For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put My laws in their mind and write them on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. 11 None of them shall teach his neighbor, and none his brother, saying, 'Know the Lord, ' for all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them. 12 For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more." - Hebrews 8:10-12
There was a time during the old covenant where God said their sins and lawless deeds He would remember to the fourth generations. He would punish those who transgressed His laws. He will not forgive their sins and lawless deeds. He is a just God and He will do as what His words say.
When the children of Israel were under the law, they have to obey the law or they will be cursed and punished. Each year on the day of Atonement, the High Priest would offer sacrifice to God and if God accepted that sacrifice, the whole nation of Israel would be blessed for the whole year. If God rejected that sacrifice, the High Priest would fall dead and the whole nation of Israel would be cursed for the whole year.
Praise be to God for Jesus Christ and His finished work at the cross! With one single and complete sacrifice, Christ Jesus has perfected and established the new covenant. We are now reconciled with God forever! We can come boldly to the throne of grace anytime, anywhere! For God is no longer angry with us. His judicial punishment has been vetted on the body of Jesus Christ at the cross and since then the new covenant has been established. There is therefore now no condemnation for those in Christ!
God is now on our side for what Jesus has accomplished at the cross some two thousand years ago. He declared He will be merciful to our unrighteousness and our lawless deeds He will remember no more! That doesn't imply our thoughts, deeds and words are perfect henceforth. It means even when we sin, that sin has already been punished and we shall have the confidence to draw near to God for that sin has already been forgiven as well!
In the new covenant, there is no curses but only blessings upon blessings. God only has good thoughts toward us. He has great plans for everyone of His people. He will make sure all things turn out for our good. That's what the word in the bible says. While not all things are good, God will make all things to turn out for our good!
His word tells us He will never leave nor forsake us. His protection for us is all round and all year. His provision for us is never ceasing. He will never stop to bless us and to provide for us. He wants us to draw close to Him to commune with Him for it is His delight to hear our prayer. He loves to commune with us because we are His children!
God will never cause us any harm! Symptoms may come on our bodies but they shall never take root on our bodies for by Jesus' stripe, we are already healed. We are proclaiming victory from victory ground and not for victory ground. Once a sinner is saved, he or she is already victorious in Christ. We live lives from Christ's perspective, living the victorious and abundance life that Christ died to give to us!
While the circumstances and situations may be contrary to what the word of God says, they are not permanent. Only the word is truth and permanent. Circumstances and situations will change and eventually be aligned with the God's word in our lives. We don't have worry how things will turn our in those times, we just have to hold on to His word and be at rest within and the Holy Spirit will guide us out of those difficult times. Hallelujah!
There was a time during the old covenant where God said their sins and lawless deeds He would remember to the fourth generations. He would punish those who transgressed His laws. He will not forgive their sins and lawless deeds. He is a just God and He will do as what His words say.
When the children of Israel were under the law, they have to obey the law or they will be cursed and punished. Each year on the day of Atonement, the High Priest would offer sacrifice to God and if God accepted that sacrifice, the whole nation of Israel would be blessed for the whole year. If God rejected that sacrifice, the High Priest would fall dead and the whole nation of Israel would be cursed for the whole year.
Praise be to God for Jesus Christ and His finished work at the cross! With one single and complete sacrifice, Christ Jesus has perfected and established the new covenant. We are now reconciled with God forever! We can come boldly to the throne of grace anytime, anywhere! For God is no longer angry with us. His judicial punishment has been vetted on the body of Jesus Christ at the cross and since then the new covenant has been established. There is therefore now no condemnation for those in Christ!
God is now on our side for what Jesus has accomplished at the cross some two thousand years ago. He declared He will be merciful to our unrighteousness and our lawless deeds He will remember no more! That doesn't imply our thoughts, deeds and words are perfect henceforth. It means even when we sin, that sin has already been punished and we shall have the confidence to draw near to God for that sin has already been forgiven as well!
In the new covenant, there is no curses but only blessings upon blessings. God only has good thoughts toward us. He has great plans for everyone of His people. He will make sure all things turn out for our good. That's what the word in the bible says. While not all things are good, God will make all things to turn out for our good!
His word tells us He will never leave nor forsake us. His protection for us is all round and all year. His provision for us is never ceasing. He will never stop to bless us and to provide for us. He wants us to draw close to Him to commune with Him for it is His delight to hear our prayer. He loves to commune with us because we are His children!
God will never cause us any harm! Symptoms may come on our bodies but they shall never take root on our bodies for by Jesus' stripe, we are already healed. We are proclaiming victory from victory ground and not for victory ground. Once a sinner is saved, he or she is already victorious in Christ. We live lives from Christ's perspective, living the victorious and abundance life that Christ died to give to us!
While the circumstances and situations may be contrary to what the word of God says, they are not permanent. Only the word is truth and permanent. Circumstances and situations will change and eventually be aligned with the God's word in our lives. We don't have worry how things will turn our in those times, we just have to hold on to His word and be at rest within and the Holy Spirit will guide us out of those difficult times. Hallelujah!