Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Grace story

In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth. By the sixth day, He had created all that were to be created and He said they were very good. The word tells us all things are created for Jesus and through Him all things are created.

When God created man, both male and female, He gave them the authority to have dominion over the earth. God gave them the freedom of choice as well. That's why even though God knew Adam and Eve would sin against Him, He doesn't step in to prevent them from sinning against Him. That will be an injustice to a righteous God!

God wants man to partake of the fruit of the tree of life and not of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. After man had partaken of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, God had to drove them away from the garden of Eden to prevent them from partaking of the fruit of the tree of life. This is the grace of God for He doesn't want man to live eternally in a state of condemnation!

So God will have to redeem the sin in a judicial manner. That's why it must be a Man to redeem man from this sin. This Man must be sinless and perfect in order to redeem man. Else God will not accept this sacrificial lamb. Hence the story of the virgin birth. Jesus cannot inherit his earthly father's blood for Joseph was also a sinner.

Even so, God has provided a sacrificial lamb for Adam and Eve after they had sinned against Him. That's the grace of God in display. He killed the first sacrificial lamb to clothe Adam and Eve and provided a way for man to offer animal sacrifice to atone for his sins. When Adam and Eve were deceived by the devil, God prophesied that the Seed of a woman shall crush his head.

Since then, the devil tried all ways to bring about the corruption of the human seed so that the Redeemer will never come. He brought about the mating of fallen angels with the women of earth to produce creatures which are not of the humankind totally, i.e. the blood is not pure human blood.

It came to a point where God had to flood the earth in order to preserve the human race. That the love of God for the human race. Hence the story of Noah and the ark. Only Noah and his wife and his three sons and his three daughters-in-law were the only "perfect" human being on earth at that time. Their blood was not tainted by the fallen angels.

The devil is not omniscient. He doesn't know when the Redeemer will come. That's why he is always killing people who he thinks is the Messiah. He was not aware the Messiah has come even though Jesus has already come to earth in a manger. He only knew that the Messiah has come when the shepherds acquired about Him in Herod's presence. He then went about killing all the young boys in Jerusalem that were between two to three years old thinking that would kill the Messiah in the process.

Oh, how stupid can the devil be. About thirty years later after that terrible massacre, he knew the true Messiah has come when God openly declared that Jesus is His beloved Son and in Him He is well pleased at the Jordan river. And three and a half years later, Jesus overcame death and take back the key of dominion from the devil. God is well pleased with Jesus' sacrificial act at the cross for the process of redemption is completed at the cross!

It is the grace of God to send His only begotten Son to die on our behalf so that we can now be reconciled with God and come to the throne of grace in times of need to cry out Abba Father. What a grace-mazing story! Hallelujah!