Thursday, September 30, 2010

God always shine

Rain or shine, the sun is always there. Just because it is raining cats and dogs and the sky is darker than ever before doesn't imply the sun is not there and still shining.

God is forever faithful and is always on time, though He may seem to be late at times. His timing to deliver us out of our challenging situations is always perfect. He will never subject His righteous people to be put to shame.

Nothing is impossible to God. There is nothing too big or small that God will not take care of as long we are concerned with those things. It may be a small thing such as looking for a good parking lot to the cancellation of a huge financial debt, God will see to it. It may be a just deciding where to have the next meal to the restoration of marital relationship, God will make sure those are accomplished as well.

Regardless of the severity of the situation, God is more than able to deliver us out of it. Moreover, He is more than willing to take care of our cares than we may be aware of. Believe God will deliver according to His abundant grace.

Even when there seems to be no light at the end of the tunnel, be conscious that God is working behind the scene to make sure all things turn out well for us. Trust in His goodness and mercy and praise Him for He is good. He will always make things good for us even though the current going seems too tough to carry on.

God never gives up! He always calls forth what He wants to see. Beloved of the Lord, we should call forth our victory in the overwhelming circumstance and believe that we are fighting from victory ground and not fighting for victory. We should speak well into our situations and see the perfect manifestation of God's wonderful miracles.

As a child, it is our privileges to believe in God. He had sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to die for us at the cross for our sin debt to God. What more will He not with Jesus Christ freely gives us all things to enjoy! Keep believing and trusting in His grace for us. Hallelujah!

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