Thursday, December 17, 2009

Be At Rest

Jesus is always at rest and He is never hurried. He knows exactly what He
is doing and He always does it on time.

Jesus has bequeathed His Shalom peace to us. He had borne the crown of
thorns on our behalf so that we will have the peace of mind and heart and
the clarity of thoughts. With His perfect love, we need to fear no more for
His perfect love casts out all fear.

Jesus is never hurried. He always has time for those He loves, that's you
and me. When Lazarus was sick and subsequently died, Jesus just made His
way to the Lazarus' tomb. When He was there, He simply called forth the
dead Lazarus and he was immediately raised from the dead.

On the way to heal Jarius' sick daughter, Jesus had time to assure the
woman with the issue of blood of His love for her. When Jarius was informed
that he daughter had died, Jesus told Jarius not to be fearful but only
believe in Him and His promise that He will heal his daughter.
Subsequently, Jesus brought Jarius' daughter back to life. Jesus always has
time for those who come to Him and place their demands on Him.

When the children of Israel were facing the Red Sea and the roaring army of
Egypt hot on their heels, Jesus came as the fire to stop the charging
Egyptian army from moving forward and God split open the Red Sea for the
children of Israel to cross over.

Beloved in Christ, be at rest and know that God deeply loves us and He
wants to take care of our every want and need. He will never allow the
righteous souls to famish. He will always deliver. He will always provide.
God may seem to be slow in His deliverance but He is always on time. He
will always make all thing good for those in Christ.

When we are faced with dire straits, be at rest for we have a loving and
mighty God who is more than able to bring us out of our difficult trials.
Trust in His love for us. His timing is perfect. Hallelujah!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Lavish God!

He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how
shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?

God is a lavish God! He sent Jesus to die at the cross on our behalf so
that we can be the righteousness of God in Christ. A divine exchange had
taken place at the cross some two thousand years ago. We, who were
sinners,who have received the gift of salvation, are made the righteousness
of God. We are in Christ and He is in us!

When sinners are made righteous, they receive every blessing from God. For
He is no longer angry with the world and His heart is for the prosperity of
the world. The bible says that a beloved of the Lord should prosper and be
in good heath just as his sould prospers.

God wants His people to be prosperous and to be abundantly provided for to
be a blessings to those around them. God wants His heirs to reign in this
world. God wants His people to be the head and not the tail. He wants His
people to have the best and to enjoy their lives in the revelation of the
Lord Jesus Christ.

God wants His people healthly so that they can be glorious examples of
God's divine gift of health. A sick person will not be able to physically
help another. A sick person would normally not be able to go about carrying
out his/her duties.

God wants to bestow His blessings upon His people. Jesus had requeathed His
peace to His people. God is love. Lets increase our capacity to receive
from God. Lets honour what Jesus had done at the cross. Hallelujah!

Friday, November 20, 2009


The bible says Jesus was born to save the world. He was born to be the
Saviour of the world. For God so loves the world that He sent His only
begotten to die for the world that whoever believes in His Son will not
perish but has everlasting life.

Jesus is the Saviour. Jesus is the Messiah. What exactly did Jesus come to
save us for?

Jesus came to save us from eternal demnation. He wants us to be have a
Heavenly feast with Abba Father. He came to offer Himself as the
sacrificial lamp to wash away all our sins once and for all. With that one
complete and perfect sacrifice at the cross, He had perfected us righteous
before God. We are now join heir with Christ Jesus!

Jesus wants to be intimately involved in every aspect of our lives. He has
all the answers long before we face the challenges. He wants us to be
abundantly provided for. He wants us to have His Shalom. He wants to Sozoe
our lives!

If a child of God is suffering from some form of terminal illnesses, Jesus
is the Healer who is more than willing to heal that Christian. He is
healing. For by His stripe, we are the Healed of the Lord! Be more
conscious of the healing virtue of the Lord than the lying symptoms of the
disease. Be aware that Jesus had already taken the disease and put it on
His body so that we can be totally free from sickness.

If a Christian is suffering from lack, Jesus is the provider. He is
providance. For at the cross He was made poor so that we through His
proverty shall be rich. He wants us to have financially blessings so that
we can be a blessor to those around us. Jesus will not lack the righteous
soul to famish! He is forever faithful.

Beloved in Christ, Jesus is the "I Am" God. Whatever we need He is the
answer. He cames to save us out of our every trials and challenges. He
always wants the best for us. Trust in His loving heart toward us.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Who Are You Conscious Of

Who are we conscious of if we are sick? Do we think of the family doctor or
the surgeon at the hospital? Who are we conscious of if we are broke? Do we
think of the rich relative that may be able to lend a helping hand or the
bank officer for a personal loan?

More often than not, Christ Jesus is not the first Person whom we think of
when things happen. He is usually residing at the back of our mind. He is
probably not the centre forcus of our consciousness. We just take Him for
granted after we are saved from eternal demnation. We just take Him as a
fire insurance against the fiery hell.

This is not the Jesus Christians come to know of! He is intimately involved
in our every dealing. He wants to be the centre forcus of our
consciousness! He wants to provide for us for He already has a plan for our
every challenge. He is the Answer to our every problem.

However, Jesus is a Gentleman. He will not force His way in our lives. He
is always waiting patiently for us to turn to Him for our every need and
want. For He is able to provide exceedingly and abundantly above all that
we can ask or think of!

Be conscious of Christ in you! For greater is He who is in you than he who
is of the world. As He is, so are we in this world. Cast all our casts upon
Him for He cares. He is always caring for us. He is the same yesterday,
today and forever.

Think of Christ all the time. He is the centre glue who will hold all
things together. He is the third party who will maintain our marriage. He
is the answer to our every need. Have a good opinion of God. Hallelujah!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

What Do You See Inside

The bible says out of the abundance of the heart the mounth speaks. The
bible also says death and life are in the power of the tongue.

Obviously, what we speak will determine our lives! Not what we eat that
will defile us. But what kind of thoughts that we allow to come into our
hearts will determine our speech which will determine our lives. Guard our
hearts against all guardings then. For out of it springs the issues of

What then how do we see ourselves within? Do we see ourselves defeated,
sick, broke, dejected, useless, or any other negative thoughts which will
bring failures in our lives? Or do we see ourselves victorious, healthly,
properous, accepted, fulfiling, or any other positive and good thoughts
which will eventually bring victories in our lives?

We, as children of God, are more than conquerors! For it is Christ who had
finished the work at the cross some two thousand years ago for our victory!
The battle belongs to the Lord. We are resting in His finished work. We are
resting into victory by beholding Jesus.

Therefore, see ourselves virctorious in Christ within. See ourselves full
of life because of Jesus' finished work at the cross. See ourselves lacking
in nothing. See ourselves full of wisdom and grace. For out of these
abundance shall the mouth speaks and proclaim victory now and into our

Be conscious of the Lord's finished work and His presence within. Lean hard
on His faithfulness and you shall see good in every area of our lives.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Law And Grace

When the law was given, men were condemned and cursed and therefore
suffered under the law. For under the law, men were not able to keep the
ten commandments. For it was based on men's effort to be right with God.

Men were constantly under the curse of the law and God was not pleased with
that as He is love and He wants to bless His people and not curse His

For the bible says: And if by grace, then it is no longer of works;
otherwise grace is no longer grace. But if it is of works, it is no longer
grace; otherwise work is no longer work. Finding fault with the old
covenant, God seeks to establish a new covenant with men by sending His
only begotten Son to atone for all the sins of men.

With that one complete work at the cross, God had established a new
covenant with His people based on His grace. The new covenant is now based
on His unmerited, unearned, undeserved favour. It is based on Jesus'
finished work! And what a complete work Jesus had accomplished!

We, as children of God, can enjoy His blessings today because we are the
righteousness of God in Christ. Under the new covenant, we can love others
because God first loves us. We can enjoy every good success that God has
for us.

Under the new covenant, it is all about Jesus. For it is Christ who died
for us to make us righteous. For it is Christ who justifies us before God.
For it is Christ who is our holiness. For it is Christ who is our
sanctification. Hallelujah!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Why Worry?

The bible says which of you by worrying can increase your stature.

Why do we worry then? We worry because we don't believe God is able to
provide for all our needs. We worry because we don't think God is that good
to us. We worry because of the cares of the world.

The devil will always try to distract us from the love of God and His
written word. He will always try to deceive us into believing we have to
get our act together inorder to be right with God. He will gum us to death,
if we allow him to.

The work at the cross some two thousand years ago is completely complete!
There is nothing we do now to be righteous. For it had been accomplished by
Jesus at the cross. Our "role" is to believe God will always see us through
in our times of need. He may seem to be late but God is always on time. His
timing is always perfect.

The bible says to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and
all these things that the gentiles seek He will add to us. What's seeking
the kingdom of God then? It is to be peaceful and joyous in the Holy
Spirit. It is knowing that we are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.

When we are restful in the Holy Spirit, no evil formed shall come near us
nor any plague come near our dwellings. Knowing that we are right with God
through Jesus' finished work bring joy to body, soul and Spirit.

When we know that we know that God will always take care of us regardless
of our actions, we don't have to worry! We can cast all our cares upon
Jesus and lay our burden at His feet for He cares and His yoke is easy and
His burden is light.

When we are faced with a BIG challenge in our lives, knowing that God will
take care of the challenge will give us shalom. Why worry when we can
instead cast every care upon God? Believe by faith. With patience and
preserverance, things will always turn out for our good in His perfect
timing. Hallelujah!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Jesus Is In Our Midst

Where two or three are gathered in Jesus' name, there He is in their midst.
Jesus will always be with us for the bible says He will not leave nor
forsake us.

When the children of Israel were wondering and wandering for forty years in
the desert, God was in the midst of them. He was traveling with them where
ever they went. He is the pillar of cloud in the heat of the day and the
pillar of fire in the cool of the night.

When Daniel's three friends were thrown into the fiery furnace, Jesus was
in the midst of them. Their heads were not singed nor their garments burned
and the smell of fire was not on them. Jesus is true to His word. He had
protected Daniel's three friends from evil. He had come through for them.

When the disciples were crossing the sea of Galilee, Jesus was with them in
the boat at the stern sleeping on a pillow. He was resting after a full day
of teaching the multitude. However, the devil tried to frighten the hearts
of the disciples by causing huge waves to hit the boat. Jesus was woken up
for He heard the cry of His disciples for help. Jesus woke up and brought
the sea to a great calm.

Beloved of the Lord, be conscious and be aware of Jesus' presence in our
midst. He is in our midst to make sure we come through to victorious
ground, though we are already victorious to start with. There is nothing
too big that Jesus doesn't have an answer for. He is able to relate to our
situations. He will exceedingly and abundantly answer all our needs with
more than enough to be a blessing to others. Hallelujah!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Bask In His Love

The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.

Why is that when the Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want? The reason: the
Lord loves me. He doesn't just loves but so loves me that He wants to
provide for everything that I want or need with more than enough. He wants
to make sure all things will turn out for my good. He just wants me to
receive all that He is in my life.

How then do I receive? I can receive because I'm the righteous of God in
Christ Jesus! I receive by enjoying His love for me. I receive by being
restful in the Holy Spirit. I receive by just basking in His abundance
supplies. For the Lord shall supply all my needs according to the riches
and glory in Christ Jesus.

When God sent His only begotten Son to the cross, He had only one thing in
mind: to reconcile with mankind for He so loved them. The greatest
demonstration of God's love is shown at the cross. Jesus was crucified so
the we can divinely take His position of righteous while He took our state
of sin. Oh, what love is this! That God will send His only begotten Son to
die for sinful men so that through that one complete sacrifice, man will be
made righteous with God when he accepts the gift of salvation.

There is no way man can be made right with God through his sacrifice. Only
Jesus' sacrifice at the cross qualifies us to be righteous! Enjoy Abba
Father's abundance love and blessings in our lives. Hallelujah!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

In His Presence

The Lord was with Joseph and Joseph prospered in everything he did.

In the bible, Joseph was sold as a slave to an Egyptian. As a slave, the
Lord prospered everything he did. The presence of the Lord was so evident
in his life that his master entrusted everything under his care including
his wife. The wife tried to seduced Joseph to lie with her but Joseph ran
away from her presence for he knew sleeping with his master's wife was
doing great wickedness to the Lord.

Joseph's master ultimately threw him into the dungeon for his wife had
accused Joseph of trying to take advantage of her in his absence. While in
the dungeon, God prospered all that Joseph had done. Joseph had so much
favour with the keeper of the prison that he was entrusted with the care of
the other prisoners. A few years later, Joseph was promoted to be the
second in command after Pharaoh.

All this while from the time Joseph was sold as a slave to the time he was
in prison, he was conscious of the Lord's presence in his life. He had
faith in God that all things will turn out for his good!

Some Christians may be going through financial lack in their lives. So long
they behold Jesus in their lives, it will be a matter of time before they
are comppletely delivered out of their financial lack! As long as they are
conscious of Jesus' in their lives, heat will not come to them even if they
are in the middle of a storm.

If a Christian is suffering from some form of diseases and will not stop
cultivating the Lord's presence in his/her life, it will be a matter of
time when this Christian will be completely freed from that disease! For as
Christ is, so are we in this world.

There is NO obstacle so big that God doesn't have an answer for. God
already has the providence in place long before we face any lack in our
lives. Be conscious of His presence and all things will work out for our
good. Hallelujah!

Monday, September 14, 2009

God Is Faithful

God is forever faithful. Even when we are faithless, God is still faithful.
He will never leave us nor forsake us. He will make all things turn out for
our good. We just need to put our trust in Him.

There are so many instances in the bible where God's faithfulness is
displayed. In the beginning after Adam had fallen, God promised that the
Seed of Eve will crush the head of the devil. Generations later, Jesus died
on our behalf so that the devil no longer has the power of death. With long
life, He will satisfy us. His word is the truth.

When the earth was filled with genetically engineered giants and half
humans and half monsters, God bought forth the flood to wipe out all the
monsters on earth. Only Noah and his wife and his three sons and his three
daughters were spared because they were then the only pure humans left on
earth. It is the goodness of God to preserve the human race.

God cannot lie. The bible doesn't say God will not lie. It tells us that
God CANNOT lie! He is the God that provides. Jesus is the shepherd that I
shall not lack in any good things. If healing is what a Christian is
looking for, Jesus had already taken the diseases and illnesses on His body
that by His stripe, the Christian is already the healed! We don't have to
sweat and toil for our health for robust health is from the Lord.

If we are looking for financial breakthrough in our lives, God will
breakthrough for us! The word says that our God will meet all our needs
according to His riches and glory in Christ Jesus. God will not just meet
our needs. He will exceedingly, abundantly supply all our needs and wants
above what we can ask or think of.

In the feeding of five thousand, Jesus turned five loaves of bread and two
small fishes into food for them, with twelve baskets full of food. God is
forever faithful. He will see to our every need. He will not let the
righteous souls to be put to shame. Hallelujah!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Accept The Gift

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Obviously, the greatest miracle of all, salvation is a gift. We can't work out our good work or to fulfill all religious requirement to be right with God. It is a gift. What we can do is to accept the gift. The fulfillment of the law had been accomplished by Jesus at the cross. With the completed work at the cross, an divine exchange had taken place and Christians are made righteous.

With this perfect gift comes health and prosperity. With this perfect gift comes healthy relationship with loved ones. With this perfect gift comes peace of the heart and a sound mind. With this perfect gift comes all things working for good of a Christian.

Accept the perfect gift freely, without any justification on our side. For it is Christ who justifies us to be right with God. It is Christ who sacrificed His body for us to have robust health. It is Christ who was made poor at the cross that we through His poverty might be made rich. It is Christ who was left alone on the cross and proclaimed that His disciple John had His mother as his mother. It is Christ who bequeathed His peace before His crucification for us to have perfect peace of heart. It is Christ who had given us a sound mind for his mind was tortured on our behalf. For His perfect love had casted out all fear in our lives.

Freely received what God had freely given as a gift. Accept the gift freely. Rejoice in the finished work of Jesus Christ at the cross. Hallelujah!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

God Is Love

God is love. This is love: for we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. For
God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever
believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

God has so much love for His children that He is ever ready to abundantly
supply all their needs. He has a masterplan for all His children long
before their are aware of it. He has already designed a way of escape for
every trial His children are going through.

The bible tells a story of a prodigal father who was full of love for his
two sons. When the prodigal son came home, the father had so much love for
him that he immediately ran to the son, hugged him, kissed him and restored
the son with the ring, a new robe and a new pair of sandals. The father
didn't even mention the waste the prodigal had incurred but showered his
lavish love on the son.

This story illustrated the love of our havenly Father. He has so much to
give than we can receive. He has so much riches for His children to enjoy.
If only all His children will just reach out and enjoy His love.

In the midst of our trials, be assured that those trials didn't ecaspe His
attentive eyes. Abba Father has already designed a way out for us. Know
that there is no trial so big that His grace cannot reach. Enjoy the
Father's love for us. Flow in the river of love. Hallelujah!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Imperfectly perfect

While we were still sinners Christ died for us to be one with God. Our
spirit men are made perfect while our souls and bodies are being renewed.

Even if there is only one soul left on earth, Christ will still die for
that ONE soul. We are saved not because we are good and obedient and
deserving. We are saved because Jesus had done the saving. The perfect One
had taken our place of transgression to make us sons of God.

We are not perfect as far as our thoughts and behaviours and actions are
concerned. However, we are completely complete in Christ. He had redeemed
us from the curse of the law. He had placed us at the right hand of God.
Because of the perfect sacrifice of Jesus Christ at the cross some two
thousand years ago, we can have whatever we ask or think of. I am not
referring to wanting another person's spouse. I am talking about the
necessities of our daily living.

If we need a big car because the family has need of it, God will provide
the resources for us to buy it. If we are in need of physical healing in
certain area of our bodies, Jesus will heal that area of concerned. If
there is a need to mend broken relationship, Jesus is the superglue who
will make the relationship wonderful. If we need to get out of a difficult
situation, Jesus will turn thing around for our good.

The perfect One had done it all at the cross. He proclaimed "It is
finished!". Whatever the imperfect ones, that's us, desire, the perfect
will see to it, in His perfect timing, that it is done. In spite of our
imperfections, we are already perfect in Christ. Hallelujah!

Friday, May 29, 2009

The Blessing Of The Lord Makes One Rich

The blessing of the Lord makes one rich and no sorrowful toil will add to it.

The bible says that the Lord will meet all the needs of a Christian according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Jesus does it righteously for He had given us His prosperity and His health at the cross. The bible has many stories where people were blessed by the Lord without them working for it!

Most noticeable is the story of Abraham. Even though he lied twice just to save his own life and thereby putting his wife, Sarah at risk, God still caused riches to come to him. Abraham did not work laboriously for this financial blessings. Isaac didn't have to toil for his financial blessings as well. In fact, he prospered during times of famine. Joseph, within a day, was promoted to the most powerful man in Egypt beside Pharaoh. He was rich overnight while not working for it.

God had promised He will take care of us, His sons, in every area of our need. He will provide for us financially. He is the healer who is still healing today. Jesus is everything that a Christian need. I am not saying we be lazy and don't work hard in our position at work. I am stating that we should work hard at the office because we are children of God and the "work" is a way to exhibit our giftings and talents that God has already put in us.

As child of God, I don't have to sweat to obtain financial blessings. I am already blessed with all spiritual blessings. I only need to receive. Behold Jesus and financial blessing will chase after me. Hallelujah!

Christ dependency

What will we do when we are in the midst of a perfect storm? How will we response to averse situations or bad reports?

Many a times we look to the natural means to manage the averse situations. We will try our level best to combat the perfect storm. We will rely on our own strength to see us through. So the saying goes, if you don't take care of the issue at hand, no one will. If you are not the one to handle the situation, no one will. Also, if it is to be, it is up to me!

How far away from the truth we can be. We are totally limited in and of ourselves. There is only so much natural resources that we can tap on. There is only so much that we, in the natural, can do. Beyond that, there is absolutely nothing we can do about the bad situations, the dire straits, the bad reports, etc.

If only we will come to this realization as soon as possible. Without Christ, we are nothing. NOTHING!

With Christ, I have everything. The bible says I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. We need to just trust Jesus to see us through the shadow of the valley of death. Nothing is impossible to God. Our part is to believe. When we depend on Christ Jesus, we will have good success. We, though already victorious in Christ, will come out victorious in our challenges when we rely on Christ's goodness and mercy to see us through.

In the natural, Lazarus had died for four days. Yet the moment Jesus stepped into the situation, Lazarus was raised from the dead. In the natural, the blind beggar had been blind for thirty eight years. The moment Jesus proclaimed his forgiveness of sin and his wholeness, he immediately was made whole and followed Jesus. In the natural, Joseph and Mary were poor. When Jesus was born, gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh came pouring in.

When we are Christ dependent, Jesus will see to it that we come out of it victorious. Jesus will never let the righteous soul to famish. His grace will not allow us to suffer more than what we are capable of bearing. God is faithful. He is love. We can depend on Him for our every need and want. Just believe and trust His loving kindness.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Abba Father

Through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, Christians have a God whom they can address as Abba Father. This is the right and privilege of all Christians. This is the blood-bought right for Christians to call God Abba Father!

As natural parents, we want to always give the best to our children. With limited resources, we will try to fulfill all the needs of our children. In the event we fall short, we still want the best for our children. The bible says that we as natural parents will not give our children bad things, what more our havenly Father.

This Havenly Father wants the best for us. He who did not spare His only begotten Son will definitely give the best to His children. He has unlimited resources to fulfill our every need. For the bible says that He will meet all our needs according to the riches and glory in Christ Jesus! When He says every need, He means every need! This is the promise of Daddy God.

If we are dealing with some forms of disease, know that Abba Father had sent Jesus to bear all the diseases and illnesses in His body at the cross. Know that all our sins are forgiven and with this forgiveness of sins, we are made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. We are the healed of the Lord. Believes Abba Father had healed all our diseases and taken away all our pains. Trust in His fatherly love.

Some of us may be facing some forms of financial lack. Believes Abba Father is doing miracles to cancel all our debts! He will turn things around for our good. He will never allow those who put their trust in Him to be put to shame. With a single stroke of His grace, we will be cleared of all our debts and have much more financial resources to spare.

That's our Abba Father. He is a lavish God. He will never fail. He is always on time, though He may seem to be late. Trust in His love for us. Hallelujah!

Monday, March 23, 2009

God wants His children happy

The blessing of the Lord makes one rich and adds no sorrowful toil with it.

God wants His children to be abundantly provided for. He does not want His children to painfully strive for their own providence. For God is The Almighty God. Nothing is impossible with God. It "aches" God's heart to see His children not turning to and trusting Him for supply.

Jesus' "favourite" word for people who are taking so little from Him is "You of little faith". He is always ready to supply all our needs. He is El Shaddai. He has unlimited resources. He who flung the whole universe into place, is more than willing to provide for us than we know. Oh, if only we would understand His darling heart for us.

God wants us to be happy by not worrying about what to eat, what to wear and every other need that we might have but to be aware of our righteousness in Him. Once we have right standing with God, He will be our God. He will provide for our every need!

If His children are suffering from any form of illness, He wants them to know that Jesus had taken away that illness from them for He had borne all illnesses and diseases at the cross. Rest assured that by His stripe, we are the healed of the Lord. His word is the truth. God cannot lie.

As a child of od God, I can rest assured that God is taking of me. He is looking after my every need. Hallelujah.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

God is faithful

God is faithful. Even when we are faithless, God is still faithful. He is faithful to His covenant.

Abraham was told by God that he will be father of many. Abraham believed God though he was childless at that time. However, many years after that promise was made, Abraham was still childless. Years later the Lord himself told Abraham that he will have a son by Sarah and Sarah judged God faithful. Then came Isaac.

God sent Moses to deliver His people from the Egyptians. The nine plagues didn't make Pharaoh to let the children of Israel go. But the blood of the sacrificial lamp was able to make Pharaoh let His people go. It wasn't plain sailing though. While trying to get away from the Egyptians, the children of Israel was met with the Red Sea in front of them and the Egyptian army hot on their heels. God is faithful and He caused the Red Sea to part for the children of Israel to cross and later flood the whole Egyptian army.

Because God is faithful and He is love, He sent His only begotten Son to die for the world that through His death, the world will be reconciled back to God. The bible says that whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved, and his household.

God is faithful to see that things out to be good for His children. He will make sure that those who put their trust in Him shall not be put to shame. He will alwyays deliver His saints, for He is a faithful God. Look to Jesus for He is everything that we need. Hallelujah!

Monday, March 9, 2009

God Is Good

God is good, all the time. And all the time, God is good. God is good towards His children and His people.

Why is God good? Because He is God. He is love. He is caring. He is faithful. He is thoughtful. He is gracious. He is compassionate. He is generous. He is kind. He is all that we ever want to be and much more!

For God so loved the world that He sent His only Son to die for the world that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but has shalom life. This is the goodness of God to reconcile the world to Him. For since the fall of Adam, man has sinned against God and condemned to eternal suffering. Man has distanced himself from God.

God wants man to come to Him. He wants to do everything for man. He is Abba Father who sees to our every need. When we are weak, He is our strength. When we are sick, He is our healing. When we are poor, He is our providence. He is always looking out for our interest.

God will always come through in our time of need. He may seem to be late but He is always on time! When the children of Israel were faced with the Red Sea and the Egyptian army behind them, God caused the Red Sea to part for His people to cross safely but to later flood over the Egyptian army. The three friends of Daniel were rescued from the fiery furnace by the fourth Man and their clothes were not burnt.

There were many stories of salvation in the bible. But the most touching story of salvation will be the one that happen to us. Trust God to deliver us, for He is good. Hallelujah!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

God counts the number of hair on your head II

I was changing the diaper for my little son, Johanan. As I was wiping his buttock, he continued to pass motion right into my hand. Even though my hand was dirty, I didn't have any sense of anger towards him as he is my precious son. I continued to wipe his buttock clean and put some baby powder on him and he was restful after that.

Even with my human love for my son, I didn't bother to count the number of hair on his head. Mind you, he has a full set of hair on his head. His hair is longer than his daddy's. :-) Yet the bible says God counts the number of hair on our heads. That is the level of attention He will pay to. He will make sure every details in our lives are well taken of! Hallelujah!

This is the love of Abba Daddy. He knows our every need long before we have need of. He is always working behind the scene to make sure that our every need is met. For He is Almighty God. He unending love towards His children is unfathomable. He even sacrificed His only begotten Son to die for us some two thousand years ago to divinely exchange His position beside Abba Father for our position of sin.

He always has our interest at heart. If only we would to trust Him completely and rely on His perfect love completely as well. He will never put those who trust in Him to shame. He will not allow the righteous to famish. He will provide for all our needs according to the riches and glory in Christ Jesus. Trust in His perfect love. He will attend to every minute need that we have. Hallelujah!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

God's amazing love!

What love is this that God sent His only begotten Son to die for the world so that the world through Jesus will be saved. How can one fathom this great love of God?

I have a nephew and a niece. I love them dearly. I would shower them with love and spend time with them to communicate with them and to nurture them.

Now that I am a proud father of a son, Johanan, myself, I have a deeper revelation of what it means to love unconditionally! I would not sacrifice my precious son for anything in this world. Not for a million dollars! Not for a billion dollars! Not for a trillion dollars! Not for any monetary exchange! This is just human love. But God's love is not natural. It is supernatural. It is a love only God can understand and fully fathom.

It just dawn on me how loved I am by Abba Father. I have a better appreciation of His great love for me. I have a fresh revelation of God's love in my life. Every time I hold my precious son in my arms, I would feel the love of Abba Father all over me again. I guessed that's a reason why God wants His children to go forth and multiple.

This is all about God's love and His amazing grace abounding towards us. Grace: God's Righteousness At Christ's Expense. Hallelujah!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

God's best!

God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son. The Son is the most precious Person in God's eyes. His name is Jesus.

God knew that Jesus would die for the sins of all the people in the world, past, present and future. At the cross, all punishment had been borne by Jesus. He had finished the work for the world to be reconciled with God. For those who had accepted this redemption gift, they are called Christians. Christ died for sinners. He didn't die for people who are perfect in their conduct or for people who are morally upright, though these qualities are important.

Yet while we were sinners, Christ died for us. He took our place of sinfulness to give us the throne of righteousness. Christians are righteous because of the finished work at the cross. A divine exchange had taken place. God had given His best to the world and the world through this perfect gift has been reconciled with God.

Since God had given His best to the world, what more will He not, with Jesus, give to His sons and daughters! We just have to believe God is good and have a good opinion of God.

God will always want to come into our situations and turn them for our favour. His timing is always the best. There are times when He seems to be late in helping us but God is never late. If a child of God is dealing with dreaded disease, be assured that He is doing mightily behind the scene to turn thing around for that child. If a child of God is facing a financial crunch, be restful for God is working to turn the financial situation around for the good of the child. Just rest in His love for us. God is always on time. He will always give the best to His children. Hallelujah!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Jesus the perfect gift

Christians are people who were sinners who accepted the gift of salvation. They had welcomed Jesus into their lives. They had received the perfect gift.

Since it is a gift, it is up to an individual to decide to accept or reject. Once a person had accepted the gift, it is up to the person to maximise his or her gift. It is up to the person to enjoy the gift. What is this gift? Or more specifically, Who is this gift? The Gift is Jesus! For God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Now that we know the Gift is Jesus, it is up to us to further know Jesus and enjoy His love for us. The bible says that greater is He who is in me than he who is of the world. Don't we want to know Jesus more? For to know Jesus is to love Jesus. To love Jesus is to enjoy Jesus. To enjoy Jesus is to receive all that Jesus had given. That's why we want to see more of Jesus in the bible.

We can only receive what God had freely given. We can't work or earn God's gift, for it is a Gift. We can only enjoy this Gift more and more. We can only enjoy His love for us more and more each day.

The moment we are enjoying Jesus in our lives, all dark forces that were against us had to flee. We will be seeing miracles manifesting in our lives. For those who are sick, they shall be made whole completely. For those who are poor, they shall be poor no more. They shall be prosperous in the area of finance. For those who are dejected, they can hope against all hope for their miracles to manifest!

Jesus, the perfect Gift, had perfectly completed a complete work at the cross. Our role as Christians is to enjoy the finished work. Receive our blessings for they had been poured forth into our lives by Jesus. Hallelujah!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Don't Worry, Be Happy?

Many a times, when a person is worrysome, he is seldom happy. His constant thoughts are those revolving around those challenging issues that are yet to be resolved. His whole being is sucked into a whirl pool of negativity. The person is probably thinking there is no light at the end of the tunnel.

More importantly, when a person is in a constant state of worry, his heart is probably not restful. When the heart is stressed in a negative manner and left unattended, the result is usually fatal. Even when good things are happening around the person, the person will fail to see these good things and rejoice in the fact that good things are happen.

The bible tells us that a sound heart is life to the body. A tranquil heart is life to the body. When a heart is restful, even the perfect storm will not be able to cause it to ruffle! When a person's is at rest, he will not sense heat even when heat comes. Meaning, even if bad things happen, a person whose heart is at rest will not feel the impact of those bad things.

Now, if a person doesn't worry, does that mean that person will be happy? Happiness is a choice, not a matter of circumstances. If a person choose to be happy, he will be happy even there are things that are bothersome. He can be merry and be at rest even facing the adversity head on.

Jesus had bequeathed His Shalom peace to Christians. We have the Shalom peace of God. Be conscious of this Shalom peace. Be conscious of the finished work of Jesus Christ at the cross. The more we are conscious of that, the more we can rejoice being alive and be happy! Hallelujah!