Tuesday, May 29, 2012

God is on your side

For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put My laws in their mind and write them on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. 11 None of them shall teach his neighbor, and none his brother, saying, 'Know the Lord, ' for all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them. 12 For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more." - Hebrews 8:10-12

There was a time during the old covenant where God said their sins and lawless deeds He would remember to the fourth generations. He would punish those who transgressed His laws. He will not forgive their sins and lawless deeds. He is a just God and He will do as what His words say.

When the children of Israel were under the law, they have to obey the law or they will be cursed and punished. Each year on the day of Atonement, the High Priest would offer sacrifice to God and if God accepted that sacrifice, the whole nation of Israel would be blessed for the whole year. If God rejected that sacrifice, the High Priest would fall dead and the whole nation of Israel would be cursed for the whole year.

Praise be to God for Jesus Christ and His finished work at the cross! With one single and complete sacrifice, Christ Jesus has perfected and established the new covenant. We are now reconciled with God forever! We can come boldly to the throne of grace anytime, anywhere! For God is no longer angry with us. His judicial punishment has been vetted on the body of Jesus Christ at the cross and since then the new covenant has been established. There is therefore now no condemnation for those in Christ!

God is now on our side for what Jesus has accomplished at the cross some two thousand years ago. He declared He will be merciful to our unrighteousness and our lawless deeds He will remember no more! That doesn't imply our thoughts, deeds and words are perfect henceforth. It means even when we sin, that sin has already been punished and we shall have the confidence to draw near to God for that sin has already been forgiven as well!

In the new covenant, there is no curses but only blessings upon blessings. God only has good thoughts toward us. He has great plans for everyone of His people. He will make sure all things turn out for our good. That's what the word in the bible says. While not all things are good, God will make all things to turn out for our good!

His word tells us He will never leave nor forsake us. His protection for us is all round and all year. His provision for us is never ceasing. He will never stop to bless us and to provide for us. He wants us to draw close to Him to commune with Him for it is His delight to hear our prayer. He loves to commune with us because we are His children!

God will never cause us any harm! Symptoms may come on our bodies but they shall never take root on our bodies for by Jesus' stripe, we are already healed. We are proclaiming victory from victory ground and not for victory ground. Once a sinner is saved, he or she is already victorious in Christ. We live lives from Christ's perspective, living the victorious and abundance life that Christ died to give to us!

While the circumstances and situations may be contrary to what the word of God says, they are not permanent. Only the word is truth and permanent. Circumstances and situations will change and eventually be aligned with the God's word in our lives. We don't have worry how things will turn our in those times, we just have to hold on to His word and be at rest within and the Holy Spirit will guide us out of those difficult times. Hallelujah!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Guard what's going into your mind

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. - Isaiah 26:3

Guard what's going into your mind for the mind is the battle ground for the devil to attack. When the mind is full of shalom peace, the devil will have absolutely no chance of corrupting it. Let alone to steal anything from it. The devil will always try to steal the word from one's mind. As long as the mind is at rest, based on the finished work of Jesus Christ at the cross, it will be populated with thoughts of Jesus and His finished work.

With that, the mind shall be renewed continuously and be reminded of the redemptive work of Jesus at the cross. And the consciousness of the presence of Jesus in one's life shall be strong. And when the revelation of what Jesus has accomplished at the cross becomes so real in your mind, it will sink deep into the heart. And when that happens, no devil nor circumstances can shake us off the foundation of Christ on which we stand!

The word of God shall take root and germinate in our hearts. We will begin to see the miraculous work of Jesus manifesting mightily in our lives. We experience unspeakable peace, the peace that Jesus has bequeathed to us. The peace that cannot be shaken by any mean or anything.

When we are at rest with God, our hearts will be so sensitized with the prompting of the Holy Spirit and we do and say things out of rest. Not of the intellect but of the leading of the Holy Spirit from within. That's the life we are called to live. A life full of His rest.

The opposite can be true as well.

If we allow the devil to plant evil thoughts in our minds, the word of God will not be able to take root in our hearts and what follows are fear and anxiety. We will fear and worry about the future. We can easily be stressed by circumstances, be it personally or professionally. Even the slightest comment by a loved one can be perceived as a negative criticism.

We can be agitated easily and be very short tempered. We will think God is against us and we better watch our thought and speech and work. We will always think that God is on a sin hunt and ready to punish us for the slightest mistake that we make. We will be striving to be at peace with God instead of just resting in His love for us.

And when we go through trial and persecution, we will think God has already forsaken us. He will never help those who don't help themselves.

Nothing can be further from the truth. God loves us more than we can love ourselves! His perfect love was exhibited at the cross some two thousand years. He loves us even when we were still sinners, what more now we are sons and daughters of God! God only has good thoughts toward us and He has great plans for every one of us to glorify Jesus. The bible tells us He will never leave nor forsake us!

God wants to prosper us, body, soul and mind. He wants us to be healthy and be richly provided for in every good things. He wants all the things that the gentle seek to be added into our lives.

How He accomplishes all these is through the foolishness of preaching of the gospel. For faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of Christ. We first receive the word through our ear gate and then through our eye gate and finally it goes into our heart gate and be deeply rooted in our hearts. When we first hear the word, it goes into our minds. This is where we need to agree with God and let the word sinks deeply into our hearts.

Allow the word of God to germinate in our hearts and see the miraculous work of God manifesting mightily in our lives. Expect God to perform His miracles in our lives. Hallelujah!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

You are forever saved!

And every priest stands daily at his service, offering repeatedly the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins. 12 But when Christ had offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God, 13 waiting from that time until his enemies should be made a footstool for his feet. - Hebrews 10:11-13

The work at the cross by Christ Jesus is completely complete to cleanse us of all our sins forever! For if the work is not complete, we can never be sure of our eternal salvation. We Christians are either eternally forgiven of all our sins or not saved at all. There is no middle ground for how can a Christian be secured forever knowing that Christ's work at the cross may not be complete. If Christ Jesus were to leave out a sin which His blood didn't take away, then there can never be eternal security in Christ and His finished work at the cross!

Thanks be to God and our Lord Jesus Christ for His work at the cross is completely complete! Jesus Christ cried out with a loud voice "It is finished!" at the cross some two thousand years ago to signify all our sins and transgressions are forgiven for Jesus Christ has borne all the punishment vetted out by God on His very own body. His shed blood keeps on cleansing us whiter than snow. When we are conscious of Jesus' finished work at the cross, we can come boldly to the throne of grace in times of need to cry out Abba Father. We can confidently go to Abba Father anytime and anywhere to commune with Him and to cast our cares upon Him, for He cares dearly all of our concerns, big or small!

Know that we have been reconciled with God through Jesus' finished work. We are now sons and daughters of the Almighty God. There is therefore no separation between God and us. We are as one with God as it can be for the Holy Spirit indwells in us. Praise the Lord for His once and forever sacrifice at the cross. It is by grace through faith that we are saved.

We have absolutely no part to play in the redemptive work at the cross. It is the sacrificial Lamb and none other. It is the Lion of Judah. At the right hand of God is now seated the Lord Christ Jesus and we are in Him. At the cross, the divine exchange had taken place. Christ's righteousness for our sin and our sin for His righteousness. The sinless for the sinners and the sinners for the sinless. He who does no sin and in Him no sin took our place of sin so that we who sin and in us flows the sinful blood can take His place of righteousness.

With that once and complete sacrifice, we can proclaim victory in our lives. We can receive all that God has for us. We are blessed with the blessings of Abraham! We have divine health and abundant supplies in every area of our lives.

There shall be no lack in our lives in this world for there is no lack in Heaven. We can live heaven on earth. That's what God wants us to live. We live everyday knowing Abba Father has already prepared the day for us and we know at the end of the day it shall be good! All things shall work out to be good for those in Christ.

Regardless of what we are going at the moment, know that we have a God who loves and cares for us dearly. His thoughts toward us are thoughts to prosper us and thoughts of good. Be secured and rest in Jesus' finished work. Hallelujah!

Friday, May 11, 2012

God is forever faithful II

And it came to pass, when the sun went down and it was dark, that behold, there appeared a smoking oven and a burning torch that passed between those pieces. - Genesis 15:17

When God wanted to cut a covenant with Abraham, He put Abraham to sleep and Jesus took Abraham's place instead. It was God the Father and God the Son that went through the covenant cutting ritual. And because Jesus represented Abraham, who is the representative of man, Jesus is now directly responsible for our shortcomings against God.

That's why Jesus has to take our place at the cross for our sins and transgressions. Jesus has willingly given His life for ours. The bible says while we were still sinners, Christ died for us to demonstrate God's unfailing love for His people. At the cross, God's love for His people was exhibited for all to see as Christ was crucified at the cross with His outstretched signifying God has always wanted His people to draw near to Him!

When Christ Jesus cried with a loud voice, "It is finished!", the veil of the tabernacle was torn from top to bottom and all our sins have been forgiven. The redemptive work of salvation is completely complete. We can now be reconciled with God with no separation because of Jesus' shed blood at the cross. The moment we accept the gift of salvation, we are made he righteousness of God in Christ! We are been grafted into the heavenly kingdom.

The Lion of Judah, the sacrificial Lamb of God, has in one sacrifice perfected the work of salvation. With it, God has every right to bless His people. Whoever believes in the redemptive work of salvation at the cross shall be saved and have life more abundantly.

We can now only expect greatness and good from God. The punishment for our sins has been vetted out on the body of Christ Jesus and by His stripe, we are already made whole, completely healed! Expect miracles to manifest in our lives on a regular basis for it is God who performs those miracles.

God is a covenant keeping God. Because of what Christ has done at the cross, we can expect to see good in our lives. We proclaim victory in our every situation. We speak good into lives and see good.

Regardless of what we are going through right now, know this without a doubt God cares dearly for us. He has already gone ahead to prepare the way for us. He has made the path in front of us straight. Come boldly to the throne of grace at any moment. God is always there waiting for us. You will never find another person in the presence of God for He deals with us on a very personal level.

Speak to Abba Father. Commune with Him at any time and at anywhere. He hears our prayers and the bible says the prayers of the righteous are His delights. Praise the Lord for He is good and His mercy endures forever. Hallelujah!