Monday, October 5, 2009

Jesus Is In Our Midst

Where two or three are gathered in Jesus' name, there He is in their midst.
Jesus will always be with us for the bible says He will not leave nor
forsake us.

When the children of Israel were wondering and wandering for forty years in
the desert, God was in the midst of them. He was traveling with them where
ever they went. He is the pillar of cloud in the heat of the day and the
pillar of fire in the cool of the night.

When Daniel's three friends were thrown into the fiery furnace, Jesus was
in the midst of them. Their heads were not singed nor their garments burned
and the smell of fire was not on them. Jesus is true to His word. He had
protected Daniel's three friends from evil. He had come through for them.

When the disciples were crossing the sea of Galilee, Jesus was with them in
the boat at the stern sleeping on a pillow. He was resting after a full day
of teaching the multitude. However, the devil tried to frighten the hearts
of the disciples by causing huge waves to hit the boat. Jesus was woken up
for He heard the cry of His disciples for help. Jesus woke up and brought
the sea to a great calm.

Beloved of the Lord, be conscious and be aware of Jesus' presence in our
midst. He is in our midst to make sure we come through to victorious
ground, though we are already victorious to start with. There is nothing
too big that Jesus doesn't have an answer for. He is able to relate to our
situations. He will exceedingly and abundantly answer all our needs with
more than enough to be a blessing to others. Hallelujah!

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