Friday, April 16, 2010

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.

Surely. Definitely. Beyond a shadow of doubt. Positively positive. Surely,
a promise made by the Lord Himself. The Lord says goodness and mercy shall
follow me.

Goodness: good things which we don't deserve. The glory of God Almighty.
What Jesus had sacrificed to give. Something which we don't work for.
Blessings. A grace gift.

Mercy: punishment which we deserve but will never come to us for Jesus had
bore all our punishment. Receiving good things which we don't deserve. God'
grace. God's loving kindness. Another grace gift.

The bible says surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my
life. One translation says goodness and mercy will haunt me down. They will
make sure I will always have the good things in life. They will make sure
things that Jesus has paid for will come to my life. They will make sure
things which Jesus has borne will not come near me.

What then are the good things which Jesus has paid for? It is the blessing
of Abraham. Prosperity for the soul and health. Financial prosperity. Most
importantly, it is sonship with Abba Father. It is just too numerous to
individually name all the blessings that God has for us!

What then are things which should happen to us but Jesus has borne them
all? Cursings under the law, ill health, financial lack, broken
relationship, terminal diseases, bondage, just to name a few. Praise God
Jesus had taken the punishment for our transgression and iniquities that we
shall be healthy and wealthy.

Surely goodness and mercy SHALL follow me all the days of my life. Shall:
certainly, will. Praise God He put goodness and mercy before all the days
of my life! When God said He will let His goodness passed over Moses after
he had asked God to show him His glory, Moses saw the back side of God.
Hallelujah! Could this be that goodness is referring to Jesus Himself? I
think so. The bible also says that God is full of mercy: meaning Jesus is
mercy as well! Praise God, surely Jesus will haunt me down all the days of
my life!

And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever! He who dwells in the
secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
Wow! In the house of the Lord there is peace, joy and unending feast. In
the house of the Lord there is love, comfort and everlasting protection.
Praise God I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever!

Forever: forever, eternally. God is not referring to my mansion in heaven,
He is referring to His church. For in the church there is where the
beloveds of the Lord feast on the word of God. For in the church there is
safety. For in the church, Jesus is been revealed through the preaching and
teaching of God's anointed leader.

Just look to Jesus. He is the living word of God. When I go after Jesus,
all good things come after me for all good things go after Jesus!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies


The Lord prepares a table. What is the purpose of the table? The purpose of
the table is to serve the bread and wine. It speaks of the finished work of
Jesus at the cross. It serves as the reminder to my enemies that my Lord
has a covenant with me and all who come against me come against the Lord.

It is the Lord who prepares the table before me. It is Jesus who is the
sacrificial lamp on the cross who has finished the complete work. Worthy is
the Lamp and no one else.

The work has been completed from the beginning of the world. It has been
accomplished before the foundation of the earth. That's why Jesus prepares
the table and not me. For He is always preparing my way before I walk
through it.

Isn't it interesting that the bible says the Lord prepares a table before
me in the presence of my enemies? Why in the presence of my enemies? Jesus
wants me to know when I am facing my enemies face to face, He is there with
me and He is doing all the miraculous works to see me through.

How did the children of Israel feel when they were faced with the Red Sea
and the Egyptian army hot on their heels? I think they probably thought
they were going to die because they cried out to Moses saying so. That's
when the Lord appeared as a wall of fire protecting the children of Israel
from the Egyptian army and asked Moses to use his rod to split open the Red
Sea to allow only the children of Israel to pass through!

God may seem to be late but His timing is always perfect!

The Lord anoints my head with oil and my cup runs over!

The Lord pours forth His golden oil into my life till it is overflowing. He
keeps on pouring so that I can be a blessing to those around me. He never
ceases to keep doing that for it is His delight to supply my every need!

A shepherd will put oil on the head of a sheep to ward off flies. In the
same vein of thought, the Lord anoints my head to ward off all my enemies!
Hallelujah! His very presence will repel every evil from my life. He is the
answer to my every need, and He will see to it that it is met. Hallelujah!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death.

There were times when in the moment of foolishness or stupidity we did
things that were outright idiotic or moronic, which we were not able to
sensibly reason out why we did what we did in the first place.

For some of us, we thought that that was the end of ourselves, the end of
our lives. There seemed to be complete darkness. There seemed to be no
hope. There seemed to be complete darkness! Oppression was all around. Fear
was everywhere. Death seemed eminent.

Yet the bible says I walk through the valley of the shadow of death! Praise
the Lord the bible says I walk through. Walk in the bible signifies
calmness, steadiness, unhurried, cool. Praise the Lord that we I walk
through. This means I will always end out victorious at the end of the day,
though I am already victorious in Christ.

I will always end up on the path of righteousness. All things will turn out
for my good. They may not be good things in the beginning but all things
will work out for my good!

Praise the Lord it is just a shadow of death, not death itself. For Jesus
had conquered death for me. Hallelujah! Since when does shadow ever kill
anyone. It may scare some of us whose hearts are troubled and fearful. But
it will never be able to overcome those in the light, the beloveds of the

In spite of the dire situations, I can fear no evil for the Lord is with
me. Wow! The Lord IS with me. He was with me yesterday. He is with me
today. He is going to be there with me forever He is the same yesterday,
today and forever! The Lord will never leave me nor forsake me!

The Lord will never allow the righteous soul to famish, to be put to shame.
This is the word of God. The word of God has power to transform and to make
whole. It is the Lord that does these things. He comfort me with His rod
and staff.

His rod is to defend me against those who come to harm and hurt me. It is
to ward off evil before the evil can even come near me. The Lord is a
Shield to those who put their trust in Him. Those who put their trust in
the Lord are like houses built upon the solid Rock. The storms may come and
the wave may hit against it but the house will stand for it is built on
Christ the solid Rock. Hallelujah!

Monday, April 5, 2010

He restores my soul

He restores my soul.

The good Lord is the one restoring my soul. Not an angel, not a samaritian
but Jesus Himself restores.

Thank God the word restores is in the present tense. The bible doesn't say
restored or going to restore. It says restores. At this present moment, the
Lord restores. He is continually restoring my soul. He is constantly making
me whole. He never ceases to do me good.

The bible says the beloved of the Lord should prosper and be in health just
as the soul prospers. This implies the level of my soul prosperity will
determine the level of financial prosperity. Praise God for His wonder
working power to prosper and make whole my soul.

There is therefore no condemnation for those in Christ. My soul can be at
the state of rest and shalom because of Jesus' finished work at the cross.

He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name's sake.

The Lord personally leads me and guides me in the path of righteousness.
With the divine exchange at the cross some 2000 years ago, I am made the
righteousness of God in Christ. The Lord is my righteousness!

When you follow Jesus, you are following righteousness Himself. All
goodness will chase after you for you are now going after Jesus. The bible
says the Lord leads mes in the paths of righteousness. Wherever Jesus
leads, it will be a path of righteousness!

Jesus doesn't just lead me in one path. He leads me in multiple paths and
any of these paths Jesus leads, it will be a path of righteousness! Seek
Him first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things
that the gentile seeks shall be added to me. The bible defines kingdom of
God as righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

The path of righteousness is filled with abundant supply. When one walks in
this path, he shall not lack. He shall be free from evil. He shall be like
a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its
season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall
prosper. Hallelujah!

What a wonderful good news. The Saviour has come to save and nourish my
soul. Hallelujah!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

He makes me lie down in green pastures

He makes me lie down in green pastures.

He: The good Shepherd. The merciful and graceful Lord. The almightly God!
The Alpha and Omega. The First and the Last. The living word who has the
last word in my life. The I am that I am. The sacrificial Lamb on the
cross. The Lion of Judah.

He: The pillar of fire in the evening. The pillar of cloud in the morning.
The bread of life. The light and morning Star. The captain of our lives.
The Lord of Hosts. My providence. My health. My strength. My wisdom. My
peace. The creator of Heaven and Earth. The One who holds all things

He makes. Wow! The good Shepherd is the One who makes. He is the One who
guides. He is the One who directs through the Holy Spirit. Wherever He
leads, it will be a path of righteousness. And this path will only gets
brighter and brighter unto the perfect day.

He makes me. Once again, the good Lord is a personal God. He is always
thinking about me. When I go to the throne of grace in times of need, I
will be the only one to commune with Him. He has all the time to listen to
my every prayer and cry. He is always thinking good towards me. He has a
master plan for me which He will accomplished through me! Hallelujah!

He makes me lie down. Lie down: to rest, to be at peace, shalom. The Lord
rests me. He has bequeathed His peace to me at the cross. In the midst of a
storm, He was resting at the stern of a boat which the disciples were
fearful. He was awaken by the cry of the disciples and He immediately
calmed the storm on the outside before He calmed the storm of the
disciples' hearts.

At the cross, Jesus borne the crown of thorns so that I will have His
shalom peace reigning in my life. He shed blood of sweat so that my heart
can be free of trouble and fear.

He makes me lie down in green pastures. Wow! Jesus rests me in green
pastures. Not under! Otherwise I would be six feets underground. Jesus put
me in the middle of green pastures. He put me in the land flowing of milk
and honey. He put me right smacked in the middle of blessing, in the middle
of abundance!

Green signifies life! Green implies youthfulness. Green pastures imply a
land of plenty. It implies a land of no lack. When the Lord rests me in
green pastures, I will be able to enjoy the fruits of the land without
stress and worry. I will be able to meditate on the word of God for no evil
shall before me nor shall any plague comes near my dwelling. For I dwell in
the secret place of the most high and in that place I shall fear no evil.

He leads. Once again, it is the Lord who leads, guide and direct through
the Holy Spirit.

He leads me beside the still waters. Thank God He leads me beside the still
waters and not into the still waters for a sheep is not able to swim. When
the Lord leads me besides the still waters, I'll be able to drink to my
heart's contend. Still waters are usually fresh. They are not stagnant.
They are smooth flowing of waters which bring plentiful nutrients within

Waters imply many streams. It implies plentiful supply. If one source of
waters dries up, there are many other sources to drink from. Hallelujah.

He good Lord is more than willing to bring me to a place of abundance right
here on earth. He is always leading and guiding from within so that we
shall lack nothing from without. Hallelujah!

The Lord is my Shepherd

The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.

The Lord is my Shepherd. The: the definitie article in the English
language. The: the one and only. There is none other than Jesus, for Jesus
is Lord. A lord in olden years will spare nothing inorder to protect his
people. He will always make sure his people are well taken care of! What
more when Jesus is Lord!

The Lord IS. The bible says that the Lord is my Shepherd. Not was and not
going to be. Jesus IS my Shepherd. He is my very present help in times of
need. He is the I Am God. He is Alpha and Omega. He is the First and the
Last. Jesus will always have the last word and His word is final. His word
is the truth.

God cannot lie. It is not a matter of would not but God simply cannot lie.
He will not lie! When the bible says Jesus is our Shepherd, He means every
iota of it.

What then does Shepherd do? The good Shepherd guide His flock through the
path of righteousness to green pastures to feed. He will make sure all His
sheeps are well taken care of. Sheeps are not very smart and they depend
solely on a shepherd to take care of them.

We are liken to be sheeps. Jesus is the shepherd. He will even give His
life for His precious sheeps. Even if one sheep was to stray away, He will
go all the way to bring back that strayed sheep. He will put the strayed
sheep on His shoulders and walk back to His flock.

The bible says the Lord is MY shepherd. My is a very personal term. It
implies intimacy. The Lord is a very personal God. He will treat our every
communication with Him as private and confidential. He will also correct us
privately. Yet He will not hesitate to praise us in public. Like when Jesus
rose from Jordan river, Abba Father openly declared Jesus is His beloved
Son in whom He is well pleased. Jesus had not perform a single miracle

I shall not want. I is a personal term again. The bibles doesn't say he,
she or we shall not want. The bible says I shall not want. Hallelujah!

Shall is a very strong English word. One dictionary says shall is defined
as will definitely do. It also says obliged to. This implies that Jesus
will make sure we are lacking in nothing. Be it physical health, be it
financial prosperity, or be it emotional wellbeing. It is all encompassing.
The bible says we shall be lacking in absolutely nothing. We shall be
abundantly provided for, in every aspect of our lives.

Jesus is the good Shepherd who sacrificed His life some 2000 years ago.
Through that finished work at the cross, he has given us every everything
that we need. He will provide for our every want according to His riches
and glory. Hallelujah!