Friday, June 27, 2008

A video of NDP rehearsal by Black Knights

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

This is my beloved Son, hear Him.

At the mount of transfiguration, Peter, James and John noticed the radiance of Jesus as He was transfigured. His light shone forth so brilliantly that night that no word could possibly described. At the same time, Moses and Elijah were talking to Jesus.

Peter, in his usual impulsive self, spoke to build three tabernacles for Jesus, Moses and Elijah. All of sudden, a voice came from heaven saying, "This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased, hear Him." Peter was afraid. So were James and John. They were probably terrified by the voice.

However, when Jesus came to them and touched them, He spoke, "Arise, and do not be afraid." What comfort did those words bring to the three disciples. Those words were not just words of comfort but also words of encouragement, assurance, and authority.

Today, whatever challenges that we are facing, when we hear Jesus, He is still speaking, "Arise, and do not be afraid." Jesus is saying that we can rely on Him to deliver us out of our predicaments. Jesus is encouraging us to be strong in Him. He is giving us His assurance that all things will work together for our good and He is speaking all these words with the authority that's vested in Him.

Hear Jesus today. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Hallelujah!

What are we conscious of when we wake up in the morning?

Each morning when we wake up, we have a few choices to make. We can decide where to have breakfast. We can decide how to make our way to our office. Maybe we can also decide what is to be done first at the office. However, we seldom make a decision to be Christ conscious for the whole day. Why is that so?

We are more concerned over work issues, financial issues, health issues, family issues and etc. We may be swarmed by all these legit demand that we forget there is One who is more than able to help us to cope with all the legit demands in our lives.

When we are Christ conscious, the favour of God will fill us and overtake us in all that we do or touch. When we are Christ conscious, the wisdom of God will guide us in our every endeavour. His mighty hand will be involved in everything that we do. And we will experience length of days. Somehow, we accomplished more things than we normally do.

Be Christ conscious all day long and enjoy His love and His presence. Be aware of Christ in us, the hope of glory.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Lord, help!

I just read again the story of Peter walking on water towards Jesus in the book of Matthew a few days ago. Always find it amazing to have a fresh revelation of Jesus on those verses that had been read umpteen times.

Previously when I read this portion of the scriptures, I only saw that the disciples were afraid of the storm because it is a perfect storm. Some of them were seasoned fishermen and yet they had never experienced any storm like the one they were experiencing. They probably felt their lives were threatened. They probably felt hopeless in that situation as well.

When we depend on our might to achieve things, we will come to a point where even the strongest among us will find the going tough. We may even fill that the world has come to an end for us in those challenging times.

Then, in the fourth watch of the night, they were terrified when they saw Jesus walking on water towards them for they thought they had seen a ghost. However, Peter shouted to the Lord to bid him to come to Him and Jesus said that He is the Lord and answered to Peter to come to Him. Peter walked on water towards Jesus.

In our darkness hour, Jesus is always there to help us. He is always there to comfort to us. He is always there to deliver us. When we behold Jesus, we will walk on storm. When we behold Jesus, we will triumph over our difficult situations, we will always be victorious, though we are more than conquerors in Christ.

The next moment, the scriptures say that Peter began to look at the storm and he began to sink. The moment we take our eyes off Jesus, we begin to depend on our natural senses and natural might and we will begin to "sink" in our challenges.

Then Peter cried, "Lord, help!". Immediately, Jesus extended his hand to catch Peter and together they walked back to the boat. That's the loveliness of our Lord Jesus. He will immediately save us from serious harm. Jesus will never leave us nor forsake us.

Here's the interesting part where I have a fresh revelation of Jesus. I had always read this portion of the scriptures and thought that the disciples continued their journey with Jesus on board through the storm. However, the scriptures say that when Jesus and Peter were on the boat, the wind ceased. Hallelujah! When Jesus is with us, the "storm" in our lives will ceased. Regardless of how "perfect" the storm in our lives may be, it will immediately cease!

When the Lord is with us, no evil shall befall us nor shall any plague come near our dwellings. No weapon formed shall prosper against us. Just believe in the Lord and His mighty hand to save us.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Friday, June 13, 2008

Gloria Jeans Coffee

Was at Gloria Jeans Coffee at Suntec City Mall.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Jesus, our lovely shepherd

Jesus is called the Lord. He is part of the tripartite God. He is known as Emmanuel. He is the Messiah. He is Jehovah. However, there is one name that Jesus usually wants to be identified with His beloved: Shepherd.

A good shepherd will always lead his flock into green pastures. He will always bring them beside still waters. He will path a way when there seems to be no way. He will carry the lost lamp on his shoulder and he will protect his flock with his stuff against attacking animals.

Jesus is the good Shepherd. He will always lead His people into good happenings. He will always brings His people into rest. He will make a way for His beloved where there seems to be no way. He will carry the weary Christian on His strong shoulder and He will protect his people against all forms of attack.

Why Shepherd? Because sheep is very dependent on the shepherd. They depend on the shepherd to lead them to green pastures. They depend on the shepherd to bring them to still waters. They depend on the shepherd to defend them, to keep them safe from all harms. They are totally dependent on their shepherd.

He who promised is able to answer exceedingly what we can ask or think of. Trust Jesus, our lovely Shepherd.

Focus on the finished work at the cross

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Jesus is the only Son born to die. After He was born, He was wrapped up in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger. Swaddling clothes were used to wrap up dead people and manger is basically crib for holding hay or food of animals. It is the same shape as a coffin.

Jesus came specifically to give His life in exchange for ours. He came to bring us back to Abba Father. He came to give us righteousness and to take away our sin. He came to give us prosperity and to take away poverty from us. He came to give us health and to take away pain and diseases. He came to give us a family and to take away our loneliness.

At the cross, the divine exchange took place. Jesus took our condemnation so we can have His righteousness. So we can be right with God. So we can come boldly to the throne of grace. He took away our old selves so that we have everything new. A new person who is born again in Christ. With the new person, all old things have passed away. Behold, all things are new! Hallelujah!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Commit your work to the Lord

Whatever we are doing, commit our works to the Lord and He will prosper our way.

In our personal dealings, commit our works to the Lord. We will experience supernatural favour with people whom we knew just recently. As we spend time with the Lord, we will find ourselves having more time to accomplish personal stuffs that we set out to do. Many a times, we find ourselves achieving our personal goals at a much shorter time. The Lord is a debtor to no one! He will return, with many times over, whatever time is given to him. Time spent with the Lord is never wasted.

In our professional dealings, commit our works to the Lord. We will experience supernatural favour with our colleagues and with business contacts. We will see the working relationship take on a different level. A level where all efforts are synergised to achieve greater result. For business owners, they will have business deals that will make their businesses great. For the Lord is good. He will prosper our way when we commit our professional endeavours in His hand.

Trust in the Lord and He will make sure we are prospered financially, in the family, in the work place and be in good health.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Mistaken identity

Who are we in Christ? Do we really know who we are in Christ?

If only we truly know in our hearts who we really are in Christ, we will reign in life. We will be talking things befitting of our heavenly royalty. We will be doing things deserving of kings and priests. We will be behaving like a king priest.

Knowing we are king priests, what we say shall come to pass, if we do not doubt it. Whatever good that we proclaim in our lives shall come to pass for there is authority in the speech of king priest.

How do we know who we are in Christ? The answer: look to the cross. Jesus was crucified at the cross on our behalf so that we can take His place at the right hand of God. He was rich yet was made poor at the cross that we through His poverty shall be made rich. His body took all our diseases and infirmities at the cross that through His broken body, we are made whole. His blood was shed for our sins at the cross so we can be made righteous before God.

Make no mistake regarding our true identity. We are kings, and we are priest. Live lives worthy of our royal priesthood.