The word of God has the power to change and transform and is eternally true. The word of God is the truth. That's what the bible says.
What then does the word of God say about us, beloved of the Lord? It says we are made the righteousness of God in Christ! We are drafted into the kingdom of God. We are sons and daughters of the most high God. And whatever Jesus has sacrificed His life for us, we have it!
The divine exchange has taken place at the cross. Jesus has given us His righteousness for our sin. We are reconciled with Abba Father and we can go into His presence anytime, anywhere. We can go to the throne of grace in times of need to cry out Abba Father.
The word says we are made whole, completely healed through Jesus' bodily sacrifice. We are already the healed and not trying to be healed! We are fighting the disease from victory ground and not the other way around. We are to just hold fast to the truth that by Jesus' stripe, we are already the healed! Lying symptoms shall not take root in our bodies.
The bible says Jesus was made poor at the cross that we through His poverty shall be made rich. It is material blessings that Jesus has promised us though the source is spiritual. When we confess in line with His word regarding our financial situation, the financial situation has to turn around for our good. For God made all things good for His people.
Jesus has come as our kinsman redeemer. Whatever it is that we need Jesus to redeem us from, He has already done it at the cross. Jesus has proclaimed with a loud voice at the cross, "It is finished!" We are redeemed from the curse of the law. We are redeemed from broken relationship. We are redeemed from potential disaster.
Whatever we are believing God for, the answer is in the Word and Jesus is the Word. Hold fast to Jesus for He is the author and finisher of our faith. Hallelujah!