Friday, May 29, 2009

The Blessing Of The Lord Makes One Rich

The blessing of the Lord makes one rich and no sorrowful toil will add to it.

The bible says that the Lord will meet all the needs of a Christian according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Jesus does it righteously for He had given us His prosperity and His health at the cross. The bible has many stories where people were blessed by the Lord without them working for it!

Most noticeable is the story of Abraham. Even though he lied twice just to save his own life and thereby putting his wife, Sarah at risk, God still caused riches to come to him. Abraham did not work laboriously for this financial blessings. Isaac didn't have to toil for his financial blessings as well. In fact, he prospered during times of famine. Joseph, within a day, was promoted to the most powerful man in Egypt beside Pharaoh. He was rich overnight while not working for it.

God had promised He will take care of us, His sons, in every area of our need. He will provide for us financially. He is the healer who is still healing today. Jesus is everything that a Christian need. I am not saying we be lazy and don't work hard in our position at work. I am stating that we should work hard at the office because we are children of God and the "work" is a way to exhibit our giftings and talents that God has already put in us.

As child of God, I don't have to sweat to obtain financial blessings. I am already blessed with all spiritual blessings. I only need to receive. Behold Jesus and financial blessing will chase after me. Hallelujah!

Christ dependency

What will we do when we are in the midst of a perfect storm? How will we response to averse situations or bad reports?

Many a times we look to the natural means to manage the averse situations. We will try our level best to combat the perfect storm. We will rely on our own strength to see us through. So the saying goes, if you don't take care of the issue at hand, no one will. If you are not the one to handle the situation, no one will. Also, if it is to be, it is up to me!

How far away from the truth we can be. We are totally limited in and of ourselves. There is only so much natural resources that we can tap on. There is only so much that we, in the natural, can do. Beyond that, there is absolutely nothing we can do about the bad situations, the dire straits, the bad reports, etc.

If only we will come to this realization as soon as possible. Without Christ, we are nothing. NOTHING!

With Christ, I have everything. The bible says I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. We need to just trust Jesus to see us through the shadow of the valley of death. Nothing is impossible to God. Our part is to believe. When we depend on Christ Jesus, we will have good success. We, though already victorious in Christ, will come out victorious in our challenges when we rely on Christ's goodness and mercy to see us through.

In the natural, Lazarus had died for four days. Yet the moment Jesus stepped into the situation, Lazarus was raised from the dead. In the natural, the blind beggar had been blind for thirty eight years. The moment Jesus proclaimed his forgiveness of sin and his wholeness, he immediately was made whole and followed Jesus. In the natural, Joseph and Mary were poor. When Jesus was born, gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh came pouring in.

When we are Christ dependent, Jesus will see to it that we come out of it victorious. Jesus will never let the righteous soul to famish. His grace will not allow us to suffer more than what we are capable of bearing. God is faithful. He is love. We can depend on Him for our every need and want. Just believe and trust His loving kindness.