Monday, September 14, 2009

God Is Faithful

God is forever faithful. Even when we are faithless, God is still faithful.
He will never leave us nor forsake us. He will make all things turn out for
our good. We just need to put our trust in Him.

There are so many instances in the bible where God's faithfulness is
displayed. In the beginning after Adam had fallen, God promised that the
Seed of Eve will crush the head of the devil. Generations later, Jesus died
on our behalf so that the devil no longer has the power of death. With long
life, He will satisfy us. His word is the truth.

When the earth was filled with genetically engineered giants and half
humans and half monsters, God bought forth the flood to wipe out all the
monsters on earth. Only Noah and his wife and his three sons and his three
daughters were spared because they were then the only pure humans left on
earth. It is the goodness of God to preserve the human race.

God cannot lie. The bible doesn't say God will not lie. It tells us that
God CANNOT lie! He is the God that provides. Jesus is the shepherd that I
shall not lack in any good things. If healing is what a Christian is
looking for, Jesus had already taken the diseases and illnesses on His body
that by His stripe, the Christian is already the healed! We don't have to
sweat and toil for our health for robust health is from the Lord.

If we are looking for financial breakthrough in our lives, God will
breakthrough for us! The word says that our God will meet all our needs
according to His riches and glory in Christ Jesus. God will not just meet
our needs. He will exceedingly, abundantly supply all our needs and wants
above what we can ask or think of.

In the feeding of five thousand, Jesus turned five loaves of bread and two
small fishes into food for them, with twelve baskets full of food. God is
forever faithful. He will see to our every need. He will not let the
righteous souls to be put to shame. Hallelujah!

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