Sunday, February 20, 2011

What about the love of God?

For God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten that whosoever
believes in Him will have life and life more abundantly.

God is love. The moment God ceases to love us, He ceases to exist!

It is the love of God that sent Jesus to die for us at the cross. With one
perfect work, all our sins were forgiven! The divine exchange had taken
place: Christ's righteousness for our sin and our sin for His
righteousness! We are drafted into the kingdom of God, we are sons and
daughters of Abba Father.

We love because He first loves us. With His love, we are able to love
others. Knowing God's love never fails, we are assured of the eternal love
of God which is upon our lives. It is the grace of God which drives us to
repentance. We want to extend love to others for we are loved by Abba

Perfect love casts out all fears! We can live lives courageously for we
know Abba Father loves us very dearly. He loves us so much that He is
willing to sacrifice Jesus on our behalf at the cross.

The love of God surpasses all human love. We may have been hurt by love
ones but God's love will never cause any harm to us. We can put our trust
in God. Jesus wept when the children of Israel refused to accept His
protection on them. The love of God caused the almighty God to weep for us.

God's love never fails! Enjoy His love on our lives and rejoice daily
knowing we are His beloved. Hallelujah!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

See your old man crucified at the cross

The bible says we are to see our old man crucified at the cross with
Christ. (Romans 6:6) That implies we are to see our old selves no more for
the old man has died with Christ and our new man is in the risen Christ!

Who then is the old man? He is the person who doesn't have the resurrected
life of Christ indwelling in him. He is the person who is still living in
the prison of sin. He is the person who still believe in his flesh.

What does it mean to have died with Christ and to live with the resurrected
Christ? Simply, our old selves who were sinful and self righteous are now a
thing of the past. The pain, the sorrow, the reliance on flesh of the old
man is no more! Behold, we have a new man in Christ. We have a new
beginning in Christ!

We have a new identity in Christ Jesus. Whoever Christ is, I am. For Christ
is in us and we in Him. The divine exchanged had taken place at the cross.
Jesus had given us His place of right standing with God for our place of
sin.With one complete sacrifice, our new man is risen with the resurrected

The bible says we have divine heal for Jesus has borne our diseases on His
body. By His stripe, we are already made whole, we are already healed, we
have the peace of God which surpasses all understanding.

When the Holy Spirit indwells in us, we shall be guided from the rest
within. We can be guided as to what kind of decision to make. We can
discern between what in line with God's masterplan in our lives and what's

And we know by the grace of God Jesus was made poor at the cross that we
through His poverty shall be made rich. We have every spiritual blessing in
Christ Jesus.

All things shall work together for our good. Not all things are necessarily
good but they shall work together for our good. For this is our inheritance
in Christ Jesus.

See our new man in Christ and be filled with His grace in our lives. See
and abundant favour of God flows through our lives and in every endeavour
we pursue. Hallelujah!