Wednesday, September 10, 2008

What happen to Peter?

On the night when Jesus said He would be betrayed and forsaken, Peter swore he would never leave Jesus even if all the disciples were to leave Him. What happen to Peter later on?

Peter and the rest of the disciples fled to escape the capture of the Roman soldiers. Wasn't it interesting that it was the Roman soldiers that came to arrest Jesus and not the scribes and Pharisees? Weren't the scribes and Pharisees the ones who plotted to arrest Jesus and to put Him away? Anyway, they were probably too coward to confront Jesus face to face.

Peter ran away but always kept a distance far enough to be able to see Jesus. While following Jesus at a distance, he denied Jesus three times till the cock crowed. He was very saddened. He was probably feeling guilty and self-condemning cause he had swore that he will not leave Jesus, regardless. He cried, for Jesus had turned to look at him with an assuring and non-condemning eyes showing he was forgiven.

Peter was trusting his own effort to follow Jesus. But when heat came, he was not able to fulfill his promise to he Lord. This is what will happen to any one of us when we depend on our own efforts to do good, to provide for ourselves and to get healing for ourselves instead of trusting the Lord to fulfill all these things that we seek.

When Jesus had risen, He was at a beach along the sea of Galilee and was asking His disciples was there any food. The disciples replied that they had not have any catch. Jesus told them to cast their nets to the right of their boat and they were able to catch 153 fishes. Peter immediately recognised that it was the Lord that was talking to them. He jumped into the water and swam towards Jesus on the beach.

Jesus asked Peter three times whether he loved Him. Peter answered "Yes" three times and after the third time Peter answered, he cried. Jesus was able to assured Peter that he was forgiven and restored and empowered Peter to feed His flock.

It is the grace of God that saves us and it will be the grace of God to see us through our lives. When we depend and trust His grace upon our lives, things will happen for good to us. Just believe.

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