Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Just another mistaken identity?

We, Christians, who are called to be children of God should know our heavenly position in Christ for the bible says we are in Christ and Christ is in us. Yet, do Christians truly know their identity in Christ?

My guess is that some of us do not know our true identity in Christ in its totality, yours sincerely included. Yet, regardless of the magnitude of the revelation of Christ that we have, we are called to reign in life! It is not how much we understand the finished work at the cross by Jesus Christ or Jesus Christ as our One and Only Savior, it is all about the truth that Jesus Christ had completely finished a complete work at the cross some two thousand years ago and He is now seated at the right hand of God!

What's so significant about the finished work at the cross? It is the exhibition of God's love for His people and Jesus reconciling us to God by taking all our punishment for our sins and transgressions, past, present and future! With that finished work, we can come to Abba Father boldly at any moment when we accept the gift of salvation by Christ Jesus. We have an almighty God who will turn all things for our good.

Abba Father only has good thoughts toward us. His master plan for us is one of grandeur and only full of His Son in us. It is a master plan that is specifically tailored to each and everyone of us who are called to be His children.

And because God is in control of our lives, we don't have to live a life full of anxiety, worries, and fear. We live life one day at a time glorifying God for what He has done or is doing in our lives. When we praise and worship God, we have a big image of who God is in our lives. Don't get me wrong here, God is BIG! But when we are conscious of the presence of Jesus in our lives, He becomes big in our revelation of Him!

The more we practiced the presence of Jesus in our lives, the more sensitized we will be in the leading and guidance of Holy Spirit. The more we are led by the Holy Spirit, the more we will do things which are based on the finished work at the cross. We are literally working out of rest! And we get restful increase even though we may be working "very hard" on the outside.

When we know we are the righteousness of God in Christ, we will give thanks to God every moment of our lives. We will want to do things for His glory. We will be doing things which gentile can witness and know that there is a true God and He is with us. We are not perfect in our thoughts and behavior, but we have a perfect Savior who died for us and took our place of sin at the cross.

Live life knowing who we are in Christ. For greater is He who is in us than he who is of the world! Hallelujah!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

I am a child of God

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. - John 3:16

Many people of the world do not realize how much God loves them till they come to Jesus and accept His finished work at the cross! At that very moment of salvation, a divine exchange takes place: a sinner is being transformed into the righteous one of God. Old things have passed away and behold, all things are new!

Old things are the pains, sorrow, fears, anxieties, worries, and lack. Ultimately, it is the old self that has died at the cross and the new life in Christ has been re-born. In an instance, the sinner is no more and in place of it is a life of Christ, a Christian, a child of God. The moment we accept the gift of salvation, we are grafted into the heavenly family. We have A heavenly Father and elder brother Christ Jesus.

We are no longer like the people of the world. We are been well taken care of every second of our lives. If things go terribly wrong, we have Abba Father as our deliverer to deliver us out of that situation. He is also our shield and protector. He is our strong tower that we can take refuge. And because of His great love for us, the Holy Spirit now indwells in us! Hallelujah!

Jesus is our all in all. He is our everything. He is all that we need. For when we focus on Jesus, all things will turn our way! When we behold Jesus, He becomes "big" in our revelation of Him. And the more we behold Him, the more Christ-like people will witness in us. For we are in Christ and Christ is in us! We and Christ are so one that Abba Father doesn't see us as us but see us in Christ.

And in Christ dwells all perfection. Abba Father sees the perfection of Jesus' work at the cross. It is a completely complete work and nothing needs to be added to it! We have absolutely no part in it. And through that complete work, sinners can be grafted into the heavenly kingdom by accepting the give of salvation.

You see, the word grafted is quite weak to describe the relationship between Abba Father and His children. It is as if we are literally born of God. Without stress and work on our part.

Live life knowing we have Abba Father looking after us every step of our walk on earth. It matters not if we are going through some trying times or dealing with some form of terminal illnesses or facing a huge mountain of debt, Abba Father is there to take care of all these things for He has already provided the answer in Christ Jesus!

Rest easy. Live the abundant life that Jesus has come to give. Reign in life as that's our destiny. Hallelujah!