Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Who Are You Conscious Of

Who are we conscious of if we are sick? Do we think of the family doctor or
the surgeon at the hospital? Who are we conscious of if we are broke? Do we
think of the rich relative that may be able to lend a helping hand or the
bank officer for a personal loan?

More often than not, Christ Jesus is not the first Person whom we think of
when things happen. He is usually residing at the back of our mind. He is
probably not the centre forcus of our consciousness. We just take Him for
granted after we are saved from eternal demnation. We just take Him as a
fire insurance against the fiery hell.

This is not the Jesus Christians come to know of! He is intimately involved
in our every dealing. He wants to be the centre forcus of our
consciousness! He wants to provide for us for He already has a plan for our
every challenge. He is the Answer to our every problem.

However, Jesus is a Gentleman. He will not force His way in our lives. He
is always waiting patiently for us to turn to Him for our every need and
want. For He is able to provide exceedingly and abundantly above all that
we can ask or think of!

Be conscious of Christ in you! For greater is He who is in you than he who
is of the world. As He is, so are we in this world. Cast all our casts upon
Him for He cares. He is always caring for us. He is the same yesterday,
today and forever.

Think of Christ all the time. He is the centre glue who will hold all
things together. He is the third party who will maintain our marriage. He
is the answer to our every need. Have a good opinion of God. Hallelujah!

1 comment:

Pedo said...

Hi, Caleb. I'm Pedo from Manila. I came across your blog while searching for something on the net. I haven't read all your posts yet, but I will. God bless you, Bro!