Wednesday, February 18, 2009

God counts the number of hair on your head II

I was changing the diaper for my little son, Johanan. As I was wiping his buttock, he continued to pass motion right into my hand. Even though my hand was dirty, I didn't have any sense of anger towards him as he is my precious son. I continued to wipe his buttock clean and put some baby powder on him and he was restful after that.

Even with my human love for my son, I didn't bother to count the number of hair on his head. Mind you, he has a full set of hair on his head. His hair is longer than his daddy's. :-) Yet the bible says God counts the number of hair on our heads. That is the level of attention He will pay to. He will make sure every details in our lives are well taken of! Hallelujah!

This is the love of Abba Daddy. He knows our every need long before we have need of. He is always working behind the scene to make sure that our every need is met. For He is Almighty God. He unending love towards His children is unfathomable. He even sacrificed His only begotten Son to die for us some two thousand years ago to divinely exchange His position beside Abba Father for our position of sin.

He always has our interest at heart. If only we would to trust Him completely and rely on His perfect love completely as well. He will never put those who trust in Him to shame. He will not allow the righteous to famish. He will provide for all our needs according to the riches and glory in Christ Jesus. Trust in His perfect love. He will attend to every minute need that we have. Hallelujah!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

God's amazing love!

What love is this that God sent His only begotten Son to die for the world so that the world through Jesus will be saved. How can one fathom this great love of God?

I have a nephew and a niece. I love them dearly. I would shower them with love and spend time with them to communicate with them and to nurture them.

Now that I am a proud father of a son, Johanan, myself, I have a deeper revelation of what it means to love unconditionally! I would not sacrifice my precious son for anything in this world. Not for a million dollars! Not for a billion dollars! Not for a trillion dollars! Not for any monetary exchange! This is just human love. But God's love is not natural. It is supernatural. It is a love only God can understand and fully fathom.

It just dawn on me how loved I am by Abba Father. I have a better appreciation of His great love for me. I have a fresh revelation of God's love in my life. Every time I hold my precious son in my arms, I would feel the love of Abba Father all over me again. I guessed that's a reason why God wants His children to go forth and multiple.

This is all about God's love and His amazing grace abounding towards us. Grace: God's Righteousness At Christ's Expense. Hallelujah!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

God's best!

God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son. The Son is the most precious Person in God's eyes. His name is Jesus.

God knew that Jesus would die for the sins of all the people in the world, past, present and future. At the cross, all punishment had been borne by Jesus. He had finished the work for the world to be reconciled with God. For those who had accepted this redemption gift, they are called Christians. Christ died for sinners. He didn't die for people who are perfect in their conduct or for people who are morally upright, though these qualities are important.

Yet while we were sinners, Christ died for us. He took our place of sinfulness to give us the throne of righteousness. Christians are righteous because of the finished work at the cross. A divine exchange had taken place. God had given His best to the world and the world through this perfect gift has been reconciled with God.

Since God had given His best to the world, what more will He not, with Jesus, give to His sons and daughters! We just have to believe God is good and have a good opinion of God.

God will always want to come into our situations and turn them for our favour. His timing is always the best. There are times when He seems to be late in helping us but God is never late. If a child of God is dealing with dreaded disease, be assured that He is doing mightily behind the scene to turn thing around for that child. If a child of God is facing a financial crunch, be restful for God is working to turn the financial situation around for the good of the child. Just rest in His love for us. God is always on time. He will always give the best to His children. Hallelujah!