And God said: "This is the sign of the covenant which I make between Me and you, and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations: I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth. - Genesis 9:12-13, NKJV
When God decided to flood the earth, the earth was already populated with humans who were longer of the pure human breed. Only Noah, his wife, three sons and their wifes were of the pure human breed. In order to preserve the pure human race, God decided to flood the earth so that those who were not of pure human breed will be destroyed. Even though evil has spread throughout the earth, God has compassion upon His creation, the human kind. He was angry at the offsprings of fallen angels and earthly women yet He didn't want to do a reset by swiping the human kind once and for all and then move on to create another creature of His own image.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. God loves the human kind and that's why He preserved the lives of Noah and his family. God wants Noah and his family to be fruitful and multiple.
This same loving God is still loving His people. His word says that He will never leave nor forsake His people. He is always there for His people. Yet there were times when you feel that the loving Heavenly Father is miles away. You think He is not listening at all as all the chanllenging issues of life are still staring you in the face. You may even think that God has deserted you and you are left to your own demise. Perhaps you are so angry with God for not pulling through for you at the most critical times of your life that you "denounced" God totally!
Maybe someone very dear in the family has passed on "prematurely". Maybe someone in the family is diagnosed with a critical illness and has been given a very negative report. Maybe someone has just lost a baby. Maybe a wayward child has run away from home. Perhaps you are now a bankrupt. Maybe you have a huge debt which you cannot service. Perhaps you may think that all things are working against you and you are depressed and have already started a very bad thing like drug abuse and you think there is no way of this predicament.
Take heart, beloveds of the Lord, the caring and loving Heavenly Father is right beside you. He who appeared as a dark cloud in the day and a pillar of fire during the night during the wandering days of the children of Israel will do miracle in your life today! Trust in His unending love for you. His timing is perfect and He will always pull through for you.
Look to Jesus and His finished work at the cross. Keep your heart from being troubled by casting all your care upon Jesus for He cares. Keep believing God is working all things for your good for He IS. Keep trusting God even in the midst of the fiercest storm. As you behold Jesus, He will perform the miracles you need or He will give you the wisdom and grace you need to overcome the negative situation. Look to Jesus for He is our all in all. Hallelujah!
When God decided to flood the earth, the earth was already populated with humans who were longer of the pure human breed. Only Noah, his wife, three sons and their wifes were of the pure human breed. In order to preserve the pure human race, God decided to flood the earth so that those who were not of pure human breed will be destroyed. Even though evil has spread throughout the earth, God has compassion upon His creation, the human kind. He was angry at the offsprings of fallen angels and earthly women yet He didn't want to do a reset by swiping the human kind once and for all and then move on to create another creature of His own image.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. God loves the human kind and that's why He preserved the lives of Noah and his family. God wants Noah and his family to be fruitful and multiple.
This same loving God is still loving His people. His word says that He will never leave nor forsake His people. He is always there for His people. Yet there were times when you feel that the loving Heavenly Father is miles away. You think He is not listening at all as all the chanllenging issues of life are still staring you in the face. You may even think that God has deserted you and you are left to your own demise. Perhaps you are so angry with God for not pulling through for you at the most critical times of your life that you "denounced" God totally!
Maybe someone very dear in the family has passed on "prematurely". Maybe someone in the family is diagnosed with a critical illness and has been given a very negative report. Maybe someone has just lost a baby. Maybe a wayward child has run away from home. Perhaps you are now a bankrupt. Maybe you have a huge debt which you cannot service. Perhaps you may think that all things are working against you and you are depressed and have already started a very bad thing like drug abuse and you think there is no way of this predicament.
Take heart, beloveds of the Lord, the caring and loving Heavenly Father is right beside you. He who appeared as a dark cloud in the day and a pillar of fire during the night during the wandering days of the children of Israel will do miracle in your life today! Trust in His unending love for you. His timing is perfect and He will always pull through for you.
Look to Jesus and His finished work at the cross. Keep your heart from being troubled by casting all your care upon Jesus for He cares. Keep believing God is working all things for your good for He IS. Keep trusting God even in the midst of the fiercest storm. As you behold Jesus, He will perform the miracles you need or He will give you the wisdom and grace you need to overcome the negative situation. Look to Jesus for He is our all in all. Hallelujah!