Friday, June 11, 2010

Get into the word

The devil comes to steal, kill and destroy.

The devil will come to steal first, follows by to kill and finally to
destroy. What is the thing that the devil comes to steal? He comes to steal
the word of God from your heart!

Why then is the devil so adamant in stealing the word of God from our
lives? For if he is able to steal the word, he will be able to make inroads
into the heart! For the word of God has the power to transform our lives
from strength to strength and glory to glory. The word is the power of God
to make of no effect what the devil is trying to do in our lives.

When Jesus was tempted by the devil three times in the wilderness, He
answered each temptation by saying first "It is written". That implies how
we should answer the devil's accusations is to answer each accusation with
the word of God. For in the word lies the mighty power of God to make
whole, to sozoe, to transform the heart from within.

If the devil comes to accuse us we are not worthy to be called Christians,
answer him that the word says we are made the rigtheousness of God through
the precious blood of Jesus at the cross. We have no part to play in the
redemptive work to be right with God. We can only acknowledge the finished
work at the cross by Jesus and proclaim He is Lord over our lives!

If the devil comes to plant lying symptoms on our bodies, declare that we
are already made whole and well through the broken body of Jesus Christ. By
His stripe, we are healed! The price for our healing has been paid by Jesus
Christ at the cross.

If the devil comes to point out the financial lack in our lives, proclaim
that we are rich, financially prosperous for by the grace of God, Jesus was
made poor at the cross that we through His poverty shall be made rich! It
may be a fact that there isn't much left in some of our bank accounts. The
truth is that we are rich! We are blessed! We are prospered! When we
believe the truth and aggressively proclaim the truth, in due time, we will
see the outward manifestation in our lives!

The word of God is sharper than two edged sword. It is first spoken by God
and only when we speak God's word shall the word becomes a two edged sword.
Speak the word. Get into the word. When the word takes root in our hearts,
there is nothing in the whole that can yank it out of our lives!

Hold on to the word. When we find ourselves not being able to hold on to
the word, the word will hold on to us and manifest! That's the power of God
in the word. Believe the truth and the truth will set you free. Hallelujah!

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