What you hear about God will affect how you receive from God. God is a gracious and loving God. He only has good thoughts toward His people. In the new testament, God says He will be a God to His people and their sins and lawless deeds He shall remember no more.
At the cross some two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ died at the cross so that He can divinely exchanged His position of righteousness for our sin. At the cross, Jesus Christ has finished the completely complete work of redemption. He has reconciled us to the Heavenly Father! There is no separation between the Almighty God and us.
As Christ is, so are we in this world. Whatever Jesus has, we have also. We have His peace, joy, compassion and prosperity. We shall lack nothing in this world. We are abundantly provided in all things. Be it in the area of our health or in the area of our prosperity, Jesus has already provided for them at the cross. He has instituted the Holy Communion for us to remember Him and His finished work at the cross.
Yet some of us may be hearing a very different God Jesus has come to reveal. We may have heard of a angry God who is quick to punish His people for their sins. We may have heard of a God who would send disease and illness to punish His children for their sins. We may have heard of God making His people poor so that they may learn humility. We may have heard of God healing only those whose actions are right and whose behaviors are perfect. We may have heard of God taking away the precious lives of our loved ones. All these are definitely not the true and they are not the truth as well!
The bible says God has cut a covenant with Noah that He will not be angry with the people of the world and that He will never flood the earth again. At the cross, Christ bore all our diseases and pains on His own body so that we today can enjoy robust health and strong bodies. At the cross, all our sins are forgiven so God will never ever punish a believer for his sins. At the cross, Christ was made poor so that we through His poverty shall be made rich!
While we may not have all the answers to all that happen around us, it is definitely not God's will to take away someone's life prematurely. Our actions and behaviors will never be perfect, yet God doesn't see us in our actions and deeds but He sees Christ in us. he sees Christ, His precious Son!
We are in Christ as much as Christ is in us! We are so one with Christ that Jesus said in the bible we are one with God also. We are made so cleaned inside that the Holy Spirit now indwells in us forever or till the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
See a loving Heavenly Father always caring for us, always preparing our paths and making them straight for us. See a God working behind the scene to make sure all things turn out for our good. See a God who WILL leave us nor forsake us. In the darkest hour of our lives, God is still there with us. The Holy Spirit is still there to guide and lead us.
Keep taking from God for He is so rich that even if everyone on earth were to take from Him He will still have plenty left over to bless everyone with so much more! Hallelujah!