Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Guard what's going into your mind

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. - Isaiah 26:3

Guard what's going into your mind for the mind is the battle ground for the devil to attack. When the mind is full of shalom peace, the devil will have absolutely no chance of corrupting it. Let alone to steal anything from it. The devil will always try to steal the word from one's mind. As long as the mind is at rest, based on the finished work of Jesus Christ at the cross, it will be populated with thoughts of Jesus and His finished work.

With that, the mind shall be renewed continuously and be reminded of the redemptive work of Jesus at the cross. And the consciousness of the presence of Jesus in one's life shall be strong. And when the revelation of what Jesus has accomplished at the cross becomes so real in your mind, it will sink deep into the heart. And when that happens, no devil nor circumstances can shake us off the foundation of Christ on which we stand!

The word of God shall take root and germinate in our hearts. We will begin to see the miraculous work of Jesus manifesting mightily in our lives. We experience unspeakable peace, the peace that Jesus has bequeathed to us. The peace that cannot be shaken by any mean or anything.

When we are at rest with God, our hearts will be so sensitized with the prompting of the Holy Spirit and we do and say things out of rest. Not of the intellect but of the leading of the Holy Spirit from within. That's the life we are called to live. A life full of His rest.

The opposite can be true as well.

If we allow the devil to plant evil thoughts in our minds, the word of God will not be able to take root in our hearts and what follows are fear and anxiety. We will fear and worry about the future. We can easily be stressed by circumstances, be it personally or professionally. Even the slightest comment by a loved one can be perceived as a negative criticism.

We can be agitated easily and be very short tempered. We will think God is against us and we better watch our thought and speech and work. We will always think that God is on a sin hunt and ready to punish us for the slightest mistake that we make. We will be striving to be at peace with God instead of just resting in His love for us.

And when we go through trial and persecution, we will think God has already forsaken us. He will never help those who don't help themselves.

Nothing can be further from the truth. God loves us more than we can love ourselves! His perfect love was exhibited at the cross some two thousand years. He loves us even when we were still sinners, what more now we are sons and daughters of God! God only has good thoughts toward us and He has great plans for every one of us to glorify Jesus. The bible tells us He will never leave nor forsake us!

God wants to prosper us, body, soul and mind. He wants us to be healthy and be richly provided for in every good things. He wants all the things that the gentle seek to be added into our lives.

How He accomplishes all these is through the foolishness of preaching of the gospel. For faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of Christ. We first receive the word through our ear gate and then through our eye gate and finally it goes into our heart gate and be deeply rooted in our hearts. When we first hear the word, it goes into our minds. This is where we need to agree with God and let the word sinks deeply into our hearts.

Allow the word of God to germinate in our hearts and see the miraculous work of God manifesting mightily in our lives. Expect God to perform His miracles in our lives. Hallelujah!

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