God has promised good for those in Christ. Yet, if we were to speak bad into our lives, we may just hinder God's blessings to flow in and through our lives. That is not to say God can't command His blessings to flow into our lives. It may be that even when good comes, we just speak it away.
When God saw darkness, He simply spoke forth light AND there was light. And He says it is good. God always speaks forth what He wants to see and not speaks what He is seeing. If God had spoken what He saw upon the fallen world, the world would be in a worse state. Even though God knows Adam would fall, He has already a paster plan to redeem the fallen world through Jesus Christ's finished work at the cross.
God has a master plan for His people and this plan is full of His goodness and grace. When we speak good into our lives, we are speaking in line with what God has planned for us in the beginning. We will flow with the blessings of God which He has already given through the person of Jesus Christ.
We are created in the image of God. We can speak what we want to see and not what we are seeing. A good way of speaking good into our lives and our future is to speak in tongues. When we speak in tongues, we are sensitized to the promoting of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth and everything which we are concerned with. Also we will be speaking untold blessings to manifest in our lives and those around us.
When we speak positive things into our lives, we see positive things happening in our lives. The reverse is just as true. If a situation is really bad, it will become worse if we start to lament how bad it is and we will end up in a downward spiral of bad happenings. If only we start to speak good into a bad situation, we will see good happenings at the end of the day. While it may take some time before the Godly manifestation takes place, it will surely turn for our good.
Speak good and start to see good. That's how God works. He saw Gideon as a man of valor even through Gideon was actually hiding from his enemy. He saw Abraham as a father of many way before Abraham even had a son. He saw Moses a faithful servant and doing mighty exploits of God when Moses saw in himself a meek and weak shepherd.
Start to see yourself recovering from a terminal disease with a speedy recovery, even if you are lying in an Intensive Care Unit. Start to speak healing into your body and see the healing power of God flows mightily into your life! Start to see yourself debt free even if you are facing a mountain of debt. Start to proclaim prosperity into your life and see the financial breakthrough you have been waiting for.
See yourself as a successful person and speak like one and you will live a life that's successful and fruitful. Be conscious of the finished work of Christ Jesus at the cross and start to proclaim your victorious live in Christ and see good days. Hallelujah!