When two disciples were walking to Emmaus, Jesus, after His resurrection,
appeared to them and their eyes were restrained from seeing Jesus. They
were feeling sad for they had thought that Jesus would redeem Israel but He
was nowhere to be found.
Jesus said they were foolish and slow of heart to believe and He then went
on to expound from the Torah to the Prophets things concerning himself and
the hearts of the disciples were warmed. They later partook of the Holy
Communion and that was when they realised who Jesus was. By then Jesus has
disappeared from their sight.
The disciples were so energised by Jesus' teaching that they went back to
where they came from.
Jesus has said to the disciples that they were foolish and slow of heart to
believe. These are probably the two indictments concerning the church
Some of us are just plain silly to close up our hearts to the inspired
scriptures. We sleep during service while the word of God is been preached
by anointed preacher. At times, we allow the cares of the world to cloud
our hearts so much that we are not listening to what the Holy Spirit is
identifying with. Or simply we are just distracted by what is going around
the church than to pay attention to God's word been preached.
The devil comes to steal, kill and destroy. What is he after foremost? It
is the word of God in our lives. When we are not letting the word of God to
touch our lives, we are basically letting the devil to make inroads into
our lives. When trial come, we will have nothing to rely on to speak to the
situation, even though we are the beloved of the Lord.
When we hear the word of God been preached, do we really believe the truth?
Do we allow the word of God to dwell within our hearts that it guards our
hearts from been troubled and fearful? Repent! Believe the truth preached.
It is easy to believe when we open our hearts to Jesus. When the preaching
is all about Jesus, beliving is effortless. The Holy Spirit jumps with joy
within everytime when Jesus is been preached.
When we believe the truth preached, we will have a strong foundation in
Christ. The wind can howl and the earth can shake and our hearts will be
still for we know Jesus is the Lord of all. His name is above all names.
Lets be quick to believe the truth and don't be blinded by the lies of the
devil. Believe that Jesus is always loving us and caring for us. Believe
that God is no longer angry with us for Christ has borne the wrath of God
at the cross. Believe God wants us to be lacking in nothing. Be prosperous
in the soul and see the wonderful manifestation of the word from without.
Praise the Lord.