Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Lord is my Shepherd

The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.

The Lord is my Shepherd. The: the definitie article in the English
language. The: the one and only. There is none other than Jesus, for Jesus
is Lord. A lord in olden years will spare nothing inorder to protect his
people. He will always make sure his people are well taken care of! What
more when Jesus is Lord!

The Lord IS. The bible says that the Lord is my Shepherd. Not was and not
going to be. Jesus IS my Shepherd. He is my very present help in times of
need. He is the I Am God. He is Alpha and Omega. He is the First and the
Last. Jesus will always have the last word and His word is final. His word
is the truth.

God cannot lie. It is not a matter of would not but God simply cannot lie.
He will not lie! When the bible says Jesus is our Shepherd, He means every
iota of it.

What then does Shepherd do? The good Shepherd guide His flock through the
path of righteousness to green pastures to feed. He will make sure all His
sheeps are well taken care of. Sheeps are not very smart and they depend
solely on a shepherd to take care of them.

We are liken to be sheeps. Jesus is the shepherd. He will even give His
life for His precious sheeps. Even if one sheep was to stray away, He will
go all the way to bring back that strayed sheep. He will put the strayed
sheep on His shoulders and walk back to His flock.

The bible says the Lord is MY shepherd. My is a very personal term. It
implies intimacy. The Lord is a very personal God. He will treat our every
communication with Him as private and confidential. He will also correct us
privately. Yet He will not hesitate to praise us in public. Like when Jesus
rose from Jordan river, Abba Father openly declared Jesus is His beloved
Son in whom He is well pleased. Jesus had not perform a single miracle

I shall not want. I is a personal term again. The bibles doesn't say he,
she or we shall not want. The bible says I shall not want. Hallelujah!

Shall is a very strong English word. One dictionary says shall is defined
as will definitely do. It also says obliged to. This implies that Jesus
will make sure we are lacking in nothing. Be it physical health, be it
financial prosperity, or be it emotional wellbeing. It is all encompassing.
The bible says we shall be lacking in absolutely nothing. We shall be
abundantly provided for, in every aspect of our lives.

Jesus is the good Shepherd who sacrificed His life some 2000 years ago.
Through that finished work at the cross, he has given us every everything
that we need. He will provide for our every want according to His riches
and glory. Hallelujah!

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