Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My Inheritance In Christ Jesus

In the parable of the vineyard, the bible says those tenants said to one
another, 'This is the heir. Come, let us kill him, and the inheritance will
be ours.'
The heir mentioned here is referring to Jesus.

Jesus was sent to be crucified by His people and gentiles. We basically
"kill" Jesus by sending Him to the cross. Jesus knew He would be crucified
to complete the redemption work at the cross. No one can kill Jesus for He
has not commited any sin and in Him there is no sin.

With the redemptive work completed some two thousand years ago, we are
reconciled with God. It is by God's grace that we can be saved through the
sacrificial act of Jesus at the cross. The precious blood of Jesus washes
our sins away and we are forgiven people forever for we have accepted Jesus
as our Saviour and Lord.

His broken body was given up to make His people whole, healed, well, free
from pain, free from stress and anxiety. With His stripe, we are the healed
of the Lord! We can proclaim wellness and wholeness in our bodies for
Christ has paid the price for them.

Knowing inwardly what Christ has done at the cross, we can rejoice and
celebrate! For we are drafted into the kingdom of God. We are sons and
daughters of God. We are joint heir with Christ Jesus! What Jesus has, we
have, here and now!

What then does the inheritance entail? This is the promise of God that we
shall rule the universe. We are the heir of the world through the promise
God made to Abraham. We have the blessings of Abraham for we are his

How then can the heir of the world be poor? The blessings of Abraham make
him very rich in cattle and gold. That's financial prosperity. We know, by
the grace of God, that Christ was made poor at the cross that we through
His poverty shall be made rich. Also, my God shall supply all my needs
according to the riches in glory in Christ Jesus!

How then can the heir of the world be sick? The bible says with long life
will Jesus satisfy me. What's the use of having long life if we are sick.
The Lord promises He will renew our youth like the eagles. It is a literal
renewal! The Lord will keep us from danger and harm. He will teach and
guide us as to how to have a healthy body!

Listen to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. He will teach us in all things.
All things include the power to generate wealth. All things include how to
live healthily. Now, that's my inheritance in Christ, here and now!

God's Perfect Love

God loves us even when we were still sinners. What more will He not love us
now that we are sons and daughters of Almighty God!

His greatest love was exhibited some two thousand years ago when Jesus was
crucified at the cross to take our place of sin so that we can take His
place of righteousness beside God. With that completely completed work at
the cross, all our sins are punished and taken away, once and for all!

Now we can come to God freely, anywhere, anytime. Every moment we are
conscious of Jesus' presence, we praise and worship Him. Even when we don't
feel anything, give thanks to the Lord for He is good. Even when situations
seem dire, rejoice in the Lord for the battle belongs to the Lord!

Why is it so we can come to God boldly? For the bible says all our sins and
transgressions He has forgiven and He shall remember them no more! That's
why we can come to God righteously. We have been reconciled to God by the
precious blood of Jesus that was shed at the cross. We can come to the
throne of grace in times of need to cry out Abba Fathe!

When we look to Jesus as our answer, He always puts us on victory ground.
He always delivers us out of our troubles, even though we are the ones who
bring about the bad consequences.

Enjoy God's love in our lives. His love for us is unconditional and
unending! When we know we are so loved by God, we can go forth in life to
love others, even when there are times we feel some of these people are not
deserving of our love.

Love is a decision, not an emotion. We can love others for we decide to
show them love, not because we feel they are deserving of our love. Give
thanks to God daily, worship He daily, for He is good and He only has good
thoughts toward me. Hallelujah!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Enjoy God's Love

For God so loved the world He sent His only regotten Son to die for the
world that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have life more

God so loved the world, God so loved me as well as I am in the world. Every
day in which I am alive, I can look to God and enjoy His love for me. His
love for me is unconditional. His love for me is forever. His greatest love
for me is exhibited at the cross. Through that one sacrificial act by
Jesus, a divine exchange had taken place: my position of sin for His
position of righteousness.

I am the righteousness of God in Christ. I have right standing with God.
God and me are so one for He lives in me. Enjoy God's love and His grace
and see abundant supplies in every aspect of my life. He delights in
providing my every need and want with more than enough to be a blessing to
those around me!

He is joyful when I look to Him alone for providance. When I go to God in
prayer, He hears my prayer and He is pleased and will answer my every
prayer. With every new day, I can worship God for He is good to me! I can
sing praises to Him for His mercy endures forever. My God is no longer
angry with me for my sins for at the cross all my sins were punished on the
body of Christ.

Rejoice and be joyful knowing God is for me. He only has good thoughts for
me. Be at rest within for I have been reconciled with God through the
complete work of Jesus Christ at the cross. Hallelujah!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Get into the word

The devil comes to steal, kill and destroy.

The devil will come to steal first, follows by to kill and finally to
destroy. What is the thing that the devil comes to steal? He comes to steal
the word of God from your heart!

Why then is the devil so adamant in stealing the word of God from our
lives? For if he is able to steal the word, he will be able to make inroads
into the heart! For the word of God has the power to transform our lives
from strength to strength and glory to glory. The word is the power of God
to make of no effect what the devil is trying to do in our lives.

When Jesus was tempted by the devil three times in the wilderness, He
answered each temptation by saying first "It is written". That implies how
we should answer the devil's accusations is to answer each accusation with
the word of God. For in the word lies the mighty power of God to make
whole, to sozoe, to transform the heart from within.

If the devil comes to accuse us we are not worthy to be called Christians,
answer him that the word says we are made the rigtheousness of God through
the precious blood of Jesus at the cross. We have no part to play in the
redemptive work to be right with God. We can only acknowledge the finished
work at the cross by Jesus and proclaim He is Lord over our lives!

If the devil comes to plant lying symptoms on our bodies, declare that we
are already made whole and well through the broken body of Jesus Christ. By
His stripe, we are healed! The price for our healing has been paid by Jesus
Christ at the cross.

If the devil comes to point out the financial lack in our lives, proclaim
that we are rich, financially prosperous for by the grace of God, Jesus was
made poor at the cross that we through His poverty shall be made rich! It
may be a fact that there isn't much left in some of our bank accounts. The
truth is that we are rich! We are blessed! We are prospered! When we
believe the truth and aggressively proclaim the truth, in due time, we will
see the outward manifestation in our lives!

The word of God is sharper than two edged sword. It is first spoken by God
and only when we speak God's word shall the word becomes a two edged sword.
Speak the word. Get into the word. When the word takes root in our hearts,
there is nothing in the whole that can yank it out of our lives!

Hold on to the word. When we find ourselves not being able to hold on to
the word, the word will hold on to us and manifest! That's the power of God
in the word. Believe the truth and the truth will set you free. Hallelujah!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Do not fear, only believe

Do not fear, only believe.

There are many times in the bible where Jesus told the people not to be
fearful or afraid. He always encouraged them to believe in Him, the One who
never fails. The One who has perfect faith in the Almighty God!

When the disciples were faced with a perfect storm, their hearts were
terribly shaken and they pleaded with Jesus as though He didn't care. Jesus
was awaken from the cry of His disciples and He awoke to calm the perfect
storm which turned to perfect calm. The turned to His disciples to calm
their hearts from being afraid.

When Jairus was informed of his daughter been dead, I think his heart would
have been frozen and he probably would have lost all hope for his daughter
to be alive again. However, Jesus just told him not to fear but only
believe for He has the power to raise the dead. Jesus went on with Jairus
to his home and there He raised Jairus' daughter from the dead!

At the mount of transfiguration, Peter, James and John were afraid for God
had just spoken to them: "This is my beloved Son, hear Him." Jesus simply
comforted them by saying, "Do not be afraid" Oh! What gracious word that
came out of Jesus' mouth!

Jesus is always speaking gracious word to us. The Holy Spirit is always
guiding us with grace. He is never agitated. He is full of patience. He is
full of grace and peace. He always guide us in the path of righteousness
and peace.

If we are facing some insurmountable debts, do not be afraid and believe on
the One who had given up everything so that we through His poverty at the
cross shall be made rich. We shall lack no material thing in life.

If we dealing with some dreaded diseases, do not fear and only believe on
the One who had declared we are already healed for He was pierced, striped
and burnt on our behalf.

Beloved of the Lord, trust the Lord for He is good. His mercy endures
forever. His thoughts toward us are good and His plans for us are
victorious in Him. Believe in His word and see the working miracles of God
manifested in our lives. Hallelujah!