There are many stories in the bible where God uses what's little in one's hand to turn it into something great.
In the story of the feeding of five thousand men, God took the five loaves and two fishes to feed the five thousand men, excluding women and children. That five loaves and two fishes actually belonged to a boy. They were probably his lunch.
When Moses and the children of Israel were faced with the Red Sea and the charging armies of the Egypt hot on their heels, Moses used his rod to split open the Red Sea and all the children of Israel were able to cross the Red Sea safely while the Egyptian armies were drowned in the Red Sea.
Elijah was able to command fire to consume the Samaritan army sent to bring him to see the King of Samaria. He has no tool and just a servant with him. However when he used his mouth to speak, he accomplished great things.
In the new testament, the handkerchief of Paul was able to heal and cast out demon. Isn't amazing that even a handkerchief of Paul is able to heal the sick and cast out demons.
God can use what's little in our hand to turn it into something great for His kingdom. Don't despise the "little" giftings and talents that God had places in our hands for they can achieve great things in our lives and for the kingdom of God.
Even when the giftings seem so insignificant as compared to some other people' giftings, God can still use them if we are to trust God with those giftings. Ask God for wisdom and we will be able to accomplish great things through Christ who strengthens me!
Be restful in the Lord for He makes all things beautiful for His people. Trust His leading and we will live a victorious life. Hallelujah!