Monday, October 18, 2010

God will take care of the big and small things in your lives

Be anxious for nothing but in everything with prayer and supplication
let your request be made known to God and the peace of God which
surpasses all understandings will guard your heart and mind through
Christ Jesus. For God will supply all my needs according to His riches
in glory in Christ Jesus!

The word of God says He will provide for all my needs. He is my
provider. He is providence Himself. Be it small or big, He loves to
cater to all the needs.

When the going in our lives seems too tough for us to handle or it just
seems too overwhelming and we feel we are helpless to do something about
it, God wants to assure us He is working behind the scene to make sure
we WILL come out of that challenging situation victoriously. For He will
make all things beautiful in His time and He will make all things to
turn out for our good. Things may not be good at the moment but it will
turn our to be good in His time.

We need to just hold on to God's promises in the bible. For they are yes
and amen in Christ Jesus. For at the cross, some two thousand years ago,
Jesus died on our behalf so that we can take His position of
righteousness with Abba Father. He was smitten, burnt, striped on our
behalf so that we are made whole through His bodily sacrifice. His
precious blood has cleansed us of all our sins and we are drafted into
the kingdom of God to be sons and daughters of God.

Jesus even borne our pains and sorrows and stresses on our behalf so
that we can enjoy the shalom He had bequeathed to us. This is not
worldly peace but the peace of God. The peace that surpasses all
understandings. Peace that assures us we are right with God. Peace that
in the midst of a perfect storm we can be calm within and the assurance
of His presence in our lives.

Regardless of the magnitude of the issues at hand, God loves to see that
those concerns are met. Be it trusting God to completely cleared us of
our debts or to heal us of terminal diseases or to believe in God for a
favourable position in a company or just simply believing God for a good
car park lot, God will made sure they are accomplished. Not by my might
nor strength but by His grace.

Believe God for He is good all the time and His goodness and mercy
endure forever. Hallelujah!