Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Hope against all hope

We can hope against all hope for God is faithful. He will never allow the
righteous soul to famish.

We can believe God for His goodness and mercy for surely them shall hunt us
down all the days of our lives. God sent His precious Son, Jesus to die for
us at the cross some two thousand years so that we can be re-united with
Abba Father through the divine exchange at the cross.

The almightly God do not sleep nor slumber. He is always working for our
good. He wants us to have the best in life. For God gave His only begotten
Son, Jesus to die for us so that we can have life and life more abundantly.
Whatever the need, Jesus will see that it is provided for.

When Lazarus was dead for four days, both his sisters cried their hearts
out and properly would have lost all hope of him been resurrected. When
Jesus was at Lazarus' tomb, He asked that the tomb stone be removed and
called forth Lazarus. At that very instance, Lazarus was resurrected! A man
that has died for four days was resurrected.

When Jesus was making His way to save Jairus' daughter from her sickness,
He was stopped in His track for a woman with a issue of blood for twelve
years had taken her healing from Jesus. Jesus turned to the woman to assure
her of His love and peace for her. What twelve years of hopelessness of
recovery from the blood issue was wiped away through a single stroke of
God's grace!

In the meantime, a Jairus' servant came to inform him that his daughter has
died. Jairus would have been heart broken to lose his daughter. Yet Jesus
assured him to just believe that his daughter shall be well. Jesus later
raise Jairus daughter from the dead!

Beloved of the Lord, regardless of how dire straits the situation may be,
do not lose faith. For faith is the substance of things hoped for, the
evidence of things not seen. See Jesus in His grace and He will see you in
your faith. Nothing is impossible to God. Though God may seem late, He is
always on time. His timing is always perfect. Just keep believing God for
His goodness. He only have good thought toward us. Hallelujah!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Cast all your cares unto Jesus

Cast all your cares unto Jesus for He cares. For the bible says that those
who labour and are heavy laden are to come to Jesus and He will give them

The word of God is the truth. It is not just a statement of fact but
eternal truth. When Jesus says He shall provide for all our needs according
to His riches and glory, He means it! If only we will come to Him.

The bible also says the devil goes around seeking like a roaring lion who
he may devour. However, who are those that he may devour? The bible says in
the preceeding verse that we should cast all our cares unto Jesus for He
cares. The devil cannot devour a peaceful and restful Christian!
Conversely, those who are worrysome and fearful are prey to the toothless
devil. With these fears and worries, the devil is able to gum a Christian
to death.

How then do we cast all our cares unto Jesus? The bible says Christians
should be anxious for nothing, but in everything, with prayer and
supplication, with thansgiving let our request be made known to God. And
the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard our hearts
and minds through Christ Jesus.

Cast our cares unto Jesus and be anxious for nothing. Give thanks to God
that the request has been fulfilled. Sing praise to God for it has been
accomplished at the cross.

If there is symptom of dreaded disease still lingering, cast that care unto
Jesus for by His stripe, that dreaded disease has been dealth with. If
there is any lack, trust Jesus to deliver for we know by the grace of God,
He was made poor at the cross that we through His poverty shall be made

Let go and let God! God is more than willing to see to our every need and
want. If only we will stop worrying and instead cast our every care unto
Jesus. Hallelujah!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Jesus Loves Me, This I Know

For God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son to die at the
cross so that the world through His death shall be saved.

Many believe Jesus died for the world but not for them. They don't
personalise Jesus' love in their lives. They think Jesus will only heal
others and not them. They think Jesus will only prosper others and not
them. They think Jesus is able to do all miracles but not for them.

Oh, how wrong can these people be! The bible tells us of a story of a leper
asking if Jesus is willing to heal him of his leprosy. Jesus, who has all
power, is willing and He reached out to touch the leper and made him whole.
That's the love of Jesus!

In another incident, Jesus turned around to look at the woman with the
issue of blood who had taken her healing from Him to assure her of His love
for her and His shalom in her life. That's personal. Jesus had no issue
moving on to heal Jairus' sick daughter but He took the time to address the
woman personally before moving on.

The bible tells us of another incident where Jesus protected the woman
caught in an adultery. Jesus did it in style even when the Pharisees and
Scribes were trying to put Jesus in a spot. His love for the woman will
make sure the woman was protected from her accusors and that there was no
more condemnation for the woman for He was going to bear all demnation at
the cross.

In our daily lives, be conscious of Jesus' personal love in our lives. For
perfect love casts out all fears. Jesus is ever loving and caring and most
willing to take care of our every challenging situations and trials and
turn them for our good.

His greatest love for me was exhibited at the cross. At the cross, He
divinely exchanged His righteous position for my sinful nature. Whoever He
is, I am, for He lives in me. Greater is He who lives in me than he who is
of the world! Be aware Jesus is always loving me. He loving nature will
protect me from all harm. Hallelujah!