Monday, March 23, 2009

God wants His children happy

The blessing of the Lord makes one rich and adds no sorrowful toil with it.

God wants His children to be abundantly provided for. He does not want His children to painfully strive for their own providence. For God is The Almighty God. Nothing is impossible with God. It "aches" God's heart to see His children not turning to and trusting Him for supply.

Jesus' "favourite" word for people who are taking so little from Him is "You of little faith". He is always ready to supply all our needs. He is El Shaddai. He has unlimited resources. He who flung the whole universe into place, is more than willing to provide for us than we know. Oh, if only we would understand His darling heart for us.

God wants us to be happy by not worrying about what to eat, what to wear and every other need that we might have but to be aware of our righteousness in Him. Once we have right standing with God, He will be our God. He will provide for our every need!

If His children are suffering from any form of illness, He wants them to know that Jesus had taken away that illness from them for He had borne all illnesses and diseases at the cross. Rest assured that by His stripe, we are the healed of the Lord. His word is the truth. God cannot lie.

As a child of od God, I can rest assured that God is taking of me. He is looking after my every need. Hallelujah.

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