Give what's litte in your hand to Jesus and He will multiply many folds and return it back to you with more than enough.
This is so evident in the feeding of the five thousand. The disciples thought Jesus were asking them to buy bread for the five thousand when He knew His Father will provide food for them. After a little boy presented his five loaves of bread and two fishes to Jesus, He looked to heaven and having blessed the food, He gave them to the disciples to distribute to the multitudes and they ate till they were all full.
While everyone was full, the disciples collected the rest of the food that was left behind and there were twelve baskets full. What little the boy gave came back with such abundance that the disciples were able to collect with twelve baskets full!
In another story, Peter lent Jesus his boat so that He was able to teach the multitudes from the boat as there was more and more people coming to hear Jesus and He was not able to teach from land. Peter was washing his nets at that time for he and his partners had caught nothing the night before.
He thought of nothing by lending Jesus his boat. After Jesus has taught the multitudes, He asked Peter to launch out to the deep and cast out his nets. Peter heeded His word but cast out only one net. What came next must have caught Peter by surprise! He had so many fishes that he had to call his partners for help to reel in those fishes. What Peter probably thought nothing of when He lent Jesus his boat had come back to him with much abundance.
In the old testament, God asked Abraham to "give up" his son to test him as to whether he will give up his son for God. Abraham did as God instructed but at the point when Abraham was going to kill his son, Isaac, God stopped him and showed him the sacrificial lamb nearby.
God and Abraham were in covenant. When faithful Abraham was willing to give up his son for God, God has every judicial right to sacrifice His Son, Jesus, for mankind. He gave up His only begotten Son to die for us while we were still sinners so that we can take His place of righteousness at the right hand of God. His Son is the greatest gift He can give to men.
When God is willing to give Jesus for us, what more will He not give it to us!
Trust God for He is good and His mercy endures forever. Give what is little in our hand and see the miraculous working power of God manifestating in our lives. Give God what little money we have and see God blessings us with more than enough to be a blessing to those around us. We can have all the richness of earth for we have Jesus in our lives!
Give God what little health we have and see Him renewing our youth like the eagles that we can live as long as we want and see good days. We can be like Caleb of the old testament when his strength did not diminish when he was eighty five years of age.
Give God what's little in our hands and see Him multiply it many times back to us. God is faithful and He will do what His word has set out to do. Believe in Him. Hallelujah!