Monday, December 24, 2012

Born of the Spirit

Jesus answered, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. - John 3:5-6

Whoever is born of the Spirit is of the Spirit and whoever is born of the flesh is of the flesh. Simply put: those who accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior are those who are born of the Spirit. And whoever is born of the Spirit does not belong to the fleshly realm for he/she now belongs to the Kingdom of heaven. He/she is a citizen of heaven. While he/she is in the world, that person is not of the world for he/she is in Christ.

Those born of the Spirit have their true identity in Christ. And in Christ, they are new men for old things have passed away and all things are new. The old man has been crucified at the cross with Christ and behold the new man is risen with Christ and now seated at the right hand of God. We are made as one with God through the finished work of Jesus at the cross. When Jesus shouted with a loud voice, "It is finished!", all our sins have been forgiven and we are made the righteousness of God in Christ! As Christ is, so are we in this world.

The bible tells us we will still face trials and prosecutions for His name sake. We can take heart and be comforted knowing that Jesus has overcome the world and whatever trial or prosecution that makes inroad into our lives, Christ has already overcome them. Jesus already has the answer to our every problem or challenge. Rest in His love for us and trust in His work which He is working mightily on our behalf. Cast all our cares at the feet of Jesus for He cares and is more than willing to take care of them.

When we are in Christ and practise the presence of Jesus in our lives every moment, the shalom of God will fill our hearts and minds. His wisdom will guide us to victory through the Holy Spirit. We can be anxious for nothing and in everything, in prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, we can let our request be made known to God. And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guide our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus!

While we may still rely on our own strength to overcome a problem that comes our way,  God wants us to look to His answer to that problem instead. For His solution is perfect and His timing is always on time. Don't try to use the arm of flesh to overcome or challenges for nothing good will come out of fleshly effort. We may experience short term success but the fruit of relying on God's divine provision is eternal and very good.

When Moses was a Prince in Egypt, he was not able to even properly bury an Egyptian, who had tortured his people, after he had killed him. When Moses just trust in the mighty hand of God to deliver them out of Egypt, the whole Egyptian arm was buried under the sea. When Abraham used his fleshly effort to produce a child, the outcome was Ishmael who is weak and beggarly. When Abraham believed God and His promise in his life, the fruit was Isaac who was strong and the heir to Abraham's riches.

Beloveds of the Lord, lets put our trust in God. Lets simply believe in His love for us. Hallelujah! 

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