Friday, May 14, 2010

Just enjoy God's love

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever
believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

God is still working on His master plan in loving His people. His love for
His people is unconditional. His love for us doesn't depend on our good
behaviour. His love for us doesn't depend on us loving Him. He loves us
like He loves His only begotten Son, Jesus.

This agape love is unceasing and unending. It is all about His love for
Jesus for Jesus represents us. Hallelujah! Just bask in Abba Father's love
for us and enjoy His love. Focus His love like the magnifying glass on our
lives and see miracles manifesting in our lives.

We can love God becausee He first loved us. We can then love each other
because we know we are the beloved. We extend the love that we have
received from Abba Father to those around us.

When we know we are the beloved, we can live life with zeal! There is a
spring in our step. We can deal with dire situations with no fear for His
perfect love for us casts out all fear.

The bible also says that God has given us a spirit of power and love and
sound mind. This is possible because of Jesus and His finished work at the
cross. When Jesus was crucified at the cross, He didn't die for Himself for
He was sinless but He was carrying the sin of the world upon Himself, He
was representing us at the cross! Wow! What love is this that the Son of
God would die for me!

When He rose from the grave, we also in Him have risen from the dead. Enjoy
His love for us daily. Each moment of our lives, remember His agape love
for us. Live life with the knowing that we are the beloved and He is caring
care of our every need every moment. Hallelujah.

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