enjoying His abundant blessings in our lives or going through the valley of the shadow of death, be conscious of Jesus Christ and His finished work at the cross at al times. For all things have been completed at the cross!
When the presence of God is strong in our lives, no weapons formed against us shall prosper. No evil shall befall us. No sickness shall take root in our bodies. When we know how much God loves us, there shall be no fear in our lives for His perfect love casts out all fears! The word tells us for God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. Hallelujah!
Posted by
Caleb Teo
4:58 PM
Thursday, February 9, 2012
I am blessed and it is irrevocable
Behold, I have received a command to bless; He has blessed, and I cannot reverse it. - Numbers 23:20
When king Balak asked Balaam to curse the children of Israel while they were camping in the plains of Moab, Balaam was not able to curse them but instead blessed them three times. As a side note, Balaam was the only one recorded in the bible to have a conversation with his donkey.
Each time king Balak asked Balaam to curse the children of Israel, Balaam would bless them according to the word God had put in his mouth. Most importantly, those blessings are irrevocable! No one can put a curse on a person who God has blessed! That's the promise of God.
Then Isaac trembled exceedingly, and said, "Who? Where is the one who hunted game and brought it to me? I ate all of it before you came, and I have blessed him— and indeed he shall be blessed." - Genesis 27:33. In this passage, whoever is blessed can never be cursed again!
Now at the cross some two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ was crucified on our behalf and He took all our curses upon His own body so that no curse can land on us today. For cursed is him who hang on a tree. At the same time, all the blessings in the bible are ours to proclaim for Christ did not redeem us from the blessings. Instead, He has blessed us with every spiritual blessings. He has blessed us and we shall be blessed!
We shall be blessed coming in and going out. We are blessed to be the head and not the tail. We are favored in our every endeavor. We have the blessings of Abraham upon our lives! When King Melchizedek met Abraham after his victory over three kings, His first word was "Blessed". We are blessed to be fruitful in our lives, every aspect of it! We are blessed with robust health and material blessings.
Today, God only wants to shower us with His blessings. And whoever God has blessed, he shall be blessed and the blessing is irrevocable! Receive His blessings with thanksgiving and gladness for they are undeserved, unmerited and unearned. They are ours for Christ has been crucified on our behalf at the cross some two thousand years ago! It is His finished work that qualifies us to receive God's blessings.
We don't have to work for God's blessings. We just simply receive them into our lives. No toilsome labor can qualify us for God blessings. For the blessings are paid for by the precious blood of Jesus at the cross! it is God's grace that we can be blessed.
Stop cursing ourselves for the wrongs that we have done. Look to the cross and be conscious of the finished work of Jesus at the cross for at the cross, all our sins, past, present and future, have been forgiven. Receive the blessings from God and stay blessed all the times. Hallelujah!
Posted by
Caleb Teo
5:10 PM
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Grace story
In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth. By the sixth day, He had created all that were to be created and He said they were very good. The word tells us all things are created for Jesus and through Him all things are created.
When God created man, both male and female, He gave them the authority to have dominion over the earth. God gave them the freedom of choice as well. That's why even though God knew Adam and Eve would sin against Him, He doesn't step in to prevent them from sinning against Him. That will be an injustice to a righteous God!
God wants man to partake of the fruit of the tree of life and not of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. After man had partaken of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, God had to drove them away from the garden of Eden to prevent them from partaking of the fruit of the tree of life. This is the grace of God for He doesn't want man to live eternally in a state of condemnation!
So God will have to redeem the sin in a judicial manner. That's why it must be a Man to redeem man from this sin. This Man must be sinless and perfect in order to redeem man. Else God will not accept this sacrificial lamb. Hence the story of the virgin birth. Jesus cannot inherit his earthly father's blood for Joseph was also a sinner.
Even so, God has provided a sacrificial lamb for Adam and Eve after they had sinned against Him. That's the grace of God in display. He killed the first sacrificial lamb to clothe Adam and Eve and provided a way for man to offer animal sacrifice to atone for his sins. When Adam and Eve were deceived by the devil, God prophesied that the Seed of a woman shall crush his head.
Since then, the devil tried all ways to bring about the corruption of the human seed so that the Redeemer will never come. He brought about the mating of fallen angels with the women of earth to produce creatures which are not of the humankind totally, i.e. the blood is not pure human blood.
It came to a point where God had to flood the earth in order to preserve the human race. That the love of God for the human race. Hence the story of Noah and the ark. Only Noah and his wife and his three sons and his three daughters-in-law were the only "perfect" human being on earth at that time. Their blood was not tainted by the fallen angels.
The devil is not omniscient. He doesn't know when the Redeemer will come. That's why he is always killing people who he thinks is the Messiah. He was not aware the Messiah has come even though Jesus has already come to earth in a manger. He only knew that the Messiah has come when the shepherds acquired about Him in Herod's presence. He then went about killing all the young boys in Jerusalem that were between two to three years old thinking that would kill the Messiah in the process.
Oh, how stupid can the devil be. About thirty years later after that terrible massacre, he knew the true Messiah has come when God openly declared that Jesus is His beloved Son and in Him He is well pleased at the Jordan river. And three and a half years later, Jesus overcame death and take back the key of dominion from the devil. God is well pleased with Jesus' sacrificial act at the cross for the process of redemption is completed at the cross!
It is the grace of God to send His only begotten Son to die on our behalf so that we can now be reconciled with God and come to the throne of grace in times of need to cry out Abba Father. What a grace-mazing story! Hallelujah!
Posted by
Caleb Teo
3:32 PM
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Lean on Jesus' love for you
Now there was leaning on Jesus' bosom one of His disciples, whom Jesus loved. - John 13:23
In the book of John, the "disciple whom Jesus loved" was mentioned more times than in the books of Matthew, Mark and Luke. This is because John is constantly aware of Jesus' love for him than his love for the Lord. He is more conscious of Jesus' love for him and he made mentioned of it throughout his epistle.
Contrast this to Peter's proclamation of his love for the Lord. When Jesus was brought captive by the men of the High Priest, Peter actually denied Jesus three times before he broke down and cried. At the foot of the cross where Jesus was crucified, it was the disciple John who was there. Peter was nowhere to be found.
John always practiced the Lord's love for him. His trust is not in his love for the Lord but the Lord's love for him. We love for He first loves us. How is this Godly love been expressed? At the cross, the love of God was fully exhibited! Jesus Christ who knew no sin, did no sin and in Him is no sin, was crucified at the cross to divinely exchange His position of righteousness with our position of sin!
That one completely complete work at the cross by Jesus Christ suffices for all mankind. Whosoever believes in that finished work and acknowledges Jesus as Lord and Savior shall be saved. And his whole household shall be saved as well. That's not to say the whole household is automatically saved. They have to accept the gift of salvation personally. When one is saved, the good Lord will open the door of Heaven wide for the rest of his household to be saved. We just believe, Jesus does the rest.
Now, when we are conscious of Jesus' love for us, we are assured all things will turn out for our good. Not all things are good, but ALL things will turn out for good for those in Christ. That's a promise for those in Christ. We just believe in his grace and mercy.
When something bad happens, don't dwell in that bad situation all the time and lament the absence of God in that situation. Instead, give thanks to God that that bad thing happened for a reason for Him to show His grace for us. For where there is sin, grace super abounds. See the grace of God working all things for our good.
Trust in God's love. His love will never fail. And His grace will see us through. Rest in the complete work of Christ Jesus at the cross. For at the cross, all our sins are forgiven and whoever accepts the gift of salvation is saved, is sozoed. We are being made whole in every area of our lives. Where there is a need, grace will flow abundantly in that area. That is not to say we purposely create a need for God to meet. When a need arises, God's grace will be there to meet it, with exceedingly abundantly more than we think or ask for!
Lean "hard" on Jesus' love for us. See his unfailing love reaching out to us. See His grace flowing in and through our lives and see the manifestation of our miracles. Hallelujah!
Posted by
Caleb Teo
4:12 PM