The bible says out of the abundance of the heart the mounth speaks. The
bible also says death and life are in the power of the tongue.
Obviously, what we speak will determine our lives! Not what we eat that
will defile us. But what kind of thoughts that we allow to come into our
hearts will determine our speech which will determine our lives. Guard our
hearts against all guardings then. For out of it springs the issues of
What then how do we see ourselves within? Do we see ourselves defeated,
sick, broke, dejected, useless, or any other negative thoughts which will
bring failures in our lives? Or do we see ourselves victorious, healthly,
properous, accepted, fulfiling, or any other positive and good thoughts
which will eventually bring victories in our lives?
We, as children of God, are more than conquerors! For it is Christ who had
finished the work at the cross some two thousand years ago for our victory!
The battle belongs to the Lord. We are resting in His finished work. We are
resting into victory by beholding Jesus.
Therefore, see ourselves virctorious in Christ within. See ourselves full
of life because of Jesus' finished work at the cross. See ourselves lacking
in nothing. See ourselves full of wisdom and grace. For out of these
abundance shall the mouth speaks and proclaim victory now and into our
Be conscious of the Lord's finished work and His presence within. Lean hard
on His faithfulness and you shall see good in every area of our lives.